Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C2872 Mad People(1)

C2872 Mad People(1)

0Faang Cheng could only smile helplessly and turn to look at Yuan Yue and Senior Gu King beside him.    


"Then... Alright, we'll be disturbing you tonight."    


Faang Cheng said to Lu Yanlin with a smile.    


"What are you bothering me for? You guys can stay as many nights as you want."    


Lu Yanlin said heroically.    


At night, Lu Yanlin sent people to clean up Faang Cheng's room and left after saying goodbye to them. Lu Yanlin, on the other hand, had good eyesight and prepared two large and well-equipped suites for them. As the senior of the Gu King, he naturally had a room to himself. As for Faang Cheng and Yuan Yue... they were arranged to stay in the same room by Lu Yanlin.    


"This City Lord Lu, why is he so good at making decisions?"    


Yuan Yue stood at the door of the room and said unhappily.    


"What's wrong? Isn't this good? It's a suite!"    


Faang Cheng said deliberately.    


Knowing that the man in front of her was saying this on purpose, Yuan Yue could not be bothered with him. She simply pushed open the door and walked in.    


In fact, Yuan Yue and Faang Cheng had never lived together. Although they had done the most intimate things between lovers, they did not sleep in the same room every night. Both of them were independent individuals who had their own living space.    


It was her life, for example, to do something like yoga before she went to bed, and because she studied design, she would occasionally set up an easel and paint something she liked, or make something small like that. On the other hand, Faang Cheng would sometimes find Lee Zhaowen and Yu Yien to play chess, drink a little wine, and chat with them. They would even stay up all night talking about old and new things, thinking that their bodies allowed them to stay awake.    


They were lovers, and also independent individuals. They did not sleep in the same room every day, but they still lived in the same yard. Such a lifestyle was very suitable for young people like them. Faang Cheng even felt that he should buy a bigger courtyard when he got back and maintain this kind of intimate yet distant life.    


"The room is really quite big."    


Looking at the interior of the room, Yuan Yue could not help but nod her head. However, she then turned around and looked at Faang Cheng with a hint of warning in her eyes.    


"But... don't think about such nonsense. This is someone else's house. You can't do such things without proper etiquette."    


At this moment, Yuan Yue started to talk about manners.    


When Faang Cheng heard Yuan Yue's words, he could not help but raise his eyebrows and look at her with a smile.    


"With such a large room, it would be a waste not to do something..."    


Before he could finish his sentence, a pillow flew towards Faang Cheng. Instead of dodging, Faang Cheng simply allowed the pillow to hit his head. However, this made Yuan Yue extremely happy. If he really managed to dodge the attack, then it wouldn't be as simple as a pillow falling on his head.    


"Say that again!"    


Yuan Yue glared at Faang Cheng.    


"Hehe, what I meant was that since this room is so good and so big, I should immediately wash up and get some good sleep. You must be tired after a long day's journey!"    


Faang Cheng changed his words so quickly that Yuan Yue could not help but laugh.    


Thus, under Faang Cheng's "care," Yuan Yue took a comfortable hot bath and changed into the new clothes she had brought with her. After that, she lay down on the soft and spacious bed and fell into a deep sleep.    


Faang Cheng looked at Yuan Yue, who had fallen asleep. He did not feel sleepy at all. He kissed Yuan Yue lightly on the forehead, then suppressed the boiling blood in his heart. He pulled out a book from the small desk beside the bed and began to read with relish.    


At night, in the dark streets, a patrol was patrolling. Because they had received an order from the City Lord's Palace to search for the insane, they had a lot more people than before. Moreover, they had increased the number of times they patrolled the alleys that were not usually patrolled, but they had not found the insane person described in the order from the City Lord's Palace.    


After a whole night of patrolling with the patrollers, and seeing that the sky was almost turning white, the patroller finally gave in and let some of the patrollers continue their patrol, while he and some of the patrollers found an early noodle stall to rest at, and ate a bowl of hot soup noodles, and then went to replace some of the patrollers and let them rest.    


As soon as the captain had taken a bite of the hot noodle soup, a man appeared in the alley. The captain was taken aback; However, it turned out to be one of his men. He felt relieved and couldn't help cursing.    


"You little bastard! You scared me! I thought it was that crazy man!"    


The captain picked up the bowl again and was going to take another bite.    


"Captain... Captain, something is wrong! When we were patrolling in the alley, we heard someone howling crazily in the yard at the end of the alley. It was as if... as if they had gone crazy. But didn't the warrant say that the madman was dangerous? That's why we didn't dare to go in and check the situation. Instead... we climbed up the wall and looked inside. What we saw... Oh my god! There was indeed a mad man shouting and shouting, and... and there seemed to be a few bodies lying on the ground in the courtyard, and as soon as we saw what was going on, we came to report it to you! "    


The patrol team members shouted to their team leader anxiously.    




Hearing this, the team leader immediately threw the bowl in his hand on the broken wooden table and turned to walk in the direction that the team member had come from.    


"Quick, quick, quick, take me to have a look. Isn't there a big problem?"    


The captain muttered while walking.    




The patrol team finally realized what was going on. They hurriedly followed their captain and ran ahead to lead the way.    


Sure enough, as soon as they turned into the alley, they could hear the faint sound of frantic shouting coming from the back of the alley. The captain hurried a few steps and saw a house with a couple of patrolmen standing in front of it, leaning against the door and the wall, listening to what was going on inside.    


"Still shouting?"    


The team leader walked up and asked the city patrol members who were leaning against the wall.    


"Yeah, it's like he's gone crazy."    


The team members hurriedly nodded and replied to their team leader in a low voice.    


Chapter 3 - The City of Dawn    


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