Path to the God

C1646 'It turned out to be her! '

C1646 'It turned out to be her! '

3Looking at the young Beauty's attitude, it didn't seem like she was lying.    


Liu Xing, on the other hand, was stunned after hearing this. He was thinking whether or not he managed to get a Beauty in this Immortal Domain without him knowing, and now had a sister-in-law.    


"Hahahaha, what a joke, Meteor Neon Sect Liu Xing is your brother-in-law? Why the f * * k didn't you say that Ten Directions Immortal Domain's Immortal master is your father? Little Beauty, stop struggling and come with us. Don't worry, you will get your share of benefits! " The soldiers all laughed, while the marshal was laughing even harder. Although Liu Xing had made his name from exploring the Black Dragon Empire, how could Liu Xing's sister-in-law still be here?    


Liu Xing left the Black Dragon Empire, and went to the Empire of Windcloud. The first person he joined is our Neon Sect, you should know that Liu Xing is an extremely protective Supreme Expert, the various large and small forces of the Wind Cloud City have besieged the Neon Sect, and killed my Neon Sect. In order to avenge them, Liu Xing has immediately destroyed all of Wind Cloud City's power, you should know this as well. Now that the Meteor Sect has merged into a Meteor Neon Sect, when I, the Sect Leader, return, I will be at least a Grand Elder. If you dare to be presumptuous, Meteor Neon Sect will definitely not let you off scot-free! " The young woman roared again.    


Hearing that, Liu Xing frowned.    


Neon Sect neon had been out on a tour for many years, and now they were here. He had even met them, what a coincidence.    


However, the moment this Nebula Cloud went out to gain experience, it would take her almost fifty years to return. This had caused the Neon Sect to change from a three star power to a two star power, and it had almost collapsed.    


"Don't keep bringing up Liu Xing for me, he isn't a god, what's the use of bringing him up? Let me tell you, this is the border of the Empire of Windcloud, and is under my jurisdiction, not his Meteor City. Furthermore, even if Liu Xing were to appear here, the I would be able to easily eliminate him. The marshal was displeased and shouted a few words.    


Liu Xing cheating, it was also none of their business.    


Besides, they already said Liu Xing was strong and could not be offended, how many people had actually seen him fight before?    


However, just as the marshal finished his sentence, another calm voice came from the sky. Everyone was shocked.    


"Is that so? I am Liu Xing, come and easily destroy one of them! "    


When the voice fell, a golden-colored figure floated down from the sky. It was an incomparably handsome white-haired young man with an extraordinary temperament and perfect 1-Star Earth Immortal.    


He is Liu Xing?    


Everyone looked at Liu Xing, and they were all stunned.    


"Brother-in-law!" The young Beauty shouted and ran towards Liu Xing as if he wanted to hug him.    


"Stop stop stop, don't yell, who's your brother-in-law? Who's your sister? " Liu Xing hurriedly stopped that young Beautiful Friend. Suddenly, a younger sister-in-law appeared in front of him.    


"Brother-in-law, I'm Qiu Ying, my sister is Qiu Yi. My sister has been with you for so long, if you aren't my brother-in-law, who is?" The young Beautiful Friend said and laughed very sweetly. No matter what Liu Xing's expression was, he kept his magical equipment and pulled it along with him. Looking at it from Liu Xing's body, his eyes were filled with curiosity and joy.    


"Go, go, go. So you are Qiu Yi's sister, an earthworm. "But let me tell you, your sister and I are friends. I'm not your brother-in-law, so don't scream or I'll spank your butt!" Liu Xing tapped the worm's forehead and warned it.    


He hadn't seen this little girl before, and it had been two times in a row that someone else came to the Qiu Family to propose marriage and asked to marry Qiu Ying. But now that he finally saw her, he realized that there actually wasn't anything surprising about her.    


"Oh, I understand brother-in-law!" Qiu Ying nodded his head in agreement before frowning slightly. He continued to bark and immediately raised his hand to whip Qiu Ying's butt, scaring Qiu Ying to the point of dodging, saying that Liu Xing really wanted to take advantage of Beauty like what her sister had said.    


"Hey hey hey, what are you doing? Are you Liu Xing?" The Great Marshal couldn't bear to see this any longer, so he interrupted Liu Xing and Qiu Ying who were laughing merrily.    


"I am Liu Xing, and they are both my friends. Let them safely go to the Meteor City, I won't make things difficult for you two, how about it?" Liu Xing nodded and told the Great Marshal that he still had to go and fetch Jun Ze and the others. At the moment, he did not want to waste any more time.    


"They were chosen by This Commander, so why are you letting them go just like you say?" Someone, rumor has it that Liu Xing does not have any adversary in Unitary Immortal Domain, go and teach him a lesson, and see if he is truly worthy of his title! " With a wave of his hand, a deputy rode a yellow Blood Horse. Carrying the large Blade, he charged towards Liu Xing.    


If they did not experience Liu Xing's true strength, none of them would be willing to give up.    


Qiu Ying and Ni Xia also stared at Liu Xing, wanting to see how strong he was.    


"You're courting death!" Liu Xing muttered as he struck out with his palm, instantly condensing it into a large golden palm that enveloped the vice commander of Earthly Immortal. With a boom, the palm smashed down and instantly turned the deputy and his Blood Horse into a meat patty.    


This scene stupefied everyone.    


With a single palm strike, he had turned the Deputy Earthly Immortal and the third stage Blood Horse into a meat patty. This kind of strength was something that even normal Celestial Immortal s would find hard to accomplish.    


"Go another ten people!" The Great General was still unconvinced, and with a wave of his hand, the ten soldiers hesitated, but they still rode on their Blood Horse and charged towards Liu Xing.    


The corner of Liu Xing's mouth lifted, and his Three-Star Martial Realm pressed over. Boom, boom, boom, boom. The ten soldiers as well as the ten Blood Horse all exploded into a ball as they disappeared, and only ten of them fell down.    


This time, the crowd was even more astonished and shocked.    


Liu Xing was so strong, and it was just like the legends said.    


"As expected of the heroic youth, let's go!" When he saw Liu Xing's expression, he was already filled with fear and led his team away.    


"Wait, send someone to escort them to Meteor City. If anything happens to them, I will return and annihilate all eighteen generations of your ancestors!" Liu Xing said a few words lightly. The faces of the Great Marshal and the others turned ugly, but they still stopped.    


"Sect Leader, thank you!" Only then did Ni Xia walk over with Qiu Ying, thanking him sincerely. Without Liu Xing, they probably wouldn't be able to escape today.    


"After going out for fifty years, your Neon Sect will be gone. Do you know? Right now, you are only at the early stages of the Nine Stellar Earth Immortals s. Go to Meteor City and look for Ni Xia. She is now Sect Leader and will settle you down. And you, earthworm, your sister Qiu Yi is currently in Meteor Neon Sect, if you go to Meteor Neon Sect, don't run around, this is just Nine-star False Immortal great perfection, don't you know how embarrassing it is? You guys take care of yourselves, I'm leaving! " Liu Xing left a few sentences behind, reprimanding Ni Xia and Qiu Ying, and then disappeared in a flash.    


"Let's go, the two of you have a backer. That's amazing!" The Commander said a few sour words, then gave one Blood Horse each to Nei Xia and Qiu Ying before leaving with them.    


With Liu Xing's words from before, even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn't dare do anything against Qiu Ying.    


Qingshan Town. The reception hall of Mayor Mansion was bustling with noise and excitement.    


Among them, there were a lot of people that Liu Xing was familiar with. Jun Ze, Yu Furong, Ah Ze, Zuo Xinru, Zuo Xinci, Chen Pingfeng, Uncle Xu, Wei Yi, Yin Dan, Cheng Xiaolong, Zhang Saichi, Ye Ruolan, Cao Mei, Cao Mei.    


He has only been in the Immortal Domain for three years, and he has already left his foundation in this town for us. Unlike last time when he was in the Spiritual Domain, when we went up later on, he was still participating in that Genius Ranking Competition. Ahhh!!! As he ate the carbon grilled immortal's meat, he couldn't help but praise Liu Xing.    


When they had flown up together and were still unfamiliar with each other, there were already people waiting for them specifically to tell them about Liu Xing and bring them to Mayor Mansion. They gave them a warm welcome, good wine, good meat, good food and so on.    


Hahaha, second brother, you are underestimating your third brother, he is not the rash young man from before, he is already in his thirties, and has reached the prime of his life. When he comes to Immortal Domain, if he does not make a name for himself, he will become the king of the Spiritual Kingdom, Xiao Yao! Jun Ze laughed out loud, holding a jar of good wine, he drank it all up, feeling satisfied.    


"That's right, brother-in-law is definitely even more amazing. When I think about how I'll be able to meet my sister and brother-in-law in a while, I can't help but get excited. Hur Hur Hur Hur!" Ye Ruolan also said a few words, he was very excited, his small face flushed red, he looked even more mature and beautiful than before.    


"Brother-in-law, are you still thinking about your brother-in-law?" What am I? I told Liu Xing a long time ago that we weren't going to the Immortal Domain, and you changed your mind not long after. You insisted on coming over, and now, I don't even know what to say when I see Liu Xing! " Zhang Saichi said a few words, and in his heart, he was somewhat unhappy.    


In the past, when Liu Xing and Ruyu Ye Ruoshi had flown up, they had said that they could not go up, but Ye Ruolan would change her mind in a few days and strongly request that of them. Thus, they built up the Time Accelerating Array and used all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures s, and in the past three years, they had raised their strength to the Great Perfection of Late Primordius, and after a breakthrough, they flew up together with Jun Ze and the others.    


"Zhang Saichi, it's good that you can come up, stop blabbering so much, the Immortal Qi in Immortal Domain is very dense, it's fine if you live for a few hundred years, but just keep it to yourself. Oh yeah, that mayor, we have been talking about it, but we did not hear anything about my third brother. Why don't you tell us what happened to him, and see how he is doing in Immortal Domain? " Ah Ze shouted out a few words to Zhang Saichi, then looked at Xiao Yutian, and said some words.    


They had always been talking back and forth, and had not even given Xiao Yutian a chance to interject. Xiao Yutian also did not dare to interject, so after eating and drinking for such a long time, they still did not know how far Liu Xing had gotten.    


"Everyone, Master is not so good right now. Our town belongs to the Qing Shui City, and the Qing Shui City belongs to the Black Dragon Empire. The Black Dragon Empire is the smallest empire, and there are also four big empires. Among them, the Empire of Windcloud is the strongest, and all of the Empire of Windcloud s are in the Wind Cloud City. Currently, there are over a hundred large and small powers in the Wind Cloud City, but because they were bullying the Master, they were all exterminated by the Master, which drove away the Wind Cloud City's royal family and all of its cultivator s. The Master is currently the Sect Leader, and the Meteor Neon Sect is the sect with the densest and richest resources in all of Northern Immortal Continent. Xiao Yutian could only give a general summary of Liu Xing's current situation. Before he could finish, he was interrupted by Jun Ze.    


"Not bad, not bad, Third Brother's style is to go where he kills, that is his style, that is to say, Third Brother has already become the most unruly existence in West Immortal Continent? In just three short years, Third Brother has reached his current level. This is truly a cause for celebration! " Jun Ze was very pleased. Becoming the strongest existence of a continent in the span of three years, was indeed a tricky task.    


"Senior, Master is not only the ruler of the Northern Immortal Continent, he is one of the strongest in all of the five continents of the entire Unitary Immortal Domain, including all the other …"    


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