Path to the God

C1526 Fearful danger

C1526 Fearful danger

0The moment the Immortal Monarch Plate appeared, it would fly towards the target that he had locked onto with his cultivator, and when it was three to five meters away from the target, it would explode.    


From the beginning to the end, only a single breath of time had passed.    


Furthermore, the Immortal Monarch Plate had the Martial realm's lock on it, and would not let the target have the chance to escape.    


The Immortal Monarch Plate flew over, but before it could explode, before the Martial Skills could be activated, Liu Xing felt that he was trapped by a burst of death aura, he could not move at all, he could not even retaliate, he could not even speak, he could not even blink his eyes, and could only wait to die.    


Really, there was nothing he could do but wait for his death.    


The two Blue Guard s laughed crazily. Liu Xing's eyes were filled with despair as he could only think of one thing: Am I going to die now?    


Liu Xing knew that he was dead for sure, even if it was like usual, when he called for Sect Leader Big Brother, the Big Black-clothed fellow would come out to save him.    


Immortal Monarch Plate s would explode in an instant, and an extremely powerful Martial Skills would explode. Whether it was a giant palm, a giant fist, a blade, or even a sword light, he would completely disappear from Immortal Domain and disappear forever.    


Aside from death, it was still death.    


In a split-second, a pink light flashed from Liu Xing's sleeve and a pink figure of a Little loli in maid attire instantly flew out. She extended a white and tender jade hand and grabbed onto the Immortal Monarch Plate, who was about to explode.    


"What the f * ck is mama doing? A Immortal Monarch Plate with perfect One Star Immortal? You have the nerve to take it out and make a fool of yourself? Damn, you tainted the Aunt's beautiful and charming pair of big eyes! " The Little loli in pink maid attire took a look at the Immortal Monarch Plate, her eyes filled with disdain, and said a few words with her beautiful and melodious voice.    


At this time, the laughter of the two Blue Guard s suddenly stopped, as if their throats had been pinched by two big hands. Their mouths were wide open and their eyes were staring wide.    


"Small!" After Liu Xing was stunned for a moment, a feeling of ecstasy burst out from his body. As if he had eaten ten thousand viagra, his body erupted with an unprecedented amount of energy, all of these energy were ecstatic and fanatical genes. He could not help but let out an explosive roar, and his body jumped up as he hugged Little loli.    


Every cell of his was filled with the extreme joy of being reborn.    


"Forget it, Little Master, I'm about to faint because of you, hurry up and let me go. It's not like I'm your Wife!" In the end, Little loli still opened his mouth and said a few words.    


"Oh, oh, thank you, Xiaoxiao. Your appearance was so timely!" Liu Xing reacted, his face was still filled with joy, and he quickly put down Little loli. Little loli had saved him at the most critical moment, and his gratitude to Little loli was already unspeakable.    


"Little Master, this is for you, you know how to use it, right? He would directly be branded with the Spiritual Sense, and at any time, he would be able to use the Thought to activate his attack to hit whoever was in a bad mood, or he could just directly throw it out, since there were very few that could dodge. "Alright, I'm going back to sleep. You better be careful in the future. Ah, I'm so tired!" Little loli said to Liu Xing before throwing the Immortal Monarch Plate into Liu Xinghuai. He stretched his body, revealing his well-developed body, and then disappeared in a flash.    


"Thank you, Xiaoxiao!" Liu Xing hurriedly shouted at the sleeve, only then did he remember that at Spiritual Domain, because of the Rule of Tiandao, Little loli only kept her strength to the Great Perfection of Late Primordius realm. Now that she was in Immortal Domain, the Little loli's strength had probably already reached the limits of Immortal Domain's Rule of Tiandao.    


However, no matter how strong the Little loli was, she belonged to the Little loli, he did not want the Little loli to help him every time.    


"You two, are you still waiting? Now that your prestige has passed, shouldn't it be time for me to show my authority? Tell me, how do you want to die, steam or fry? " Liu Xing held the Immortal Monarch Plate in his hand and weighed it in his hand, looking at the two still in shock, he laughed and said.    


Feng Shui revolved around, and now, it was his turn.    


"Ah, Young Heroes, spare me!" The two Blue Guard s reacted and cried out a few times before kneeling in front of Liu Xing.    


Now that Liu Xing had recovered to his peak strength, they were unable to defeat Liu Xing. The Immortal Monarch Plate were also in Liu Xing's hands, he could easily kill them all. Liu Xing even brought along a Little loli whose power was unfathomable, who could crush them to death with a single fingernail.    


Other than kneeling down and begging for mercy, what else could he do?    


Especially that Little loli. To be able to receive an activated Immortal Monarch Plate, their strength would be at least in the Immortal King realm. In the entire Unitary Immortal Domain, there were only three Immortal King.    


However, if the Little loli were to go to the Artifact Spirit s, even if she was stronger, she would not get on the list.    


"Two f * ckers, before, you were so arrogant, using a Immortal Monarch Plate, you almost scared I out of his sh * t, now you want to beg for mercy?" Liu Xing laughed and said it again. What he said was the truth, and that Immortal Monarch Plate really did make him break out in cold sweat, and wet his clothes. He had almost wet his pants, and he was quite scared.    


Young Heroes has mercy, Young Heroes has mercy, both of us were ordered by our superiors to follow their orders, we did not have any intention to go against Young Heroes, do not hesitate to raise our demands, even if we have to lick Young Heroes's fart, we will not bat an eye, as long as Young Heroes lets us go, from today onwards, we are willing to take the Young Heroes as our leader, and lead the charge of Young Heroes, we will listen to Young Heroes's orders! The two of them were so scared that their entire bodies were trembling, they continuously kowtowed to Liu Xing and asked him to spare their lives. The Immortal Monarch Plate was always in Liu Xing's hands, so they were afraid that Liu Xing would suddenly throw it at them.    


Hand over the Martial Skills, Storage Ring, and all the valuable things on your body to me first. Then, tell me what you know, your superior ah, master ah, where the base is. Wait, tell me everything. Liu Xing put away the Immortal Monarch Plate, smiled brilliantly, and told the two of them.    


The two of them obediently obeyed, passing all their wealth to Liu Xing. The Martial Skills was what Liu Xing knew, the mountain jumping fist technique and the Mystical Deep Blue Water Palm.    


Soon after, Liu Xing found out that these guys were indeed Unitary Immortal Domain's men. There were Expert s in all five continents, and this Black Dragon City was considered the second largest stronghold in Black Dragon Empire. The first stronghold was in Empire of Windcloud.    


In the other continents, there was only one stronghold. They were sent down from West Immortal Continent's stronghold after receiving the orders from their superiors to kill Liu Xing and take his treasures.    


The foothold in the Empire of Windcloud was more or less the same, but other than the foothold here that was in charge of the matters of the old beggar, the other continent's footholds were all for the enrichment of wealth.    


The stronghold of the Black Dragon Empire was not for the purpose of amassing wealth, it was just a small fortune. It was about 1 million Low Rank Yuan stone, all of them in the big fat's Storage Ring.    


Another thirty Low-grade Yuan Mai s were buried under the underground palace and could be extracted from them.    


"Come, come, come over here. I have something to whisper to you!" After he had a basic understanding of what they knew, Liu Xing smiled sweetly and waved his hand. The two of them immediately smiled brilliantly, walking towards Liu Xing while bowing and kneeling, like dogs.    


"Master, what orders do you have?" The two of them walked over to Liu Xing and asked respectfully.    


Liu Xing's expression suddenly changed. Both of his hands shot out and gripped tightly onto their necks, causing them to be unable to breathe.    


"You should know that I already know that what use is it to leave you two trash with crippled limbs who need recovery? You want me to die, and you want me to live? " Liu Xing sneered a few times. Looking at the two people's extremely unreconciled expressions, he exerted force on his wrist and with two kacha sounds, he crushed the two of them to death. He then directly returned them to the Eternal World and saved them for Xiao Biebie.    


Previously, he was worried that Xiao Biebie would be more difficult to raise than the Nine Tribulations Sword, but now, he would frequently kill a few groups of enemies and accumulate more and more corpses. When Xiao Biebie levelled up, he would be able to solve a few problems.    


After killing the two, Liu Xing returned the big fat's corpse to the Eternal World. He escaped down to the underground palace and found the defensive array. He took out the array flag from the big fat's Storage Ring and opened it, taking away all of the metasoil and the 30 Low-grade Yuan Mai s inside.    


Returning to the underground palace, Liu Xing began to count all the treasures he had acquired during his trip.    


There were thousands of Storage Ring, and the wealth inside added up was not little.    


Until now, he had a total of 75 million Low Rank Yuan stone and 120 Low-grade Yuan Mai s. All kinds of immortal medicine s, ingredients, immortal pills and immortal equipment were plentiful, practically surpassing 5 million Low Rank Yuan stone.    


Most importantly, there was also a piece of Immortal Monarch Plate.    


That Immortal Monarch Plate was not an ordinary treasure, it was a life saving trump card. When encountering a dangerous situation that was difficult to resolve, the Thought would activate the Immortal Monarch Plate, or directly throw it out, saving one's life.    


Of course, the opponent's strength must be lower than the Immortal Monarch Plate's level.    


"Motherf * cker, there are many dangers lurking around after all. I have finally made it through. Everything is settled now, I have to end this at underground palace!" Liu Xing muttered to himself as he looked at the cracked underground palace's defensive array above his head. After activating his full strength, each of his moves were able to shatter mountains and crack the earth.    


"Boom …" As the entire great protective array shattered, all of the dirt and rocks on it came crashing down with a loud bang. Liu Xing flew up into the air, protected his body with the triple shield and flew up. When he flew out of the ground, a small mountain had already completely caved in, becoming a small valley.    


The mysterious power that had occupied the capital of Black Dragon Empire for dozens of years was uprooted by Liu Xing and from then on, disappeared without a trace from Black Dragon Empire.    


Liu Xing looked at the sunken little valley and was stunned. He knew that the battle between him and the Unitary Immortal Domain had most likely only just started.    


From now on, there would probably be many more dangers waiting for him.    


But no matter what happens in the future, he had to walk step by step, step by step, step by step. Unitary Immortal Domain, was only the seventh step, and Ten Directions Immortal Domain was also not the main point.    


He instantly felt that he had a goal and a direction.    


"Junior Qiu, it's time to go home!" Liu Xing shouted while smiling. With a sweep of the Spiritual Sense, Qiu Yi flew out of the Eight Dragons Fusion Furnace and appeared beside him.    


"Senior Brother Liu!" When Qiu Yi saw him, she was so overjoyed that she immediately threw herself into his embrace, and only hugged him, her heart was filled with happiness and gratitude.    


Being hugged like this by the Beauty always meant that the softest part of his body was tightly attached to his body. It would be false to say that Liu Xing did not feel anything.    


He would often have the impulse to take Qiu Yi down on the ground. After all, Qiu Yi wasn't a Exquisite Beauty, but she was also a Great Beauty. However, every time he forcefully suppressed her desire, he had to endure loneliness. Otherwise, it would harm many people.    


"Let's go, I'll send you home. Your family must be really worried and miss you!" Liu Xing spoke a few words, and just like before, he held onto Qiu Yi's psoas with his big hands and sped up his flying.    


Qiu Yi leaned into his embrace, and felt that familiar smell, and her face was filled with a happy smile.    


She really hoped that time could stop at that moment. She was willing to be in Liu Xing's embrace forever, forever, in Liu Xing's embrace.    


very quickly returned her to the front door of the Black Dragon City.    


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