Path to the God

C1306 Killing without blinking

C1306 Killing without blinking

0Facing the two ferocious black clothed bodyguards, Liu Xing felt that they were not scary at all, and said: I only came to find someone, can you guys step aside?    


"Scram!" The two bodyguards immediately roared at Liu Xing, not giving any of them to Liu Xing at all. There was no need to give any of them to Liu Xing either. Liu Xing acted as if nothing had happened after he was yelled at, and walked straight towards the two bodyguards.    


"You're courting death!" The two bodyguards never thought that Liu Xing would not know what was good for him. The two of them were nimble Expert.    


Liu Xing thought that he had already calculated the speed and strength of the other party's kick, and with a slash of his palm, before the other party could even hit him, his palm had already cut into the opponent's lower leg, and with a kacha sound, the opponent's lower leg was instantly shattered, smashing into the path as he screamed miserably.    


In the most luxurious room sat two women chatting while sipping coffee. One was the Beauty with the personality of a blonde eye and the other was a beautiful female CEO who wore a set of snow-white cultivator Suit.    


There was a man standing beside the two women. On the other side of the blonde eye, there were four golden arrow s. They were the four-star genetic warrior of the Rothschild family. Beside the beautiful CEO, there was a young man with a strong figure and wearing black clothes.    


If Aunt was here, he would have definitely recognized that young man. He was the one who had been here before, the one who had his hair cut so badly that it looked like it had been cut off by Aunt. He had asked Brother to clean up Aunt and had even personally slapped him before.    


At that time, Hei Qiang was Yu Yanna's bodyguard and his strength was at the middle stage of the Earth Rank. Now, after more than a year, Hei Qiang had already changed employers and his strength had also increased to the peak of the middle stage of the Earth Rank.    


The Beauty of the blonde eye was the Little Princess Sophia, who was dressed in a white suit and flying cold eyes. She was the apple of the eye of Lin Liguo, the major shareholder of Shanghai First Group's Lin Group, and also the new CEO of the Lin Clan, Lin Menglei.    


Lin Menglei took a sip of her coffee and lightly said to Hei Qiang: Xiao Hei, what are you doing outside? It's so noisy, you should go take a look.    


"Yes, miss!" Hei Qiang agreed and was truly prepared to leave, but Rothschild family smiled and said: "Miss Lin, there is no need to trouble yourself." We have four Samsung Gene Warrior outside watching us, so absolutely no one can break in. Let's continue our conversation. This time, working with the Lin Clan Group, we intend to contribute money to help the Lin Clan become the number one group in Hua Xia. We plan to push out a type of strong medicinal liquid that will allow Chinese people to strengthen their bodies and become at least the same as our One Star genetic warriors, becoming the strongest nation in the world.    


After the Little Princess Sophia finished speaking, Hei Qiang did not leave, and Lin Menglei did not speak either. She knew how powerful the genetic warriors were, and knew that the Little Princess Sophia and the entire Rothschild family were definitely not that kind. But the benefits were too great, so she was temporarily unsure of how to take note of it.    


Outside, Liu Xing had placed one of the bodyguards down, while the other bodyguard took out a gun and shouted at Liu Xing: Don't move, if you touch I again, I'll destroy you!    


Liu Xing did not care how powerful the spear was, and directly walked forward, with a bang, the bodyguard's spear struck the ceiling, the Bullet's powerful force pierced through the ceiling, causing a lot of limestone to fall.    


The bodyguard's spear was used to scare Liu Xing, Liu Xing had defeated one of his Brother s in one move, and he knew that Liu Xing was not a simple person, so he did not dare make a move against Liu Xing and could only pull out his gun. After firing a shot, the bodyguard continued to yell, "I told you not to move, just move a bit and I'll shoot you!"    


However, that one shot made the Guest below scream even more. They all ran out of the Pacific Cafe and stood in the distance to watch the show.    


Chen Shao and a few other young masters, along with a dozen bodyguards, had already brought them to the outside of the Pacific Cafe. Hearing the sound of gunshots, Chen Shao frowned and said: "Maybe something bad has happened to that fool, let's go in and take a look."    


Chen Shao said as he immediately brought his men into the coffee shop.    


On Liu Xing's side, he completely ignored the warning from the bodyguard and continued to walk forward. The bodyguard panicked, and shot out at Liu Xing's knee, but Liu Xing only stopped for a moment, as if he was uninjured.    


The bodyguard was stunned, his spear was so far away from Liu Xing, it should have hit him, why was it that Liu Xing was fine, he didn't even bleed?    


The bodyguard was startled, but Liu Xing was already in front of him, he kicked out, sending him flying out, smashing onto a private room's door, causing him to directly smash through the private room's door, fainting on the spot.    


Liu Xing continued to walk forward. In front of him stood four Samsung Gene Warrior s, staring at the Glabella s on the three genetic warriors. He felt that the golden arrow was a little familiar, but he did not know if he had seen it before.    


One of the tall and sturdy genetic warriors walked directly towards Liu Xing. Liu Xing was 1.9m tall, the genetic warrior was 2.05m tall, one head taller than Liu Xing.    


Liu Xing tilted his body slightly, dodging the Samsung Gene Warrior's attack, and quickly threw out a punch, smashing onto the Samsung Gene Warrior's waist and causing him to fly out, smashing into the wall of a private room and creating a huge hole in the wall. His massive body flew into the room, spitting out a mouthful of blood, never getting up again.    


Seeing that, the other three Samsung Gene Warrior s' expressions changed, and they rushed towards Liu Xing together. Liu Xing frowned, he did not understand why there were so many people blocking his path, why would they stop him?    


His feet suddenly accelerated, and with a kick, he kicked a Samsung Gene Warrior at the front out, smashing the luxurious private room's door into pieces, and smashed into the private room's round table, causing him to fly away, spitting blood as he died.    


Little Princess Sophia, Lin Menglei and the others in the private room all stood up at once and looked towards the outside of the private room with a change in expression.    


The other two Samsung Gene Warrior s rushed at Liu Xing, two fists as big as sandbags punched towards Liu Xing's face. Liu Xing threw out both fists at the same time, and faced them head on with a single punch. With two cracking sounds, the two Samsung Gene Warrior s' arms shattered into pieces, and they let out a blood-curdling screech, falling onto the ground, spitting out blood as they fainted.    


And Liu Xing, under the incomparably shocked gazes of Little Princess Sophia and Lin Menglei, directly walked toward the room they were in.    


"Then you bastard, quickly retreat. If you dare to hurt Miss Lin Menglei, I will shatter you with one strike today!" Just then, Chen Shao and the rest rushed over, Chen Shao picked up the gun of the unconscious bodyguard, aimed straight at Liu Xing's head and roared.    


Liu Xing turned around and saw that the gold wire spectacles was also amongst them. He pointed directly at the short-sighted spectacles and said: "It's wearing a gold wire spectacles. Just now, you gave me a lighter, so I could carry some Beauty? Say again, is he wearing a white cultivation Suit s' clothes?    


"Who knows you! Scram quickly, don't disturb Miss Lin Menglei and the others!" The gold wire spectacles's expression froze, it did not expect that Liu Xing would quickly reveal it's identity, but of course it could not admit it, and directly scolded Liu Xing.    


Liu Xing did not say anything, but took out China, took a cigarette out, and lit it with his gold coloured lighter. He took a deep breath, and spat out a dense smoke. He waved the tycoon gold lighter towards the gold wire spectacles and said: "Oh, since you don't know me, then this lighter belongs to me. I'll be going first, you guys busy yourself!"    


After Liu Xing finished speaking, he immediately walked toward Chen Shao and the others. They already knew why Liu Xing had come here, but with Liu Xing's powerful strength, he actually charged over just for a lighter, and even said that he wanted to leave? They suspected that Liu Xing had really become an idiot.    


She had already recognized Liu Xing's identity. The grudge between Liu Xing and Rothschild family could be said to be very deep, if she did not know Liu Xing, it would be weird.    


It was just that Su Feiya did not expect that according to their investigations, the Health nourishing fruit s of Mei Shi Biotechnology Co., Ltd., would both disappear without a trace.    


Initially, they thought that Liu Xing and his sister had been killed, and after investigation, they found out that Liu Xing and his sister had flown off to another world, but they didn't expect to meet Liu Xing here again.    


Su Feiya did not say anything. Looking at Liu Xing's back figure, she seemed to be a little foolish right now. She was thinking about how she could take Liu Xing back to the Rothschild family.    


Liu Xing walked forward, and the princes and bodyguards opened up a path for him. When he walked past Chen Shao, the butt of the gun in his hands suddenly smashed onto Liu Xing's head, creating a "bang" sound.    


Chen Shao wanted to knock Liu Xing out and hand him over to Lin Menglei to deal with, but when he knocked Liu Xing, he saw that nothing had happened to Liu Xing. Instead, he turned around and looked at Chen Shao suspiciously, saying: "You dare hit me, you're courting death!"    


Chen Shao was startled, he did not understand why Liu Xing would be fine even though he knocked on Liu Xing's head so heavily, but he quickly reacted, pointing the gun straight at Liu Xing's head, he said: "The one seeking death is you, right?" You idiocy, you dare disturb our Miss Lin Menglei, you can already go and die, take him down, tie him up, and leave him to Miss Lin Menglei to handle!    


After Chen Shao roared, his bodyguards rushed forward to seize Liu Xing. He thought that Liu Xing was being robbed and did not dare to move, but suddenly, Liu Xing shot out an uppercut with his fist, his speed was too fast, he struck Chen Shao's chin s hard and shattered them. He flew backwards, spurting blood from his body and smashed into the wall of the private box.    


At this time, the bodyguards had already arrived behind Liu Xing, and were punching and kicking him. However, they felt like they were hitting a big rock, it was simply too hard, and they did not know if Liu Xing was in pain, in any case, they were dying from it.    


Liu Xing was enraged, he turned around and punched out, upon seeing that the bones in his hands were shattered and his head was smashed, he instantly killed and injured the four bodyguards. But Liu Xing did not stop, he kept on stepping on the bodies of the bodyguards, using punches and kicks, seeing who was hitting who, in a few moves, none of the young masters and bodyguards escaped, all of them fell to the ground, most of them dead.    


After Liu Xing finished all of these, he was slightly stunned, but regardless of how serious the matter was, he turned and left. But if he wanted to leave, the Little Princess Sophia did not want him to leave. He directly said to the four-star genetic warrior, Thomas, leave him here.    


four-star genetic warrior Thomas agreed as his body flew forward with large strides as if he was flying. He charged towards Liu Xing with a fist that brought about a whooshing sound in the air as it smashed towards Liu Xing.    


Liu Xing suddenly sped up and took a few steps forward. Staring at the wall, he bounced back and flew out horizontally. At the same time, he also threw a punch towards the huge fist of four-star genetic warrior.    


A loud sound was heard, mixed with the cracking sound of bone s being shattered, the four-star genetic warrior was directly sent flying, smashing onto the ground, he spat out a mouthful of blood, the meridians of the bone in his right arm had been completely destroyed.    


Liu Xing stood still, took a few steps forward, and already arrived in front of four-star genetic warrior. That four-star genetic warrior still wanted to continue fighting, but Liu Xing's fist had already blasted out, smashing his head into pieces like a watermelon.    


Seeing that, Lin Menglei covered her mouth, almost vomiting and almost fainted. Liu Xing was really too cruel.    


Little Princess Sophia was even more shocked, she never thought that Liu Xing's strength was so strong that he could kill four-star genetic warrior with two punches.    


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