Path to the God

C1582 Immortal King arrival

C1582 Immortal King arrival

3"..." My daughter goes up and down, is lower than her, and I have been forcefully hugging her in my arms all this time. Men and women are not close, and my daughter is Huang Hua's daughter, who has not left the pavilion yet, so you have to take responsibility for her. Otherwise, this king will definitely not forgive you! " At this time, a dignified voice came down from the sky.    


Liu Xing's expression changed greatly. He wanted to push Ren Jinlian away, but discovered that she was already locked on by the opponent's elementary Four Stars. He was afraid that she couldn't even break free from the triple unity power, and could only hug Ren Jinlian without moving.    


Then, a figure floated and landed in front of Liu Xing and Ren Jinlian.    


Liu Xing looked over and saw a middle-aged man who looked to be around fifty years old standing not far away. His clothes were made of ice blue silk, and the elegant, white, bamboo leaf pattern on the sides of his clothes reflected the brilliance of the white jade hairpin on his head.    


There were a few strands of white hair mixed in with the black hair on his head. Although his face was inevitably stained with the traces of time, one could still clearly see his handsome and refined past.    


Not only did his current scholarly aura not decrease, it even increased the mature charm brought by the passage of time. The modern "Charm of a literary Dashu" in the Earth could not be any more.    


What Liu Xing was shocked about was not the middle-aged man or the Dashu's appearance, but the Dashu's strength.    


Perfection of the Eight Stars!    


With this kind of strength, even though Martial realm was only the elementary form of Four Stars, it was probably enough with a finger if one wanted to eliminate him.    


For the first time, he felt that the High Rank Immortal King was strong. That kind of aura, he could only look up to.    


"The Senior must be the chief hall master of the mission hall, Ren Tianya, right? I am only joking with your love, that is, if Lord Immortal King arrives, can you please withdraw your pressure and let me not hold your love anymore? " Liu Xing forced himself to stay calm. He felt that he had been tricked by Ren Jinlian and her father.    


Ren Jinlian dressed up beautifully, and even waited for him by herself on the meteor Grand Plaza to place good wine and good meat. He was not a particularly serious person to begin with, but when she saw Ren Jinlian, he wanted to joke around and take advantage of him.    


And right after he took advantage of the situation, Ren Jinlian's father Ren Tianya appeared. This was definitely something they had agreed upon earlier, to let him take advantage of them on purpose.    


Immortal King, a stately Master Immortal King actually dared to use such a despicable and shameless method against him, he felt like he wanted to cry, but had no tears.    


It was just that he could not understand, the matter between him and the Trial Hall could not be underestimated, and he even threatened to extort Ren Jinlian. It was reasonable that Ren Tianya wanted to kill him, so why set a trap for him?    


But no matter what, he had already passed the Thought to the red daffodil and the Five-colored Flood Dragon, telling them to come over quickly and await his orders. At the same time, he also told Jin Nei to go to the Neon Sect's Ruins and report the situation to the Little loli, just in case.    


One must be careful when dealing with these Immortal King.    


Otherwise, if he wasn't careful, his body would have been smashed to smithereens.    


"I can let you go, but that's settled. Since you like my daughter so much, then I'll betroth her to you. Do you have anything else you want to say?" Ren Tianya smiled faintly, but did not retract his Martial realm immediately.    


"Senior has misunderstood. The relationship between me and your beloved friend is not like what Senior imagined. Senior, please do not misunderstand, it's true!" Liu Xing quickly said, but as a man, it was hard to keep up with a man's words. If he did not clarify now, Ren Jinlian would lose everything, although Ren Jinlian was alright, but he really did not have that intention, he had always been joking.    


"Is that so? This king will ask Jin Lian, as long as Jin Lian says that we're good buddies, then I won't make things difficult for you, but if Jin Lian doesn't think that way, then you can't just take advantage of Jin Lian and not take responsibility for Jin Lian, right? Ren Tianya looked at Liu Xing again and said a few words calmly.    


When Liu Xing finished listening, he immediately felt that there was a problem. Ren Jinlian and Ren Tianya had already set up a trap for him to crawl into, so when Ren Tianya asked, she naturally would not answer his question in his direction.    


Liu Xing couldn't help but to admire Ren Tianya's craftiness. With this, he was already at a dead end. For a moment, the entire scene was no longer under his control, but rather, led his Nose away.    


"Senior, we don't have that kind of feeling, this kind of thing cannot be forced. I also don't have any other thoughts towards the golden lotus, Senior, don't make things difficult for the Junior!" Liu Xing felt that he was somewhat at a loss for words. Against this old monster, he was still far from being his opponent.    


"You mean to say that you touched This King's daughter, kissed her, hugged her, and ruined your innocence before losing responsibility?" Ren Tianya's tone was a little ice-cold, and he seemed to be a little unhappy.    


"Senior, I didn't mean that!" Although Liu Xing said that, in his heart, he was thinking, if not for his lack of strength, why would he be so aggrieved? If he could beat Ren Tianya, he would definitely jump up. He could just touch and kiss, and wouldn't be responsible at all, what about it? If you don't agree, then so be it!    


Unfortunately, he didn't have the courage to say such words.    


"You don't mean that? You mean you don't want to be responsible? " Ren Tianya continued to force Liu Xing to submit. Liu Xing immediately went silent, since he could not agree to this matter easily.    


"If you don't speak, then this king will take it as your consent. Jin Lian, are you satisfied that this kid is your Tao companion?" Ren Tianya smiled and asked Ren Jinlian. Ren Jinlian personally activated the jade lip and slowly answered: "I am satisfied!"    


"I'm not satisfied!" Liu Xing immediately roared.    


"Shut up. You don't have the right to speak right now. Jin Lian, let's go!" After Ren Tianya finished speaking a little, Ren Jinlian took Liu Xing's hand away and stood up to leave. Ren Tianya immediately took out a Immortal color rope and helped Liu Xing up.    


"Senior, where are you bringing me?" Liu Xing was anxious, being led away now, him losing his freedom, was definitely not a good thing.    


"Go to Zhongxian Continent and hold the wedding ceremony!" Ren Tianya said a few words, then carried Liu Xing and continued to walk.    


Ren Jinlian followed along by the side, her head lowered, her face a little red, with a smile on her lips.    


Paper could not wrap fire. Last time when they went back, the matter of her being forcefully hugged by Liu Xing's kiss was quickly spread to Ren Tianya's ears.    


The Daughter that Ren Tianya doted on the most almost directly rushed towards the Northern Immortal Continent to kill him, but fortunately, he was stopped in time by Ren Jinlian.    


Calming down, Ren Tianya asked Ren Jinlian. There were two choices given to Ren Jinlian, one was to kill Liu Xing, and the other was to make Liu Xing a Tao companion.    


Ren Jinlian pondered for a bit, but still chose the second option. She didn't know why, but he didn't want Liu Xing to die just like that. If Liu Xing really didn't die, then he would be at a dead end with her father and the Trial Hall. That way, it wouldn't be good for everyone.    


Choosing the second option was the best decision.    


"Senior, don't, in broad daylight, forcibly snatch away a man. Senior, you can't do this!" When Liu Xing heard that they were going to hold a ceremony at Zhongxian Continent, he almost peed his pants in fright and wailed like ghosts.    


However, Ren Jinlian and Ren Tianya continued to walk towards the Teleporting Array with faint smiles on their faces.    


"Put down the Young Lord!"    


"Put down the Boss!"    


When they were still five meters away from the Teleporting Array, two furious roars came out, the Five-colored Flood Dragon and red daffodil flew over at the same time, blocking Ren Tianya's path.    


When the Five-colored Flood Dragon and red daffodil came over, Liu Xing should have been happy, but he didn't. He knew, that with just the Five-colored Flood Dragon and red daffodil, even though the man and the beast were both Nine-star Immortal Monarchs, they simply could not stop Ren Tianya, who was at the peak of the Eight Stars.    


"Immortal Beast of the ninth level of Fifth Rank? The Immortal Lord s of the Immortal Lord s? You are all Liu Xing's subordinates, right? This little bastard really has some skills! " Ren Tianya looked at the Five-colored Flood Dragon and red daffodil, and a look of astonishment flashed past his eyes.    


With the help of these two Nine-star Immortal Lords, other than the three great families, Liu Xing was probably the strongest existence in the entire Unitary Immortal Domain.    


This was the first time Ren Tianya met Liu Xing. It seemed that Jiuxing was a playboy, a trash who did not know anything. However, when he saw the Five-colored Flood Dragon and red daffodil, he couldn't help but admit that Liu Xing was perhaps not as simple as he looked.    


"That's right, Senior is one of the three great Immortal King of the Unitary Immortal Domain, why would he do such a despicable and shameless thing? Please release our Young Lord immediately. The power behind his, I am afraid that he is not worthy to be his shoes, I beg you to reconsider! " red daffodil said immediately and even brought out the Little loli that she had seen once before to threaten Ren Tianya.    


From her point of view, as long as the Little loli was weak, they would probably be the same as Ren Tianya.    


"Oh? So powerful? Then please come out and let this duke see. This king knows all the peerless Expert of the Unitary Immortal Domain. Ren Tianya laughed easily. This Unitary Immortal Domain had the three great Immortal King s' greatest costs. He was ranked second, and Jin En, the first, didn't even dare to say that he wasn't qualified to carry his shoes.    


"Young Lord, come on, come out your little one. We can add them all together, it won't be enough for Senior to kill with one hand!" The red daffodil shouted a few words to Liu Xing, who was in Ren Tianya's hands. The reason they risked their lives to come was because they could not defy Liu Xing's orders.    


Liu Xing smiled bitterly.    


He told Jin Nei to go call the Little loli, but Jin Nei had already replied him, saying that no matter how loud he yelled in front of the Neon Sect's ruins, he couldn't get a response. He was afraid that if he said that Liu Xing was going to die, he wouldn't get any response.    


"Brat, call out any more Expert s. If they don't have any, this king will take you with me. Such a good thing, this king's daughter married you, and even forcefully kidnapped you to hold the wedding ceremony. Beautiful, you brat didn't ask around, and wanted to marry our family's Golden Lotus Man, this Unitary Immortal Domain, has too many people! " told Liu Xing again. Honestly speaking, he really wanted to see the real Expert beside Liu Xing.    


supreme expert were all lonely, if they could meet one, and compare notes with each other, it would be a fortunate thing.    


"Alright then, I'll call him to take a look, but Senior is usually very busy, I wonder if he's here!" Liu Xing laughed bitterly and said a few words, clearing his throat, Ren Tianya and the rest all stared at him.    


After brewing for a moment, he loudly shouted, "Sect Leader Big Brother!"    


Now that Ye Xiaomi could not be relied on, he could only look to see if the Big Black-clothed fellow was here. However, even if the Big Black-clothed fellow was here, he might not be Ren Tianya's match. He just had no other choice but to grab onto a lifesaving straw and see if she could grab onto it.    


After Liu Xing called out, everyone held their breath. The Spiritual Sense looked around to see what kind of peerless Expert would appear.    


After waiting for almost a minute, they still did not see any Expert coming.    


"Sect Leader Big Brother!" Liu Xing let out a wild roar, and when the sound spread out, it was extremely loud and clear, and there were even echoes. Then, he continued to wait there, and everyone followed Liu Xing in waiting.    


After almost a minute, Big Black-clothed fellow still did not appear.    


Ren Tianya laughed loudly, looked at Liu Xing, and said: "Hahaha, brat, pretend to be mysterious. With this duke here, the area of two million li around is all within the scope of this duke's Spiritual Sense. If there really was a Expert, this duke would have discovered it a long time ago!"    


"Did you really find out?" Suddenly, an extremely cold figure rang out.    


Everyone, including Ren Tianya, had a drastic change in expression, only Liu Xing had an ecstatic expression.    


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