I Don't Want To Be A Young Master

C45 Mass Defection

C45 Mass Defection

3The next day, the court opened.    


Unlike the intense defense that he had expected, this hearing seemed a little quiet and strange.    


The Wang family had lawyers. After all, Zhentian Corporation was a large company, so how could they not have lawyers?    


But standing in the courtroom, Wang Hai was horrified to find that the lawyer who defended him was a stranger. Obviously, this was a "prosecution" lawyer appointed by the court when the defendant couldn't afford to hire a lawyer.    


But, he had a lawyer!    


He could afford to hire a lawyer!    


Why should a public prosecutor be assigned?    


While Wang Hai was still confused, the door to the court opened and a bunch of people came rushing in.    


The leader was Ye Feng.    


Behind him were two people. One was Chen Yu Rou, and the other was Chen Hai.    


At the back of the trio, there was a man in glasses, about thirty years old, with his hair standing on end, looking very impressive.    


Wang Haideng was shocked speechless.    


He knew this person! He was his lawyer! But, why was he following behind Ye Feng?!    


No, that's not the main thing …    


Ye Feng...    


Not dead?!    


Those two assassins failed?    


Wang Hai could not believe his eyes.    


When he walked along the aisle in the middle, that bespectacled lawyer came close to Wang Hai and said, "About that, I'm sorry, Boss Wang. I resigned last night, and as you can see, I'm now Director Ye's lawyer."    


"Bullshit..." Wang Hai growled like a wolfhound: "I want you to die a horrible death..." I want you to die a horrible death! "    


Dong, dong, dong!    


"Silence!" The judge slapped the wood.    


Seeing that everyone was present, the judge said, "Now, about the matter of the chairman of Zhentian Group, Wang Hai, general manager Wang Gang, and deputy general manager Wang Kai, buying the murder case, violent eviction, illegal enrichment, intentional murder, and illegal organization of gangs, the trial will now begin!"    


Wang Hai felt his ankle go soft.    


This is … To take advantage of himself?    


How many crimes were there?    


The judge said: "As the suspect Wang Kai is still being pursued, this trial is only for Wang Hai and Wang Gang. Counsel for the prosecution, please submit the documents. "    


"Yes, Judge."    


The bespectacled lawyer took out a large stack of papers, a cell phone, and a recorder, walked up to the judge, and handed it all over.    


The judge did not touch the stack of documents. Instead, he took a look at his phone, which contained a video of two people firing at a Bentley in a quarry on the eastern outskirts of Tianhai City. From the video, it could be seen that the Bentley had been shot to the point of destruction.    


The bespectacled lawyer said, "Judge, this is the scene of last night's attack on the victim, my client, Mr. Ye Feng. As you have seen, the killer was very rampant. Not only did he hold a gun illegally, but he also fired without restraint."    


The judge nodded. "Who's the video provider?"    


"It's me." In the courtroom, a man in the back seat stood up and nodded.    


It was Lin Haoping.    


Before the incident that had happened yesterday, he had communicated with Ye Feng and led his team to ambush them at the quarry in the east suburbs. While they were ambushing them, he had also recorded this video.    


"Alright, sit down." said the judge. Then he picked up the recorder pen and hit play.    


"How much does Director Wang want to pay you?" I'll give you double! No, five times! No, ten times! "A hundred times is fine …"    


'Wang Hai paid 100 million, can you afford it? '    


'Help me kill Director Wang and his son! '    


'I want to kill Wang Hai and Wang Kai? '    


After hearing this, the judge put down the recorder and asked, "Counsel for the prosecution, please explain this recording."    


The bespectacled lawyer stood up and said, "This was recorded while the victim was negotiating with the killer last night. From the content, the entire time the victim called the defendant 'Director Wang', and the killer even said the name 'Wang Hai'. "Obviously, we can determine that the killer was hired by Wang Hai. This is the most obvious evidence."    


"Alright." The judge nodded. "Sit down."    


"Bullsh * t!" Wang Hai struggled to his feet, desperately shaking the handcuffs, "Judge! Your Honor! Don't listen to his nonsense! He's slandering us! This recording must be a forgery! It was fake! "Assassins can't leak information about their employers, how could they possibly tell him my name …"    


As he spoke, Wang Hai's eyes widened.    


The bespectacled lawyer shrugged. "How boring. He admitted it himself."    


Wang Hai's forehead was covered in sweat. He turned around to look at his lawyer, the one who had been forcefully appointed by the court and whose name he did not know.    


The guy shook his head, as if to say, Accept your fate, I can't save you.    


In a split-second, Wang Hai's face turned ashen.    


It's over …    


It's all over …    


There was no room for a comeback.    




That's not right!    


Although I'm sitting on the spot buying a killer, I tried to kill him! Ye Feng didn't die, he didn't die!    


Wang Hai, who had been hoping that Ye Feng would die, was now thankful that Ye Feng did not die.    


He didn't die. At most, he was just trying to kill someone!    


An attempted murder, that is to say, after a few years, your father will be out!    


Hope was rekindled in Wang Hai's heart.    


He's only been in prison for a few years, and when he comes out, won't I still be a good man?    


At that time, it's not too late to find you, Ye Feng, and settle the score!    


At this moment, the video and recording were also watched. The judge began flipping through the stack of documents and after quickly looking through it a few times, he said, "Bring the criminal, Wang Gang, into the court."    


A few moments later, a few bailiffs brought Wang Gang in.    


Wang Gang who was at the back of the court heard the commotion. He looked at Wang Hai with disappointment in his eyes.    


Brother, you are so silly.    


How could he admit it?    


If you didn't say that the recording was a forgery, then no matter how you put it, we could still go around for a while, right?    




After Wang Gang stood still, the glasses lawyer opened his mouth again, "Your Honor, the materials you are looking at now are all evidence of Zhentian group's crimes, including illegal enrichment, forced sales, and some contracts that were signed using force and force."    


"Among them, there are a few salary scales. That's the salary that Wang Gang borrowed from the company to pay his henchmen. Although it's a guarantee for labor, it's actually the reward that his men get after beating someone."    


The judge nodded and continued reading.    


Wang Gang was so angry that his face turned black.    


The bespectacled lawyer continued, "Your Honor, please take note of the second half of page 31, which shows that Wang Hai once approved the finance department and gave Wang Gang a sum of money. That money was used to build an association, and the so-called association, is actually a gang."    


"Bullshit!" This time, it was Wang Gang's turn to be angry.    


Wang Hai is my brother, he gave me money, how he would give it to me, who knows what I did with that money? I'll f * cking throw it into the sea to feed the fishes, okay? "On what basis do you say you are building an association?"    


The lawyer pushed his glasses and said without hurry, "Your Honor, the last page is the expense report for Wang Gang's gang. I was in charge at the time and wrote down every expense clearly. Furthermore, the words "Bringing Brother to eat, bathing, and buying machetes and daggers for the society" were written very clearly in their eyes.    


"Bastard!" Wang Gang was furious, "I wanted you to destroy it, but you kept it! What are you doing?! What kind of intention was this! If you are a participant, you will also go to jail! "    


With his shout, everyone in the audience looked at him as if they were looking at a fool.    


"Puchi." "Hahaha!" Ye Feng couldn't help but laugh. "He really is a blood brother."    


The bespectacled lawyer shrugged, looked back at Wang Gang and said, "I don't care about prison, today I'm here to surrender."    


If I don't turn myself in, the Golden Dragon Group will destroy my entire family …    


he thought.    


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