Path to the God

C751 continuous breakthrough

C751 continuous breakthrough

0Liu Xing suppressed it with much difficulty and finally managed to control it. However, the energy in his body was still fighting with him.    


"Ah …" Press him down, press him down, press him down... "    


Liu Xing was bleeding from all seven apertures on his head, he almost died from the explosion of his body, his potential burst out in that moment, the Zhenyuan in his entire body was activated, he tried to suppress his stomach with all his might.    


"So dangerous, motherfucker!" But luckily, I was able to suppress it! "    


Liu Xing was finally relieved when his stomach was slowly being suppressed. He sat cross-legged on the ground and started spinning his Cultivation Methods to speed up the absorption and refinement of the black sphere's energy.    


However, he knew, the reason he could survive this time, was all because of his body refining small success stage. If not for his initial stage of body refining, his defensive power would definitely not be this strong.    


"Motherf * cker, I have to find a chance to refine my body and complete my mind refining and mind. Otherwise, I might not be able to keep my life any time soon!"    


After Liu Xing finished talking to himself, he concentrated on absorbing the energy from the demonic beast core.    




After the time it takes to burn an incense stick, Liu Xing's aurous core let out a low grunt, and its size expanded by a small circle.    


Furthermore, Liu Xing's Dantian was also twice as large as his own in early Jindan. This meant that the number of Zhenyuan s he had in his storage in the future, was exactly twice that of his own in early Jindan.    


After making a breakthrough, the demonic beast core had only absorbed less than a fifth of the demonic beast core's energy. Liu Xing did not stop as he continued to refine and absorb the demonic beast core's energy.    


After another two incense sticks of time, Liu Xing's strength had increased by leaps and bounds, directly reaching the peak of middle Jindan stage. As for that demonic beast core, a fifth of it had yet to be refined and absorbed.    


Liu Xing still did not stop, and continued to absorb the demonic beast core's energy.    


"RUMBLE ~ ~"    


After the time it took for an incense to burn, Liu Xing's strength had increased to late Jindan.    


Perhaps, this was the heaven defying part of the [Nine Dragons Breathing Training Technique]. Other breakthroughs of the Cultivation Methods, although the Dantian may expand together, it was definitely not as terrifying as Liu Xing's, and increased twice as fast.    


At this time, the energy within the demonic beast core was finally all absorbed by Liu Xing, and the demonic beast core had finally disappeared as well!    


"Holy shit, this demonic beast core is really cheating, looks like I have to do more in the future!"    


"But the next time I consume it, I need to first use the Zhenyuan to suppress it. Otherwise, after swallowing it, I won't even know how my body would explode and die!"    


Liu Xing stood up, felt his strength, and nodded in satisfaction.    


At the same time, he also absorbed a lot of experience. At least, in the future when he uses demonic beast core or spirit beast to cultivate, he wouldn't be so stupid as to directly swallow them.    


Right now, the Zhenyuan in Liu Xing's body was more than twice as strong as when he was at the peak of early Jindan.    


If he were to continue summoning Nine Tribulations Sword now, even without the help of limit restoration pill, he would be able to unleash Nine Tribulations Sword at least seventeen to eighteen times.    


With the limit restoration pill's help, it would be even more terrifying. Perhaps, as long as he did not use the Nine Tribulations Sword quickly, as long as the limit restoration pill could keep up, he would be able to use the Nine Tribulations Sword.    


As for the dragon gun, even if he did not borrow its power at the moment, even if he activated it at full power every time, he could still unleash fifteen to sixteen shots in a row.    


However, even if he did not need the help of the limit restoration pill, as long as he controlled the Zhenyuan well with each spear, he could stab out hundreds and thousands of spears without any problems.    


If it was with the help of limit restoration pill s, they could continuously replenish the Zhenyuan, which was even more impressive!    


His strength had increased, and Liu Xing took out the《 Nine Dragons Divine Art》 from his mind. He found the Martial Skills s corresponding to the middle Jindan stage and late Jindan, he wanted to first learn the middle Jindan stage and the late stage corresponding to the Martial Skills.    


Every Martial Skills that Ye Xiaomi passed on to him was extremely formidable.    


At least, Liu Xing knew that no matter where he was, Expert of the same level would definitely be stronger than his Martial Skills.    


The Martial Skills that corresponds to the middle Jindan stage is called the zhen yuan cleaving, and is a grade higher than the early Jindan's Overlord's Slash!    


The Overlord's Slash only condensed the Zhenyuan into a ball, attaching it to his fist, palm, or even the Spirit instruments and Magic weapons. When it was swung out, it would suddenly explode, striking unexpected and had unexpected effects, but the power was absolutely frightening.    


As for the zhen yuan cleaving, it would directly condense the Zhenyuan into a blade and attach it to both of his hands. He could simply wave it and directly slash at his opponent, the lethality of the attack was much greater than normal Spirit instruments and Magic weapons s of the same level.    


The most important thing was, once it was mastered, it was very convenient to use, without any hindrances at all.    


However, it had one thing similar to the Overlord's Slash, which was that the thicker and stronger the zhen yuan cleaving was, the more powerful it was.    


Moreover, this zhen yuan cleaving could also be attached to a Spirit instruments and Magic weapons, and as the Spirit instruments and Magic weapons chopped, slashed, or stabbed out, its power and lethality would increase by multiple times.    


Liu Xing made up his mind to cultivate the zhen yuan cleaving first.    


If he did not have the Cultivation Methods, he would not have been able to learn it. He did not want to casually condense the big hand of the Zhenyuan.    


Once the zhen yuan cleaving was successfully refined, the difference between it and the Great Hand of the Zhenyuan was too huge. One could even make a comparison, the power of the Great Hand of the Zhenyuan was like a giant hand made of foam, and the zhen yuan cleaving was a large Blade made of pure steel.    


After three days, Liu Xing finally succeeded in refining the zhen yuan cleaving.    


"Swish ~ ~"    


Liu Xing formed a palm blade with one hand, with a casual wave, he unleashed a zhen yuan cleaving, causing an ear-piercing sound to resonate in the air.    


"Mm, just from the sound of the wind, I know that it's powerful!"    


Liu Xing smiled lightly, looked at his palm, and felt very satisfied.    


"Let's see how powerful it actually is!"    


With a sweep of the Spiritual Sense, a low rank third stage Flying Sword appeared in his hand. He threw it into the air simply, then condensed a zhen yuan cleaving in his right hand, directly chopping it out!    


"Clang ~"    


"Dingdang ~"    


A crisp sound came out, that low rank level three Flying Sword was cut in half and dropped to the ground.    


The low rank third stage Flying Sword and the early Jindan s were corresponding, but under the Martial Skills, the Flying Sword seemed to be so weak that it couldn't even withstand a single blow.    


This meant that, in the future, normal early Jindan s would completely be killed by him.    


"Not bad, this Martial Skills is indeed powerful. Now, learn the late Jindan's Martial Skills! "    


Liu Xing said lightly as he took out the Martial Skills s corresponding to the late Jindan s.    


When he saw the three words true essence finger, Liu Xing instantly became excited. After looking at this name, he immediately realized that this was definitely a Martial Skills that was activated using the Zhenyuan as well.    


"Let's take a look first. If it's a Martial Skills similar to Duan Ming's Six Veins Divine Sword or Master One-Lamp's Single Solar Finger, then it's really a cheat!"    


Liu Xing repressed his excitement and immediately opened the introduction.    


"Sure enough, damn, I'm rich!"    


After reading the introduction, Liu Xing could not help but blurt out emotionally.    


This true essence finger was a level higher than the zhen yuan cleaving.    


The zhen yuan cleaving condensed from the Zhenyuan in an instant, attaching itself to his hand, and released it; while the true essence finger, after being compressed by the Zhenyuan which was flowing through the blood vessels of the Dantian, would then mobilize a huge wave of Zhenyuan, which, with a fierce collision, would cause the condensed Zhenyuan to fly out, and could be activated by any one of the fingers.    


When training to the highest level, one could even use both hands, or even several fingers at the same time.    


The zhen yuan cleaving was like a blade that was forcefully thrown out, slashing towards the opponent. As for the true essence finger, it was like a Bullet, directly slashing towards the opponent.    


The speed of the true essence finger was even faster than the zhen yuan cleaving, its penetrating power was stronger, its lethality was greater, and it was easier to activate.    


The only thing that was not perfect was that the true essence finger could only be activated with the fingers, so it could not be activated together with the Spirit instruments and Magic weapons at the moment.    


"I just need to practice true essence finger, I need to practice true essence finger, it is too tricky, once I master it, even if I don't use Spirit instruments and Magic weapons s, its power will be immense!"    


Liu Xing suppressed his excitement and started to cultivate the true essence finger. He believed that once he mastered the true essence finger, he would become an invincible existence within the same realm.    


Of course, the only exceptions were those whose martial intent and movement techniques were far superior to his.    


This time, Liu Xing spent a total of five days in order to cultivate the true essence finger to the Large Success stage.    


With a casual flick of his finger, a Zhenyuan was released with a "whoosh", shooting out at an extremely terrifying speed.    


"Let's see how powerful it is!"    


Liu Xing immediately took out a third stage High-grade Flying Sword and ran into the air. With a point of his finger, a Zhenyuan pierced through the air and flew in that direction.    


"Ding ~"    


"Clank ~"    


With a barely audible sound, the Flying Sword fell onto the ground. Liu Xing retrieved the Flying Sword from his hands and took a look, then he could not help but take in a breath of cold air.    


A hole the size of a thumb had appeared on the body of the High-grade Flying Sword.    


A third stage High-grade Flying Sword and late Jindan's defense are definitely stronger than the Zhenyuan s used in late Jindan.    


Now, even the third stage High-grade spirit instrument had been easily penetrated. If he met an ordinary late Jindan, with a casual wave of his finger, he would be able to heavily injure his opponent. Once it hit a fatal point on the opponent, the opponent would be instantly killed.    




"Now that my strength has increased greatly, and my Martial Skills has become even more powerful, when I go out, I can finally have a good time!"    


"Whoever dares to bully I again, I, I, will finish them off!"    


Liu Xing tidied himself up and planned to leave.    


Currently, he had already stayed in the Eternal World for more than eight days. If it was outside for almost a day, it would be time for him to go out and play.    


"Master ~"    


"What are you doing? This stove has been burning all this time, are you going to refine that golden bull frog or not?"    


Just as Liu Xing wanted to go out, he heard the voice of the Chili pepper.    


"Oh, shit, I almost forgot about that!"    


"Refining, thank you for reminding me!"    


Liu Xing patted his bald head, and looked at the Eight Dragons Fusion Furnace that was still growing bigger. The hematochezia was burning fiercely, if not for the Chili pepper's reminder, he would have forgotten about refining that golden Three-eyed bullfrog.    


He jumped onto the Eight Dragons Fusion Furnace and with a wave of his hand, he threw the Three-eyed bullfrog into the Eight Dragons Fusion Furnace and started refining it.    


During the refining process, a large portion of the skin and flesh was directly burnt into nothingness, and slowly refined. The enormous Three-eyed bullfrog turned into a pile of flesh and bones, slowly shrinking.    


"Eh? "What the hell is this?"    


When Liu Xing saw this strange scene inside the Spiritual Sense, he could not help but exclaim out loud, as he did not understand what that thing was.    


As he continued refining, a red liquid seeped out of the large mass of Three-eyed bullfrog bones and flesh. It slowly condensed downwards, and like a drop of red blood, slowly grew larger, about to fall.    


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