Path to the God

C465 ice hole

C465 ice hole

1Liu Xing put Bao Shuangshuang on the ground. The moment Bao Shuangshuang left him, the surrounding air suddenly became low and her body trembled. A bone-piercing, cold wind blew over, and she felt her heart turn cold.    


"Satisfying, sorry!"    


Liu Xing's face was filled with apology. He extended his hand and grabbed onto Bao Shuangshuang's cold, jade-like hands, causing the Zhenqi to flow into her body. Bao Shuangshuang felt a warm feeling flowing through her palms and into her body, spreading to every corner of it.    


"Thank you!"    


Bao Shuangshuang's face reddened slightly as she expressed her gratitude in a low voice. Her heart felt warm, and she really hoped that Liu Xing could lead her like this forever. Or maybe, she hoped that time would stop at this moment forever.    


What she didn't know was that her father, the chairman of China Airlines, and the wife of her mother, the chairman of China Airlines, were both dying of anxiety.    


Their precious Daughter Bao Shuangshuang had disappeared from the New York USA, and it was said that she was related to a Yanjing person called Liu Xing.    


Their hearts were about to break. Bao Shuangshuang was their only flesh and blood, the pearl of their palms. If Bao Shuangshuang were to be taken away by the Alien, then how would they continue living in the future?    


They had called Bao Shuangshuang on his phone before, but they had always told him to turn it off, and had not been able to get through. In just a few days, their hair had turned a lot whiter.    


They were spending money everywhere, desperately trying to find someone to find Bao Shuangshuang, but they did not know that the so called "Alien" was something that would not have appeared without their Daughter.    


"Brother, since you have found the iron glacial you're looking for, what should we do now?"    


Jun Ze and the others were looking at Liu Xing. Not mentioning the friendship between Jun Ze, Ah Ze and Liu Xing, when they enter the higher boundary field in the future, they would have to rely on Liu Xing. Now that they were able to contribute to Liu Xing, they were very willing.    


"The iron glacial I want to find is just a few thousand meters below the layer of ice. I have to find a way to make a big hole in the ice. Let me think first!"    


The first thing that Liu Xing thought of was that he had been holding onto Bao Shuangshuang the entire time, so it was not easy for him to use his skills. Thus, he sent a sound transmission to Ye Xiaomi: "Master, can you let Bao Shuangshuang hug you and drive away the cold energy for him so that he won't get hurt by the cold?"    


Liu Xing felt that it was very strange, he would even try his best to hug when he saw Beauty sometimes. Seeing such an extremely beautiful woman like Bao Shuangshuang, she actually never asked Bao Shuangshuang to hug her before, this was Ye Xiaomi's performance, it was a little abnormal!    


Ye Xiaomi seemed to still be somewhat unwilling, and she sent a sound transmission: "Sigh, you won't protect your own woman yourself? What in the world is going on? Forget it, since you are Master's Disciple, I will agree to it for now! "    


Liu Xing did not continue to send out sound transmissions, but he was actually thinking, what do you mean by 'my own woman'? Not even one word was missing, what kind of joke was this?    


Liu Xing held Bao Shuangshuang in one hand and pulled Ye Xiaomi down from the back with the other. He held Ye Xiaomi's hand and gave it to Bao Shuangshuang: "It feels great, she's called Ye Xiaomi, you can call her divine ancestor Xiao Mi, she's my Master. Carry her, she can protect you, I still have a lot of things to do!"    


"What?" she is your Master? "    


Bao Shuangshuang was very surprised. The shock that Liu Xing brought her had never stopped, she realized that Liu Xing's Master was actually like a infant that had not stopped drinking milk, and she no longer had the energy to think about it.    


The warmth Ye Xiaomi gave her was no different from the warmth Liu Xing gave him, but she could no longer find that warm feeling in her heart.    


Liu Xing swept his Spiritual Sense out, and a Long sword appeared in his hands. Circulating his Zhenqi, he slowly thrust it into the layer of ice. He could feel that the deeper he went, the greater the resistance would be.    


If they were to rely on Long sword to dig a layer of ice that was thousands of meters thick, who knows how long it would take.    


He kept the Long sword and could only find another way.    


He didn't even have a large scale ice planing or ice digging tool. Even if he did, digging out a hole that could fit a person within a kilometer of ice was not something that could be done overnight.    


Suddenly, a thought flashed through Liu Xing's mind. He remembered those Missile s that were collected in the Eternal World, there were more than a thousand of them altogether, used to continuously bombard a place, and then wrap up all the ice and shards that had been blown up with the Spiritual Sense.    


"I got it, I can use the Missile I collected earlier to directly blast open a layer of ice. It shouldn't be long before I can blast out a large ice hole and go through it to directly enter, to collect the iron glacial from the bottom!"    


When Liu Xing told Jun Ze and the others his thoughts, they all thought that this method would work. In any case, the South Pole didn't belong to any country now, so other people couldn't control it even if they wanted to.    


Liu Xing immediately had Jun Ze and the others take Bao Shuangshuang and Ye Xiaomi to hide far away, in case they were hurt by the ice shards that were blasted out. On the other hand, Liu Xing directly flew to the sky, positioned his Spiritual Sense on a piece of ice, and took out a Missile and placed it on the ice surface!    


Rumble …    


and the others felt the surface of the ice slightly shake. In an instant, ice cubes flew in all directions and fell to the ground, forming a huge pit where Liu Xing had landed.    


could be considered the first person in history to use a Missile to explode a layer of ice on the South Pole.    


Liu Xing kept all the crushed ice into the Eternal World and swept it all over the place. After that, he continued to place a Missile into the large ice pit, and after a "boom" sound of an explosion, the huge ice pit that was originally there expanded and became much deeper.    


"RUMBLE ~ ~"    


"RUMBLE ~ ~"    


Rumble …    


Finally, Liu Xing stopped. He finally smashed out a huge ice hole that was more than three thousand meters deep, with a diameter of three meters at the bottom. With a mere ten centimeters of thickness, he could see the iron glacial!    


"Hahaha, after wasting five hundred Missile, I finally succeeded!"    


At first, Liu Xing was wild with joy. The hole created by the explosion of the Missile was very deep, but as the depth of the huge pit grew deeper, the ice became harder and harder. The ice crater created by the explosion of the Missile also became shallower and shallower.    


"Hahahaha …"    


Liu Xing laughed at the sky, the excitement in his heart could not be more intense, Jun Ze and the others also walked over from afar.    


"Brother, congratulations!"    


When Jun Ze and the others came over, they immediately congratulated Liu Xing.    


"Brother, thank you for your company. Come, let's celebrate!"    


Liu Xing's face was filled with excitement. He swept his Spiritual Sense, and took out a few buckets of Erguotou, then threw them over to Jun Ze and the rest.    


"Liu Shao, I'm sorry, but my Master doesn't allow me to drink. If there is any drink or mineral water, just give me a bottle!"    


Li Jiangping also received a bucket, and threw it back to Liu Xing.    


Liu Xing did not force it, he took out two bottles of Eastern Peng liquor and threw one bottle to Li Jiangping, opened the lid, and gave one bottle to him.    


Seeing Ye Xiaomi, who was in Bao Shuangshuang's embrace, looking at him with her big, black eyes, he suddenly thought of something and swept out Ye Xiaomi's small bottle.    


"Come, in order to celebrate blowing up a big hole in the ice, we will soon be able to find iron glacial. Everyone drink!"    




Everyone drank all the wine in their hands in one gulp. In order to not pollute the environment, Liu Xing swept the Spiritual Sense and stored all the empty bottles into the Eternal World.    


"Let's go and take a look!"    


Bao Shuangshuang stayed on top, Liu Xing and the rest, leapt up and flew down the cave.    


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