Path to the God

C1707 Mu Jiaomei

C1707 Mu Jiaomei

2After spending one hundred and fifty million Exquisite quality primeval stone and successfully taking down the Soul Cultivator, Liu Xing directly put everything he had into the Eternal World.    


Outside, the Auction continued.    


"Ladies and gentlemen, what we are about to auction next, is a treasure, which is also a new treasure added onto the auction list. It is possible that many cultivator do not know about it yet, but he is an incomparably mysterious treasure, no matter what cultivator we are talking about, including the highest level treasure appraisers of our Black Gold Auction, they are unable to determine what kind of situation he is in, and can only be described with two words, that is, a miracle, or rather, a miracle. Mu Hanyan continued to lead the Auction and when she introduced the treasure, she was very excited.    


After she finished speaking, countless cultivator cheered as their spirits were lifted.    


Hearing Mu Hanyan say that this kind of treasure was something that even the highest appraisers in the Black Gold Auction could not determine, then this treasure would definitely cause everyone to drop their spectacles, it was truly a shocking treasure.    


In room number 9, Liu Xing and Shui Yishi looked at each other and smiled in their hearts.    


Needless to say, they had already guessed that the thing that they were going to bid for next would definitely be the phone that Liu Xing had taken out earlier to photograph Archdeacon of Xi Men and the others using. That guy was indeed mysterious.    


Liu Xing was the happiest.    


He wanted to see what kind of price an ordinary smartphone that the Earth brought with them could fetch in the Immortal Domain.    


At this time, a Cheongsam Beauty was carrying a jade plate, on it was a black cloth, and on the black cloth was a jade box. The jade box was rather big, and was a rectangular shape, thirty centimeters long, twenty centimeters wide, and twenty centimeters tall.    


Liu Xing smiled and was a little suspicious. It was such a big jade box, it couldn't possibly be holding a small phone, could it be that Mu Hanyan was doing something?    


Under the gazes of everyone present, the box was placed on the auction platform and directly opened. A dense wave of cyan smoke floated out, as if it was filled with countless dried ice that had evaporated, and the cyan smoke was indeed emitted from the extreme cold ice.    


The dense cyan smoke did not disperse, so no one could clearly see what the hell it was.    


Liu Xing frowned once again. If Mu Hanyan were to use this method to keep his phone, then his phone would be crippled. Immortal Domain's s were able to instantly freeze his phone and explode.    


The cyan smoke slowly dispersed and your things finally revealed themselves. It was a treasure, but what made Liu Xing's heart drop was, that fellow was not his phone, but a fruit. The fruit, that was pure red in color, looked like a legendary peach, but it was pitifully small, as long as it was as big as a egg, it would be very tempting.    


Liu Xing and Shui Yishi looked at each other, their eyes filled with puzzlement and puzzlement.    


The two thought that they were taking out Liu Xing's phone, but who knew that they would actually take out an ordinary looking immortal fruit?    


When the numerous cultivator saw the small immortal fruit in the white jade box, their interest dropped. They were disappointed and lamented.    


"Please do not be disappointed, Fellow Daoist. Come and see, who is this?" Mu Hanyan was still smiling, with a casual wave of her hand, the Immortal Yuan Qi congealed into the appearance of a, which was also a colourful image, it was extremely lifelike.    


All cultivator s looked and saw that peerless woman was dressed in a red silk dress. Her collar was opened very low, her face was like a lotus, her eyebrows were like willow trees, and her eyes, which were even more charming than peach blossoms, were extremely alluring. Her skin was snow-white, and her black hair was tied into a tall Beauty bun.    


No matter how you looked at it, this woman was still a beauty of Exquisite Beauty. When that male cultivator saw her, he couldn't help but let his imagination run wild.    


"Big Boss, the Unparalleled Beauty that you drew is indeed wonderful, but what does he have to do with that little fruit?" The numerous cultivator s awakened from the beauty of the Beauty and immediately asked.    


How could there be any relationship between the Beauty and the little fruit? Could it be that the little fruit was raised in some place for thousands of years before it was taken out for sale?    


If that was really the case, then there really might be some cultivator who had a special hobby who would buy it themselves. But as long as their brains were still filled with water, they would not buy it.    


Liu Xing and the others were also looking at it with interest. They were a little curious, what other places had they not seen? They were all waiting to see!    


"Everyone has asked a good question. In order to let everyone understand this miraculous fruit, everyone, please look at a portrait of mine, compare it and take a look!" Mu Hanyan laughed and said a few more words. She waved her hand and started drawing in the air.    


Many cultivator s turned to look at the newly drawn woman, and upon seeing her, more than a dozen of them immediately vomited.    


Liu Xing and the others also looked at the newly drawn woman, and their hearts were filled with disgust and they nearly puked out blood. They didn't want to take a second look at her.    


Strictly speaking, it was a rectangle with a pile of pockmarks that had a needle hole on it. The big and small pair of dull eyeballs could first be seen by a human eye, and under the nose that was the size of a needle, it was filled with a "cherry lips" that had been spicy over and over again hundreds of times, sharp and jagged teeth, poop yellow, poop yellow, and a pair of seemingly perfect hands, covered with gorilla-like black hair. Who could be more ugly than her?    


This woman was indeed the ugliest woman Liu Xing had ever seen in the Immortal Domain.    


Only now did he realize that Jin Bingbing, who was initially like a giant mountain in Spiritual Domain, was also slightly more pleasing to the eye than this woman.    


Hurry up and destroy her, otherwise, let us go, we won't be participating in this Black Gold Auction anymore. Seeing this honor, we will have three years of nightmares, what a sin! Many of the cultivator s were discussing and strongly demanding for the portraits of the ugly cultivator to be scattered.    


Mu Hanyan waved her hand and the ugly woman's portrait and the beautiful woman's portrait disappeared.    


There are many cultivator s who have their own questions. If I want to buy the fruit, why would I make an ugly and beautiful female cultivator out of it? "Next, let me unravel the mystery for you!" Mu Hanyan pressed her hands down, and said a few words in a loud voice, and the entire place finally quieted down.    


However, many of the cultivator s still felt uncomfortable in their hearts. One ugly and one beautiful, these two women had caused such a huge disparity in their hearts that it was difficult for them to accept it, causing them to feel extremely disgusted in their hearts.    


However, they were still interested. Everyone wanted to see what Mu Hanyan would say next.    


"Various Fellow Daoist here, perhaps no one would know about that beautiful woman, but if the Trinity Immortal Domain came to join our Black Gold Auction, he would definitely know that the beautiful woman was none other than the current Trinity Immortal Domain's, Mu Jiaomei. Mu Jiaomei was not only the Holy Maiden of the Wood Race, but also the current Trinity Immortal Domain's number one great Beauty. But the matter of Mu Jiaomei becoming the Holy Maiden and becoming the number one Beauty in the Trinity Immortal Domain was only a matter of a few months! " Mu Hanyan said, and stopped for a moment.    


All of the cultivator s looked at each other, this did not mean that Mu Jiaomei had just become a Holy Maiden of the Wood Race, what was so strange about that? What was strange was that Mu Jiaomei only got the title of Trinity Immortal Domain's number one Beauty in these past few months.    


Liu Xing couldn't help but think that if Mu Jiaomei had always been a peerless beauty, then she would have long been Trinity Immortal Domain's number one. She couldn't possibly wait until now, could it be that Mu Jiaomei was actually that extremely ugly woman who only transformed now? Could it be that there was a problem with the fruit?    


Although Liu Xing's conjecture was bold, it was still reasonable.    


", I will not beat around the bush anymore. It was possible that some of the Fellow Daoist s had already thought of it, that it was true, before Mu Jiaomei became the most beautiful woman in the world, she was that ugly woman, and that ugly woman was also Trinity Immortal Domain's number one. It was rumored that even cultivator who had seen her before would punch her in the face, giving a loud Ah Da, and knock her down with a punch. But just three months ago, Mu Ada went to the Trinity Immortal Domain to train her Secret Realm and coincidentally picked up two fruit. Mu Hanyan slowly said this with a smile.    


It sounded so unbelievable and unbelievable.    


"Big Boss, could it be that you want Mu Ada to transform after eating one of the fruit, becoming the current Mu Jiaomei, becoming the Holy Maiden of the Wood Race, and becoming the number one Beauty?" Although they found it hard to believe, they still had to ask, otherwise they would not be able to hold it in.    


This was also what Liu Xing wanted to ask.    


"That's right, ever since Mu Ada ate one, she was originally ugly but her aptitude was already good, but her aptitude actually became even better. It is generally accepted that she was originally ugly, but she actually became even more beautiful. Mu Hanyan nodded and continued speaking.    


After she finished speaking, the crowd looked at each other again and discussed animatedly. It was simply unbelievable.    


Eating just one fruit, then from an extremely ugly woman, he would turn into an extremely beautiful woman with a beauty so beautiful that it could topple nations, which was impossible for him to even think of it.    


Many of you Fellow Daoist s have never been to the Trinity Immortal Domain, so naturally you would think that it's impossible. Today, our Auction has also welcomed the three great powers of the Trinity Immortal Domain, who are all in the private rooms, including the Angry Sword Sect, the Flower Rain Sect, and the Wooden race. They all have the right to speak. Mu Hanyan spoke a bit before taking the lead to clap. All of the cultivator in the auction hall looked towards the Ten Large box.    


With the arrival of the three great forces in the Trinity Immortal Domain, even Mu Jiaomei's own Wooden race had come, so the information was definitely not accurate.    


"Sigh, this senior is an elder of the Angry Sword Sect, this news is true!"    


"About that, this sovereign will tell you about the Hua Yu Sect's elders. This news is true!"    


The Fury Sword Sect and Huayu Sect were the first to speak, proving the authenticity of this matter.    


"This sovereign is an elder of the Wooden race, and my clan's newly appointed Holy Maiden Mu Jiaomei was indeed Mu Ada. She only became the newly appointed Holy Maiden and number one Beauty in the last few months. This matter is absolutely true, and I can guarantee it with my life! " Finally, under everyone's anticipating gaze, the elder of Wooden race spoke once again, confirming the authenticity of the matter.    




The was once again in an uproar, this meant that it was true, Mu Jiaomei became more beautiful because she ate that mysterious fruit.    


Countless cultivator started talking among themselves, as if they still did not believe it.    


"All Fellow Daoist need not be suspicious, this fruit was something that Wooden race took out for auction. She once said that he wanted to let a woman or man that did not have confidence eat this fruit, so that the person would have confidence in themselves from then on. "Let's start the auction. Any cultivator who are auctioned off can be tested on the spot. If they don't have any reaction after eating it …"    


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