Path to the God

C1546 dancing on the point of a knife

C1546 dancing on the point of a knife

3There was no need to talk about Ni Chang and the others. They had been on tenterhooks the entire time, whether or not they were letting out screams, and even the immortal medicine's hands were trembling.    


The feeling of being scared to the point of peeing from time to time felt really good.    


"Awoo …" Everyone followed behind Liu Xing and carefully dug out the immortal medicine. Suddenly, the strange cry of a Immortal Beast could be heard, scaring Ni Chang and the others so much that their hairs stood on end as they trembled.    


Looking forward, they screamed out in fear and those who were timid immediately fell to the ground.    


A hundred meters in front of him, a fourth stage ninth stage ferocious Immortal Beast stood up.    


The white lion with blue eyes was ten meters long, seven meters tall, and weighed more than ten thousand kilograms. It had a full body of snow-white, supple, long fur, four shitty, yellow, four-petaled, long teeth, and huge eyes that seemed to be made of fire.    


And a fourth stage ninth stage Immortal Beast, their strength was already comparable to the cultivator's The full mastery of the [Ninestar], or even a little stronger. This kind of Expert, could not be matched with anyone in the entire Empire of Windcloud.    


At most, they would only encounter Fourth Order warriors at the sixth rank. Suddenly, a Fourth Order warrior of the ninth rank popped out, scaring them to death.    


"Boss, can you, can you take care of him?" Zhao Laojiu's voice was trembling, his tongue trembling. He was sure that the White Dragon Lion could swallow him whole with a single bite and tear him to pieces with its claws.    


"Don't worry, I'll deal with him. You guys stay far away so that you won't get accidentally hurt." This white lion with blue eyes protects a hundred and twenty-three white jade leaves, and white jade leaves are considered top grade Quadruple immortal medicine s. It is also the main ingredient of the 6 kinds of Medicinal material s in the Ascending Heaven Pill. Liu Xing said that the hundred over white jade leaves must belong to him.    


Zhao Laojiu and the others all moved back, looking at Liu Xing's side with incomparable nervousness. If Liu Xing could even take care of this white lion with blue eyes, how could they describe the shock they had in their hearts?    


"Awoo …" The white lion with blue eyes looked at Liu Xing and issued a low warning sound. The entire ground and trees seemed to be trembling.    


"Xiao Biebie, Ah Hao, protect this guy for a while. Don't let him escape, his entire body is filled with treasures!" Liu Xing said a few words as Xiao Biebie and the Sword Spirit Ahao of the Nine Tribulations went forward to block the white lion with blue eyes's retreat path.    


"Come, my darling, let me witness your power, your first style of Water-Fire Earth Imperial Fist, Shattered Earth!" Liu Xing suddenly became crazy. He first attacked with all his strength, using the first move of the Water-Fire Earth Imperial Fist, to test the strength of the white lion with blue eyes.    


A gigantic fist image struck towards the white lion with blue eyes, bringing a whooshing sound. The white lion with blue eyes suddenly stood up, its body straightened and a gigantic snow white palm came out, with a boom, it shattered Liu Xing's gigantic fist, then with two steps, it flew towards Liu Xing with a flash, and grabbed towards Liu Xing's chest.    


"Ha!" Liu Xing held the giant yellow hand in the middle, he took a step back and forcefully held onto the giant palm of the white lion with blue eyes, then retreated once again, dragging the white lion with blue eyes and smashed it down.    


However, he had underestimated the strength of the white lion with blue eyes. At the same time the white lion with blue eyes was smashed down by him, the other huge palm took the lead to smash onto the ground, forcefully stopping the impact of the palm. The giant palm that Liu Xing was holding lifted it up abruptly, and smashed the white lion with blue eyes down onto the ground in the blink of an eye.    


With that, even Ni Chang and the others who were watching from afar were shocked. If Liu Xing was injured from being smashed by the stone, then the white lion with blue eyes would smack him on the chest, and Liu Xing would be done for.    


Liu Xing's strength was unable to compete with the white lion with blue eyes's, but his body was nimble. When he quickly smashed downwards, he instantly let go and struck the white lion with blue eyes's huge palm with both of his palms.    


"Boom …" The white lion with blue eyes, however, was unable to control its strength and heavily crashed onto the ground, creating a huge pit in the ground. The surrounding great tree's leaves all fell, creating a feeling of the earth shaking and mountains shaking.    


"Awoo!" With four palms on the ground, his body quickly flew towards Liu Xing. Opening his bloody mouth, he directly bit towards Liu Xing, wanting to swallow him whole.    


Liu Xing was shocked, and immediately threw a punch towards the white lion with blue eyes's big mouth, the second move of the Water-Fire Earth Imperial Fist, Sky Breaking Strike.    


"Bang …" Bang!! A loud sound rang out, and the white lion with blue eyes's body was too huge, so much so that it was unable to dodge at all, and was struck in the mouth by Liu Xing's fist, causing a loud sound to ring out, causing his huge head to sway left and right, rolling to the ground. However, the moment he turned his body to the side, he still clawed fiercely at Liu Xing's body.    


Liu Xing dodged even faster, but still got hit a little. He was hit by a palm that brought along a gust of wind and smashed into a tree, causing it to fall onto the ground, slightly injuring himself.    


The current white lion with blue eyes was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, making his bloody mouth look even more terrifying. He did not stop, roared, and fiercely attacked Liu Xing yet again.    


"Bam!" The white lion with blue eyes swung its huge claws, wanting to break the might of Liu Xing's fist, but its huge claws were directly struck, blood and flesh flying, and it was instantly injured.    


Liu Xing no longer held back, he flew up, and threw another punch at the white lion with blue eyes. It was the same Deicide move, the white lion with blue eyes blocked again, and the other huge claw was injured.    


"Awoo …" The white lion with blue eyes already knew that it was not Liu Xing's match. After roaring out, it turned and ran. It did not want to fight anymore, if it continued, it was possible that it would die under Liu Xing's hands.    


The white lion with blue eyes ran for a distance before it suddenly stopped. In front of him, stood a gigantic serrated tooth, preventing him from continuing to flee.    


He immediately attacked, but was caught by the long, thin, blood-red tongue of the Monster. He struggled with all his might, but could only be dragged quickly towards Liu Xing's direction.    


"Darling, you can't run today, keep training with me, Deicide!" Liu Xing smiled, and continued to attack the white lion with blue eyes, every move was the third move of the Water-Fire Earth Imperial Fist, and very quickly, he killed the white lion with blue eyes on the spot.    


However, Liu Xing was still not too satisfied. He had witnessed that the White Dragon Lion was stronger than The full mastery of the [Ninestar], but not as powerful as Immortal Monarch.    


This meant that his strength still needed to be improved.    


"Boss is mighty and domineering!" At this time, Liu Xing put away the white lion with blue eyes's corpse, causing Zhao Laojiu and the others to fly over quickly, feeling happy and proud for Liu Xing.    


Even a level 4 or 9 Immortal Beast could be killed, so in the depths of Angry Dragon Mountain Range, other than the Angry Dragon Pool and a distance of millions of miles away from the Angry Dragon Pool, Liu Xing should be able to bring them through unhindered.    


"Let's go, the problem is solved. We will continue to collect Medicinal material s." Liu Xing said a few words and then led everyone to continue moving.    


A day later, Liu Xing and the rest had already reached the deepest part of the Angry Dragon Mountain Range, tens of millions of kilometers away from the Angry Dragon Pool. At this time, there weren't many Immortal Beast left.    


However, Zhao Laojiu and the others were much better, they were no longer as scared as before, but they felt a faint, intimidating pressure from time to time, which made them extremely nervous.    


"Junior Brother Cai, if we continue onward for another thirty million li, we should reach the region around Angry Dragon Pool. Are you sure you still want to go? It's been rumored that even in Ninestar Celestial Immortal Group, there are very few who can reach this position. If we continue forward, I'm afraid there will be big trouble! " Although Liu Xing was very strong, he still didn't wish for Liu Xing to take the risk. After all, the Angry Dragon Pool had the legendary Four-colored flood dragon.    


Although in the past thousand years, no one had seen the Four-colored flood dragon and there were no rumors of it, they were sure that the Four-colored flood dragon was still in the Angry Dragon Pool. It was possible that its strength had long since surpassed the fourth stage ninth stage Immortal Beast.    


To surpass fourth stage ninth stage Immortal Beast would be equivalent to Immortal Monarch rank, who would dare to provoke them?    


"It's fine, we will continue moving forward, the higher the level of the immortal medicine, this time, the key will be in the last few places, if you do well, we can earn billions in one go!" However, Liu Xing smiled calmly and explained everything.    


When they heard that it was possible for them to earn billions, Ni Chang and the others immediately became excited. The rumors had never spread within a five million mile radius of the Angry Dragon Pool, and there were all kinds of high level immortal medicine and heavenly and earthly treasures. If they really went, it was possible for them to earn tens of billions if they had the time and their lives to gather them.    


It was a mountain of gold, luring them to dig it.    


Wealth comes from danger.    


Ni Chang and the rest became extremely determined for a moment, their blood boiling with passion. They planned to give their lives up to Liu Xing and take a look, just in case they didn't die, they would really be rich.    


"Follow me well, everyone. We can already feel an invisible pressure coming from here that's getting heavier and heavier. Everyone, be careful!" When they were almost within five million kilometers of the Angry Dragon Pool, Liu Xing could feel that kind of soul-crushing pressure. He told Zhao Laojiu and the others to be careful.    


Everyone was excited, afraid, and excited as they continued their journey.    


Sure enough, the closer they were to the Angry Dragon Pool, the fewer Immortal Beast there were, and the more immortal medicine there were, along with more and more geniuses and treasures.    


Liu Xing and Xiao Biebie only cared about exploring and killing the Immortal Beast s they encountered. Behind them, Zhao Laojiu and the others felt their hearts beating quickly, their blood boiling up and their bodies trembling from fear and excitement. They dug out the immortal medicine s one after another and kept them inside the Storage Ring s.    


This was the most exciting time of their lives. It was like pulling feathers from the mouth of a tiger and slicing flesh off the body of a god of death. All of them nearly had a heart attack.    


Liu Xing also felt that it was incredibly stimulating, and he felt like he was dancing on the edge of a blade.    


They were getting closer and closer to the Angry Dragon Pool, closer and closer. There were no more Immortal Beast left, but the number of immortal medicine was increasing.    


The top level Quadruple immortal medicine s, Demon Sage Flower, fifth grade immortal medicine s, Nine Heavens Holy Elixir, Third Tier immortal medicine s, Yang Sacred Vine, Jade Cloud Ghost Vine, Top Quadruple immortal medicine s, Origin Spirit Wood, Purple Spirit Pill Flower, Top Quadruple immortal medicine, Blue Cloud Burning Medicine, Origin Ghost Wood, Top fifth grade immortal medicine, Scarlet Burning Milk, Heavenly White Medicine …    


The levels of those immortal medicine s were all all above the third grade. A genius' treasure would at least be at the third stage or above, and there were even a lot of immortal medicine materials that corresponded to Immortal Monarch.    


In the eyes of Zhao Laojiu, Ni Chang and the rest, there were only immortal medicine s and all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures s. Even that horrifying aura that was occasionally left in their hearts was also thrown to the side.    


Finally, Liu Xing and the rest arrived within five million kilometers of the Angry Dragon Pool.    


This time, there were no signs of either the Immortal Beast or the Human Race. Those immortal medicine and the heavenly and earthly treasures seemed like they were deliberately planted by someone, and it was not just the legends that said that they were all of high levels.    


Liu Xing roughly estimated that if all the immortal medicine s and heavenly and earthly treasures s within a radius of thousands of miles were taken away, it would not be difficult for them to earn tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of billions.    


"Little fellow, hurry up and leave with your companions. This place is not a place that you should come to …"    


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