Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C3144 The Real Test!(5)

C3144 The Real Test!(5)

3"You are quite powerful. You want to sweep me with your tail? Watch how I separate your head and tail and let you deal with me with your head and tail!"    


Xiao Fei leaned back and dodged the lizard's tail. Then, the small wind in his hand flew out and directly snapped the big lizard in half at the waist. Black and red blood splashed everywhere, and the blood splashed onto Xu Junxiu's hand. It was like sulfuric acid, burning his skin. A patch of blood-red blisters appeared on the back of his hand.    


"Everyone, be careful. The blood of this lizard has a corrosive effect. Don't let it splash on your body."    


Xu Junxiu immediately used the Spirit Power to remove the blood that splashed onto his skin. At the same time, he warned his companions.    


"What? The blood of this thing is like sulfuric acid."    


Little Four was shocked. As he raised his knife, he also dodged backwards to avoid the blood of the lizard splashing onto his body.    


"This thing is too disgusting. Everyone must be careful. This blood is not only corrosive, but also poisonous."    


Jiang Yanran was beside Xu Junxiu. She took the time to look at the back of Xu Junxiu's hand and found that not only was there a patch of blisters, but it also turned black and purple. It was obvious that the blood was poisonous.    


"Hmm, luckily the toxicity is not too strong. But I don't know if there are any more powerful side effects. Everyone should try not to be splashed by this blood."    


Xu Jun Xiu felt that the strength of the blood was not strong, but he still had to be careful. Who knew if there were any other side effects of the poison.    




Everyone replied in unison.    


Perhaps it was because these lizards were larger and had more numbers, or perhaps it was because their appearances were too ugly, and their blood was corrosive and poisonous, causing Little Four and the others to be very irritable. So when they were dealing with these lizards, they were obviously more brutal and excited than when they were dealing with those bats. Almost every lizard was cut into a mess by them. On the premise that they tried their best not to be splashed by the blood of the lizards, everyone tried their best to make the lizards die a little more miserably.    


The more Xiao Fei fought, the more he got used to it and the more excited he got. The little wind in his hand flew out and flew back again, and he was so busy that he could not even move. Just as he was fighting excitedly, a cold hand suddenly grabbed his wrist. Xiao Fei was shocked and subconsciously wanted to turn around and attack the unknown creature that had grabbed him. But when he turned around and found that it was Xu Jun Xiu who had grabbed him, he immediately retracted his Spirit Power before he could attack.    


"Jun Xiu, you scared me to death. Why did you suddenly grab me at this time? I almost killed you."    


Xiao Fei said with a bit of complaint.    


"I know you're strong, but it's still a little difficult to kill me in one move."    


Xu Junxiu smiled and joked, but anyone could tell that his pale face and dark purple lips were very strange.    


"What's wrong with you? Why do you look so pale?"    


Xiao Fei immediately realized that something was wrong with Xu Junxiu. Otherwise, he would not have suddenly interrupted Xiao Fei's attack at such an urgent moment.    


"Yes, I feel very bad. The blood of this lizard … is very problematic."    


Xu Junxiu nodded and replied weakly to Xiao Fei.    


"Little Four, you guys hold on for a while. Junxiu is not right."    


Xiao Fei shouted in the direction of Little Four. Little Four immediately turned around to look at Xu Junxiu worriedly, but there were still so many lizards attacking him. He had no choice but to throw those lizards aside and turn around to look at Xu Junxiu.    


Little Four could only nod in the direction of Xiao Fei and intercept the lizards that were still attacking Xiao Fei and Xu Junxiu.    


"What's wrong with Junxiu?"    


Little Four turned his head and asked Xiao Fei while fighting.    


"I'm fine. Don't be distracted. These lizards are not that simple. Everyone has to be careful."    


Xu Junxiu said weakly to Little Four.    


"Don't talk for now. Let me take a look at your wound."    


Xiao Fei opened Xu Junxiu's sleeve and discovered that the dark purple color on Xu Junxiu's wound had already extended along his blood vessels.    


"This... Did you not use the Spirit Power to seal your bloodline?"    


Xiao Fei was shocked and hurriedly asked.    


"Yes, I did. After being splashed with blood, I was afraid that there would be a problem, so I immediately sealed it. Unfortunately... it doesn't seem to be of any use."    


Xu Junxiu replied with a bitter smile.    


Xiao Fei did not say anything else. Instead, he walked forward and rolled up Xu Junxiu's sleeves to check where the black-purple had spread to. Then he saw that the black-purple on Xu Junxiu's arm had already spread to the place where his armpit was. It was not far from his heart.    


Xiao Fei frowned and immediately reached out his hand. He used his Spirit Power to forcefully push the black-purple line down. Unfortunately, he had used his Spirit Power to the maximum, and the black-purple line did not retreat at all.    


"Damn it, why is this thing so stubborn?"    


Xiao Fei continued, but there was still no result. The black-purple line was still there, and it even seemed like it was going to continue to extend upward.    


"What should I do? How can I stop it from continuing to extend upward?"    


Xiao Fei was also a little anxious. He quickly thought of all the methods that he could think of, but none of them were useful against the Spirit Power.    


"Let me try!"    


Li Changting walked over and said.    


He had been watching from the side the whole time, and he had thought of a few methods. However, he felt that none of them were reliable. Finally, he thought of the simplest and most primitive method. Perhaps it would work.    


"Alright, you come."    


Xiao Fei immediately stood up and made way for Li Changting to solve the problem for Xu Junxiu. He turned around and joined the team that was attacking the large lizards. Fortunately, the number of large lizards did not continue to increase. It should be that all the lizards were here. As long as they killed all the lizards one by one, they would be fine.    


Li Changting tore off a long cloth strip from his clothes and tightly wrapped it around the dark purple line on Xu Junxiu's arm. He used this method to prevent the bloodline from flowing. Li Changting felt that since the Spirit Power sealing bloodline was not good to use, he would use this simplest and most primitive method to try it out. Maybe it would work.    


The facts proved that Li Changting's idea was right. Although the method of wrapping the cloth around the arm was primitive, it actually greatly reduced the speed of the dark purple line. Although it did not completely stop it, it was at least much slower than before. If it continued to move at this speed, they might still be able to wait until the end of the test and see Faang Cheng and Yuan Yue. Then, Xu Junxiu would be saved.    


"When I go back... I must find a powerful doctor to join our team. Otherwise, we will be too passive."    


Little Four said as he called out to the lizards.    


"Okay, I'll remember this for you."    


Xiao Fei immediately nodded, feeling that what Little Four said was very reasonable.    


After about six hours, Little Four and the others finally collapsed on the narrow pathway. There were scattered, broken lizard corpses everywhere. Only the area under Little Four's feet was still considered a safe place, not contaminated by the lizard corpses and blood.    


"Junxiu, how are you?"    


Little Four leaned against the mountain wall and looked at Xu Junxiu weakly.    


"I'm fine, but you seem to be even more haggard than me."    


Xu Junxiu's face was still pale, but compared to before, it was not as serious. This could be considered a good thing.    


"How can it be the same? I'm tired. I'll be fine after resting for a while. You are poisoned, so how can you rest well?"    


Little Four said as he approached Xu Junxiu. He rolled up his sleeves and looked at the black-purple line. Although the black-purple line was tightly clenched, it was still a little bit up. It had already reached the armpit.    


"Sigh, I don't know how many more tests there are. We have to hurry up and pass all the tests. Then we can go out and find Big Brother Faang and the others to save you and Baili!"    


Little Four said as he turned his head to look at Baili. Baili, who had been poisoned by the bat, looked a little better than Xu Junxiu, but his face was still ugly. The swelling on his hand was even more obvious, and the black-purple poison was also showing signs of spreading.    


"Let's go, we won't rest. Let's go directly to the next round. I don't believe that we can't pass this small test with eleven people."    


Xiao Fei stood up with a "boom". He did not plan to rest and continued to walk forward.    


"Yeah, I can still do it. Walking is a form of rest for us. Let's continue forward."    


Chu Xiang stood up with Xiao Fei.    


The rest of the people did not hesitate at all. They all stood up. Although they were really very tired, the moment they stood up, the hardships on their bodies seemed to have been removed by the tenacity in their hearts. In order to buy time for their companions to save their lives, they did not care about whether they were tired or not. As long as they still had a breath left, they could stand up and continue fighting.    


"Alright, let's continue forward. Changting, I'll have to trouble you to hold on to Junxiu and Baili and follow behind us. The other party did not kill their way back in the past few tests. You should be the safest behind the group."    


Little Four said to Li Changting.    


"Alright, no problem. You don't have to worry about us. I will take care of them."    


Li Changting held Xu Junxiu with one hand and Baili with the other. He said to Little Four very seriously.    


"Alright, then the rest of you listen to me. Let's move forward quickly. If we encounter anything, we'll be finished. It's just that you have to persist in one thing, and that is to protect yourselves. As for the rest... you can do whatever you want."    


Xiao Fei was also going all out. This was the first time he was talking to everyone like this.    


"Understood. Whoever blocks my way and delays my life to save my brother's life, I will kill him."    


Xiao Fei carried Xiao Fei and walked towards the deeper part of the tunnel.    


"Let's go. We will follow him. One of us will kill one, and one of us will kill two."    


Everyone nodded and followed Xiao Fei's footsteps.    


Chapter 12 – The Secrets of the Heavenly Road    


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