Path to the God

C762 This time, it felt so good …

C762 This time, it felt so good …

1Liu Xing mobilized his Zhenyuan and Spiritual Sense to wrap the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede tightly and started to refine it.    


With the addition of Liu Xing, the Master, the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede could no longer move, and was immediately bound. It slowly struggled, but it became slower and slower, and in the end, could no longer move.    


"Don't refine me. I'm willing to be your companion demon beast. Don't refine me …"    


Just as Liu Xing was refining the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede, the voice of a young boy suddenly sounded in his mind, startling him.    


However, he quickly reacted, that voice was from the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede, and his interest was immediately piqued.    


"Little thing, you almost killed I, and now you want to become a companion demon beast? Scram! "    


Liu Xing roared, he continued to refine and increase the circulation of the Zhenyuan, he was also curious how the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede managed to learn how to speak.    


"Boss, please do not increase the speed of the Zhenyuan, just take me in, take me in, the herbal medicine in the depths of Demon Beast Mountain Range, you can take away anything you want, I guarantee that no Brother demon beast will dare to touch you!"    


The Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede said again, looking pitiful.    


But it said that the herbal medicine in the depths of Demon Beast Mountain Range wanted to take something away, and now, it had stabbed at Liu Xing's weak spot.    


Forget about this coming to participate in the second round of promotion competition, Liu Xing was already a Spiritual pill master, so herbal medicine s were incomparably important to him. Furthermore, the higher the level, the more he desired to own and the more he wanted to obtain.    


"Oh? What you mean is, you are the Boss from the depths of Demon Beast Mountain Range, so the other demon beasts should listen to you? "    


Liu Xing suppressed his excitement and asked indifferently. However, he still subconsciously reduced the speed at which he operated the Zhenyuan.    


"Boss, us Demonic Beasts are the same as the spirit beast. Other than the ones with powerful bloodlines, the ones with powerful bloodlines are respected in the strong person. Everyone is strong, so the weaker Demonic Beasts have to obey!"    


"Coincidentally, I'm in the depths of Demon Beast Mountain Range, so I'm considered the strongest demon beast. So if you want to take me, you can take any herbal medicine you want!"    


The Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede replied again. After Liu Xing finished listening, he was a bit confused.    


His current position was at the edge of the deeper parts of Demon Beast Mountain Range, not yet truly deep into the Demon Beast Mountain Range, and even deeper into the valley. This Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede already said that he was the strongest, no matter how one looked at it, it was impossible.    


"Little thing, don't fool I, I has never heard of a spirit beast being taken back by human cultivator and becoming half of a human cultivator. I never heard of anyone taking a demon beast as a companion demon beast, don't even think of deceiving I!"    


Liu Xing did not continue to wonder if the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede was the strongest question in the depths of Demon Beast Mountain Range and directly asked a rather doubtful question.    


"Brother, that's because there has been an irreconcilable relationship between the human cultivator and demon beasts since the ancient times. Whoever accepts demon beasts as companion demon beast will be besieged by the human cultivator, so no one will dare to accept demon beasts as companion demon beast!"    


After telling the whole story, it had already decided to follow Liu Xing, as it did not want to hide anything from Liu Xing.    


"Damn it, since you have accepted the demon beasts as your companion demon beast, then you have to receive the attacks of the human cultivator. If I accept you, will I become human cultivator's public enemy in the future? "    


After hearing what the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede had to say, Liu Xing was in a bad mood.    


He did not understand why the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede would say such words. This kind of result, as long as he was not stupid, he would definitely not accept the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede as his companion demon beast.    


"Boss, you might not know this, but I am small and I can kill without blinking. This means that my killing speed is very fast and I can live in your Spirit Sea, who knows of my existence?"    


There is no difference, there is also a red centipede inside the spirit beast, it is just that there are more legs, if you do not reveal my identity, I will not come out often, who would know that I am a demon beast?    


"Also, those truly powerful cultivator s are friends with demon beasts. They even have companion demon beast s by their side. "Slap him to death!"    


The Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede spoke a few more sentences. One had to say, they did not know where it trained or where they heard about it. Its persuasive power was truly strong.    


"Little thing, you really know how to speak. Who did you learn it from?"    


After Liu Xing heard this, he did not believe his, and even doubted his.    


Whenever he thought of a centipede swimming around in his head, whether it was itchy or not, he would feel uncomfortable.    


Furthermore, the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede was basically staying in the Demon Beast Mountain Range, so how could he hear so much? Learn so much? You know so much?    


"Brother, you might not know this, but I have already lived for more than a million years and have been stuck at this A top Sixth rank beast stage for more than a hundred thousand years!"    


"As for it, other than devouring Spiritual Sense, I have also devoured the human brain. Once I devour the human brain, I will then know the other party's memories!"    


"All these years, the reason why I have been staying in this place is because the cultivator that come here will most likely be eaten by me. The things that I know, will naturally grow in number!"    


The Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede continued to explain a few more words, this time Liu Xing finally understood a little, and understood why the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede could speak.    


It must have devoured a lot of human brains, so it wasn't strange that it could speak.    


"Oh, according to you, it seems like there is nothing bad about accepting you as a companion demon beast?"    


To be honest, Liu Xing was already a little tempted, but he was still a little hesitant.    


After taking in a beast as a companion demon beast, who knows what kind of trouble it would bring in the future? Moreover, he didn't know how to take this Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede as a companion demon beast either.    


"Boss, of course there's no harm! Think about it, with my strength being so strong, even if it's a Expert of the same level, as long as I catch them off guard, I will be able to defeat them easily. "    


"Boss, if you take me in, I will be your free hand in the future. You are currently so weak, you have to consider your own safety, right?"    


"Boss, look, I'm almost at the Transformation into human as well. Once I'm successful, I'll become as strong as you humans. Don't mention how strong I'll be, when you go there, wouldn't it be great if you had a companion?"    


The Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede continued to speak, slowly dispelling the doubt in Liu Xing's heart.    


Indeed, Liu Xing's heart was moved, he had the urge to take this Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede as a companion demon beast.    


Not to mention anything else, just by having this free fighter with postcoital great perfection and listening to his own words, Liu Xing was unable to reject him.    


But since the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede was too powerful, he was still worried. He felt that he should ask the Little loli first.    


This Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede had lived for more than a million years, so the Little loli should have lived longer than this Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede.    


The Little loli should know more than the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede. Disregarding everything else, just the fact that Little loli and Eight Dragons Fusion Furnace came from the God Realm made them seem many times more difficult to deal with than Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede.    


Furthermore, the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede was controlled by the Little loli. Without the Little loli, even his brain would have been eaten by the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede.    


"Little loli, do you think that the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede's words are true?    


Liu Xing called out Little loli's name to him, and at this time, the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede tactfully closed its mouth.    


"That little bug isn't wrong. You can make it acknowledge you as its master and plant a subconscious contract with you. In the future, it will have to listen to you. If you want it to die, just think about it!"    


The Little loli replied. Liu Xing became excited when he heard it, as long as he could control the life and death of the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede, there wouldn't be any problems.    


"Little loli, then tell me, how do you plan to make this contract of consciousness, I don't know how to do it?"    


Liu Xing hurriedly asked. Right now, his mood was already too agitated to describe.    


"This is simple, the little worm will give him a drop of his Vital essence and blood, you can just directly eat it, it's very simple!"    


Little loli replied again, this time when she finished speaking, she stopped, and did not continue sending any air flow to Liu Xing's head.    


Now, Liu Xing's Spiritual Sense and Zhenyuan were already enough to subdue the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede, so she didn't need to do anything.    


"What is a Vital essence and blood? "How do we distinguish?"    


Liu Xing knew about demon beast blood essence, but he didn't know what it was. Suppressing his excitement, he asked again.    


If he did not clarify the matter, he would not dare to accept the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede.    


"Every single spirit beast or demonic beast only has a single drop of Vital essence and blood. If a pellet of spirit beast and a demonic beast dies, the Vital essence and blood will dissipate."    


"But for spirit beast and demon beasts, other than them, even if we kill them, we won't be able to obtain them!"    


"If cultivator devours their Vital essence and blood, if cultivator dies, they too will die. But if the cultivator let them die, they would also die immediately. When they treat their own Master, they can only be loyal to the bone, they can't even rebel against them.    


The Little loli explained a bit more to Liu Xing, and Liu Xing nodded, remembering everything he said.    


However, he did not continue to ask how the Vital essence and blood were to be resolved. He knew that Little loli would probably continue to tell him before he finished speaking.    


Sure enough, the Little loli paused for a moment and continued.    


"The Vital essence and blood is a mini version of the demon beasts and spirit beast. It cannot be imitated and can be seen with a single glance!"    


"Once the Vital essence and blood is acknowledged as masters, unless the Master is willing to return their Vital essence and blood, they will forever be under the control of the Master!"    


This time, Liu Xing finally understood everything, but he could still return the Vital essence and blood to his.    


At least one day, he would become good friends with his own companion demon beast. He could let them go free and no longer control their bodies.    


"Little thing, then hand over your Vital essence and blood, I am willing to accept you as my companion demon beast!"    


After clarifying everything, Liu Xing directly chose to take in Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede as its master. After all, to him, taking in Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede as its master was beneficial and not harmful.    


"Okay, Boss, from now on, I will be your Little brother!"    


In Liu Xing's mind, the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede said as a drop of the Vital essence and blood slowly condensed into form. The shape was a bit unique, it was a mini version of the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede.    


After the Vital essence and blood was formed, Liu Xing scanned it and took out that drop of the Vital essence and blood, then threw it into his own mouth and swallowed it.    


"Yo, what a wonderful feeling!"    


He instantly had a feeling that if he wanted the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede to die, it was absolutely impossible for the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede to live.    


At this moment, the life and death of the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede was already in his hands.    


Furthermore, the Vital essence and blood that had just eaten the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede, his body immediately became energetic and all the poison was dispelled.    


"Brother, you can let go of me now. I'll be your Little brother in the future!"    


The Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede called out to Liu Xing happily in his mind.    


From the moment it was suppressed by the Little loli, it knew that Liu Xing would definitely not be a simple person in the future. Then, it completely could not sense the strength of the Little loli.    


But it knew that the Little loli's strength definitely exceeded that of a peak rank 7 beast!    




"Alright, from now on, even though I am your Master, we will call you Brother!"    


Liu Xing laughed out loud, and took back the Zhenyuan that was wrapped around the Eight-paw spirit-eating centipede.    


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