Path to the God



3old man slowly walked over with a green robe and a wine gourd hanging from his waist. He held a bamboo pole and on the bamboo pole, there was a three feet long piece of white cloth.    


This old man was the Gui Zhongxian who had once treated Liu Xing and declared that he would not live past the age of eighteen.    


Gui Zhongxian had only taken two steps when he arrived beside Liu Xing. He casually pointed at Liu Xing a few times and stopped bleeding.    


Gui Zhongxian lightly glanced at the middle-aged monk and said, "Xuan Ming, didn't you promise me that you wouldn't kill mortals or commit any evil deeds? Why did you kill him? "    


The middle-aged monk was called Xuan Ming, the Third Elder of Shaolin Temple in Yin Sect. Because of his strong cultivation, he went around collecting flowers, ruining Shaolin's reputation, and was chased by all the hidden Sect in Shaolin Alliance.    


It was only after experiencing a narrow escape from death that Xuan Ming finally escaped from the Yin Sect and entered the city.    


The people of Yin Sect who came to the mortal world to commit evil deeds were punished by the mysterious Bureau of Investigation of the Hua Xia.    


The mysterious Bureau of Investigation of the Hua Xia was a level higher than the National Security Agency. All the members of the Bureau of Investigation were ancient martial arts experts, responsible for dealing with hidden sect expert who had come to the mortal world privately and committed crimes in the secular world.    


However, seventeen years ago, I heard that the three Grand Supreme Elders of the mysterious Bureau of Investigation had all gone out to sightsee, and have yet to return.    


For some reason, the news of the departure of the three great Supreme Elders had spread to the Yin Sect, causing many Sect s to come out of their mountains to fish for money in the secular world more than ten years ago, committing crimes and committing crimes.    


The mysterious Bureau of Investigation had once made a promise with the Yin Sect that without both sides' permission, Expert, who had Yin Sect's Xuan Rank, would be prohibited from stepping into the secular world.    


If the three Supreme Elders were still here, Xuan Ming wouldn't dare to escape into the secular world. Otherwise, he would have been killed by the three Supreme Elders.    


The current Mysterious Bureau of Investigation was entirely supported by the three Great Elders. However, the deterrence of the three Great Elders was not enough, causing more and more hidden sect expert to come into the secular world.    


That day, thunder rumbled in Yanjing. Many of the hermit experts thought that it was the birth of a treasure and rushed to Yanjing in search of it.    


Gui Zhongxian also came and happened to find Xuan Ming was insulting a woman from a good family, so he started fighting with Xuan Ming.    


Gui Zhongxian also had an identity that only very few people knew, he was the Great Clan Elder of the mysterious Bureau of Investigation!    


Xuan Ming's martial arts were slightly weaker than Gui Zhongxian's, but Gui Zhongxian couldn't do anything about it. If they continued to fight, it was very likely that both of them would die!    


Even if Gui Zhongxian was lucky enough to kill Xuan Ming, he would definitely be seriously injured and his cultivation would plummet, leaving behind incurable sequelae.    


Since he couldn't beat Gui Zhongxian, Xuan Ming ran around trying to get rid of Gui Zhongxian. However, Gui Zhongxian was staring at him. Gui Zhongxian would go wherever Gui Zhongxian went and didn't give him any chance to do evil.    


In the end, Xuan Ming compromised and reached an agreement with Gui Zhongxian to stop committing crimes and use legitimate means to earn money to support himself.    


Only then did Xuan Ming start to sell the dog skin medicine, and Gui Zhongxian still followed him, saying that it was to supervise him.    


At first, Gui Zhongxian wouldn't have allowed Xuan Ming to sell the ointment, saying it was a scam, but Monk Xuanming said Gui Zhongxian was scammers and scammers.    


It was a logical thing to say. The two argued endlessly, neither of them were able to convince the other.    


In the end, Gui Zhongxian couldn't find any reason to retort, so Xuan Ming still sold the dog skin plaster.    


Xuan Ming disdainfully said, "Old man, look carefully. That bald kid is ancient martial arts experts. He destroyed my reputation, so of course I have to teach him a lesson!"    


Gui Zhongxian checked Liu Xing's injuries and found that he was about to die. All the meridians in his body were broken, his internal organs were broken, his Dantian was shattered and he had suffered serious internal injuries. He could not save him unless he used a Small Revitalizing Pellet or a Large Revitalizing Pellet.    


Gui Zhongxian was at the alleyway's entrance doing fortune telling. The fortune telling stall was surrounded by people, so he didn't even notice that Xuan Ming had already made his move.    


In fact, it was Xuan Ming who was crafty and cunning. In order to not attract Gui Zhongxian's attention, he gradually increased the pressure on Liu Xing. It was only when Wu Tie was close to his end that he suddenly increased the pressure.    


But it was already too late. In just a few seconds, Liu Xing had already been severely injured by the pressure, and was on the verge of death.    


Gui Zhongxian quickly walked over and saw a scrawny bald guy lying in a pool of blood. He felt that this bald guy was kind of familiar.    


On a closer look, he realized that the baldy in front of him was the patient he had diagnosed eight years ago, Liu Zhenyu's son, Liu Xing.    


After discovering Liu Xing, the first thing he did was stop the bleeding for Liu Xing.    


In the past, after the diagnosis of Liu Xing, Gui Zhongxian decided that Liu Xing would not live to be 18 years old. When they saw each other again, not only did Liu Xing live past the age of eighteen, he even became ancient martial arts experts.    


Liu Xing's meridians were clogged up, and he could not cultivate the ancient martial arts. Furthermore, Gui Zhongxian had already divined to Liu Xing that there would be a great calamity before Liu Xing turned eighteen, and it was impossible to resolve it!    


"Ghost old man, you should slowly stare at this bald kid's corpse in a daze. Let's go first. I still have to go and get a batch of medicinal wine. I'll sell it tomorrow, let's go!"    


Seeing Gui Zhongxian standing there in a daze, Xuan Ming greeted him and quickly left with his two men.    


Gui Zhongxian frowned and thought about it. Suddenly, he became dumbstruck and muttered, "Could it be that the Heavenly Yanjing's treasure that appeared was related to Liu Xing? Looks like the appearance of the Yanjing's True Dragon is related to Liu Xing. Perhaps, Liu Xing is the True Dragon! "    


After Gui Zhongxian finished speaking, he took out a jade bottle from his bosom and pulled out a stopper. He poured out a crystal clear Pills that emitted three faint redness and immediately stuffed it into Liu Xing's mouth.    


"Consider yourself lucky, I only has this little pill. Originally, he planned to keep his life, but since he was fated to be with you, he will give it to you as a gift!"    


After Gui Zhongxian said this, his face became a little lonely. It seemed that some knot in his heart was pressing down on him, making it hard to get rid of.    


"Kid, you're too heavily injured. This lowly recovery pill can temporarily save your life." "Now that the situation has changed, and Big Warlord has risen, the time has come to become a hero, becoming a hero in chaotic times will depend on your good fortune!"    


The Small Revitalizing Pellet was a healing panacea. Not only could it bring a person back from the dead, it could also treat all internal injuries and increase one's power.    


After Gui Zhongxian said that, he walked towards the direction Xuan Ming disappeared in. After a few steps, his figure disappeared without a trace!    


After Gui Zhongxian left, Liu Xing just lay there in a pool of blood.    


Liu Xing just lay there motionlessly. People who passed by just glanced at him and then left. Later, someone found out that Liu Xing hadn't moved for a long time, so someone came over to check on the situation.    


Someone came over to take a look, and other passersby also surrounded them. Not long after, a large group of people surrounded them.    


"Look, this monk is lying here?"    


"Yeah, he was just giving a performance here just now. Why is he lying on the ground now?"    


"Monks nowadays are really risking their lives. Look at the amount of blood on the ground, it seems to be real!"    


"What do you think he's still lying here for? Those three monks left already, why didn't he leave with them?"    


"Let's go, don't look anymore. Those three monks just now were all swindlers selling fake medicinal wine to swindle money. The clothes he wore were different, so he had to rely on them. Damn it!"    


"Why is he not moving at all?"    


"I don't know. Maybe he didn't do well. Maybe he was beaten to death by that middle-aged monk!"    


"It's possible, I saw that middle-aged monk attack, he really has real skills, just think, even red brick s can be crushed, if you were to pinch people, wouldn't that mean that the bone could be crushed?!"    


"He couldn't really have been killed by that middle-aged monk, right? "Ai, too pitiful. Looking at his skinny body, he must have been abused since he was young. Not giving him food, which is why he became like this. So pitiful!"    


"He's not dead yet. His chest is moving up and down very slowly. Maybe he's really going to die soon!"    


"I think so too, let's hurry up and call the police, maybe we can even catch the other three monks that were scammed everywhere!"    


Some people took out their cell phones and began to call the police, while the others were still surrounding Liu Xing, pointing and talking.    


Was Liu Xing really dead?    


Liu Xing was really dead, if Gui Zhongxian didn't give him the Small Revitalizing Pellet.    


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