Path to the God

C256 three foreigners

C256 three foreigners

2This time, it was still China Airlines, still in first-class cabin, still met Bao Shuangshuang.    


All eight seats were occupied. Other than Liu Xing's group of five, the other three seats were occupied by three old men.    


The three foreigners were all in their forties and were in high spirits. They looked handsome, had an extraordinary spirit, and were well-built. From a glance, one could tell that they were no ordinary people.    


Strangely, there was a small golden arrow on the foreheads of the three foreigners. From afar, the small golden arrow looked like a beautiful golden flower.    


Bao Shuangshuang saw Cao Mei and took the initiative to greet him. When she passed by Liu Xing, she glared at him and thought to herself, This Liu Xing is really abnormal, he was originally a baldie, although she can't say whether he looks good or not, at least he's better than now.    


What Bao Shuangshuang thought was right, she had almost become a transvestite.    


Towards Cai Xiaobai and the other two, who were simply dressed, Bao Shuangshuang did not look down on them. In the purpose of her service, although there was a difference between rich and poor, there was no difference between them.    


This was the first time Cai Xiaobai and the other two people had flown, and it was the first time for them to do so. They lay on their seats and looked left and right, touching left and right, extremely curious.    


There were a lot of people in first-class cabin today, so Bao Shuangshuang did not specifically come to chat with Cao Mei.    


The three foreigners ordered a glass of whisky each, and Cai Xiaobai and the other two had their own drinks.    


"mister Liu, what do you want to drink?"    


Bao Shuangshuang specifically asked Liu Xing one last time, she knew about Liu Xing's alcohol tolerance, this time she just wanted to give Liu Xing a cup of wine, she didn't have a lot.    


Liu Xing frowned slightly. He knew that the matters of the Yanjing would be troublesome, so he was a bit worried, wanting to use the alcohol to ease his worries. The alcohol in the Eternal World was gone, so Bao Shuangshuang brought the wine cart over.    


If he wanted it, he would have to give it to him first.    


Liu Xing said: "Miss Bao, there was a misunderstanding between us last time, which made everyone unhappy. I want to give you a present to express my apologies!"    


Liu Xing thought of a way, and that was to sweep a few The snow pear from the Eternal World and give it to Bao Shuangshuang. Bao Shuangshuang was overjoyed, as the problem with the alcohol could be easily solved!    


Bao Shuangshuang did not speak, his big eyes staring straight at Liu Xing's mouth. After looking for a long time, she asked: "mister Liu, I'm sorry to bother you to open your mouth, I'll take another look, and see if there's something wrong with my eyes!"    


When Liu Xing spoke, Bao Shuangshuang saw that a few of Liu Xing's teeth had actually fallen out of his mouth, directly revealing a hole;    


Liu Xing's old face reddened, he understood what Bao Shuangshuang meant. Bao Shuangshuang must have seen that a few of his teeth had fallen off, and if they fell off, they wouldn't be able to grow back either. Without six teeth, Liu Xing couldn't even hide it other than keeping his mouth shut.    


On the other side, Cao Mei covered her mouth and laughed. Liu Xing's teeth was her masterpiece, when she heard Bao Shuangshuang asking about Liu Xing's teeth, she was inexplicably excited.    


Liu Xing was speechless. He stretched both his hands behind his back and stretched them out once more, two The snow pear s appearing in his hands and he directly placed them in front of Bao Shuangshuang.    


The The snow pear's skin was smooth and bright, and it had a sweet smell to it. It smelled very nice and refreshing, and the smell was also very tempting. It gave people a feeling that they would not be able to stop after smelling it.    


"Eh? This Sydney pear is so beautiful, this is the first time I'm seeing it, it smells so good! "    


As Bao Shuangshuang spoke, she could not help but pick up one and place it beside the Nose to sniff. With a startled expression, she snatched the other The snow pear from Liu Xing's hands.    


Liu Xing dragged Bao Shuangshuang's sleeve and pointed to the wine carriage.    


"The Sydney pear is mine, I like it a lot. Drink the wine if you want, I'll come over later!"    


Bao Shuangshuang said, and turned to leave, holding the two The snow pear. This Sydney pear was the most beautiful fruit she had ever seen, and also the most magical fruit she had ever seen.    


Liu Xing did not care about Bao Shuangshuang anymore. With a sweep of the Spiritual Sense, he swept all the alcohol on the carriage into the Eternal World, and then swept them out with a speed that no one could cover their ears with.    


After sweeping out the alcohol, Liu Xing unscrewed a bottle of whiskey and gulped it down. Before he finished drinking, he heard a foreigner speaking in Chinese.    


"Wait, beautiful lady, please hold on!"    


When Bao Shuangshuang passed by the three foreigners, one of them reached out his hand to block her way.    


"mister, what other services do you need?"    


The smile on his face was very bright and sincere. Although she hated Liu Xing, she didn't hate the The snow pear that Liu Xing gave him.    


The foreigner pointed to the The snow pear in Bao Shuangshuang's hand and said: "Beautiful lady, I will buy these two Sydney pear. Name a price!"    


As the foreigner spoke, he unbuckled his seatbelt on his body and stood up. The other two foreigners also unbuckled their seatbelts and stood beside the speaking foreigner, blocking Bao Shuangshuang's path.    


Just now, when Liu Xing took out the The snow pear, they smelt a kind of mysterious fragrance. When Bao Shuangshuang walked over with the Sydney pear, the mysterious fragrance became even stronger, and they knew that the Sydney pear was definitely not some ordinary object.    


Bao Shuangshuang's face froze. She finally found a treasure, how could she sell it? Furthermore, with Bao Shuangshuang's background, she was not lacking in money!    


Bao Shuangshuang said politely: "Sorry, mister, I like this Sydney pear. No matter how much you pay, I won't sell it.    


"Beautiful lady, we like you very much too. You have two Sydney pear, if you really like them, can you sell one to us? What do you think? "    


The three foreigners still blocked their way. From the way they acted, it seemed that if Bao Shuangshuang didn't want to sell them a Sydney pear, they wouldn't let him pass.    


Bao Shuangshuang was very unhappy in her heart. Originally, she had thought that the foreigners would be gentleman and wouldn't force others to do anything, especially when she was with the ladies. However, these three foreigners kept pestering her, destroying the foreigners' beautiful image.    


Bao Shuangshuang said indifferently: "I'm very sorry, I like both of them, I won't sell any of them, I'll trouble you to lie down again, tie them up and bring them along, in case accidents happen!"    


The foreigner in front did not give way, and ignored Bao Shuangshuang, saying: "Beautiful lady, since you are not selling, then can you show us the Sydney pear?"    


Bao Shuangshuang's face turned cold, she did not understand why these few foreigners would not know what was good for them, and coldly said: "These are my personal belongings, I have no obligation to provide for you all to enjoy!"    


The old man in front raised the corner of his mouth and laughed. He reached out his hand and quickly took the two Sydney pear s from Bao Shuangshuang's hands. Throwing them behind him, the two foreigners caught the Sydney pear s and took a deep sniff.    




The foreigner in front was too fast. By the time Bao Shuangshuang had reacted, the Sydney pear in her hands had already been snatched away. Bao Shuangshuang cursed, became extremely angry, and kicked towards the crotch of the foreigner in front of him.    


As a beautiful air stewardess, Bao Shuangshuang had learned a lot of basic self-defense skills against harassment and wolves. This kick of hers was done with precision and with speed.    


If this kick were to land, the foreigners in front would definitely not feel well.    


However, the next scene caused Bao Shuangshuang to drop a lot of spectacles.    


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