Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life

C809 Handsome to the King of the Sky

C809 Handsome to the King of the Sky

3"What should I do?" Sooty was tempted.    


"Transport? I heard that the transportation industry is quite easy to earn. There's a saying, 'Wheels roll', 'Ten thousand taels of gold'. "Especially those large container like trucks. Even if we go out on a trip, we would still be able to earn a few thousand dollars."    


However, engaging in transportation also required a lot of money. They usually had plenty of money to spend, but it was far from enough to do business like this.    


"How about we find a bank loan?" Sooty suggested.    


"Loan? Do you think banks are so easy to approve? "We need to mortgage something, but I'm afraid we need to borrow several hundreds of thousands of dollars. Which family has such a valuable thing to mortgage?" The stove.    


The few of them looked at each other.    


Shi Jiangyuan and Zhao Shihong didn't expect that tonight's gathering would arouse their friends' fighting spirit and rouse the urge to keep chasing after them.    


Shi Jiangyuan woke up naturally after sleeping. When he thought of tomorrow's wedding day, due to the great joy and strength, he was at a loss for a moment.    


He had been looking forward to this day for a long time, but now that it was about time, it seemed unreal. Was this a dream? He pinched his thigh and cried out in pain. That pain must not be a dream.    


Shi Jiangyuan's mind was in a mess and he couldn't concentrate. In the end, he decided to follow his usual pattern and go wash his face and brush his teeth.    


When he was brushing his teeth, Shi Jiangyuan saw that his beard had grown out. He quickly took his razor and shaved cleanly. Looking at his refreshed appearance in the mirror, Shi Jiangyuan finally smiled in satisfaction.    


His hair had already been fixed, but there would still be a make-up artist to help him and his grooms with it in the morning.    


The wedding suit hung in the closet of the bridal chamber, waiting for him to put it on so that he could transform into Prince Charming to welcome his bride …    


Shi Jiangyuan's thoughts were a bit messy. After brushing his teeth and washing his face, when he went to the living room, he accidentally found his parents at home.    


It was rare for his father to not go to work, so Shi Jiangyuan was momentarily stunned. Seeing his father sitting on the sofa and reading a newspaper, he suddenly felt strange. Maybe he had never seen this kind of situation before, no?    


His mother was counting a bunch of odds and ends for tomorrow's wedding, and she didn't even look up when she heard him.    


"Dad, Mom, why haven't all of you gone to work yet?" Shi Jiangyuan couldn't help but ask.    


"Are you stupid from your sleep?" What time is it? If you get married tomorrow, of course we'll take a leave of absence. " Cui Huixian laughed.    


Yes, in order to prepare for his wedding, his parents would definitely want to take a leave of absence in advance, but they were too used to being strict and careful, so they wouldn't take too long of a leave of absence just for the wedding. They usually did all the wedding arrangements one after another until the day before his wedding.    


Shi Jiangyuan was especially grateful to his father for being able to allocate some time during his busy life. Since he was young, he remembered that his father worked day and night, and rarely saw him leisurely reading the newspapers at home.    


Thinking of this, Shi Jiangyuan felt that his father had worked hard all these years. He was dedicated to his work.    


Shi Jiangyuan asked his mother if she had anything she could help with.    


Cui Huixian said, "Just be at ease and be your bridegroom. Don't get involved with this. I can handle it myself.    


Your father just came by to help, but instead of fumbling around, he messed up my things. My head hurt even more, so I threw him out to read the newspaper.    


By the way, you haven't had breakfast yet, have you? Hurry up and eat. And what time did you come back last night? You went drinking again, didn't you? "    


When his mother brought up the subject, Shi Jiangyuan quickly fled and said, "I'm going to eat breakfast."    


If his mother knew that he went out to drink last night, she would definitely nag for a while. Seeing his father wearing glasses and sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper, Shi Jiangyuan couldn't help but laugh. So his father wasn't completely relaxed on the surface.    


Shi Jiangyuan ate breakfast and went to the new room. He posted the wedding letter everywhere, and because of the bright red decorations, the whole room was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.    


In order to create an atmosphere, even the flowers and plants in the yard were meticulously decorated with red ribbons.    


The table in the new room was also filled with candy cookies.    


Shi Jiangyuan looked around in satisfaction and then walked into his bedroom. Looking at the bright red quilt and the two chubby kids pasted on the bed, he couldn't help but smile.    


He opened the closet and found his new suit hanging inside. At weddings abroad, brides usually wear black suits, brides wear white wedding gowns, but in the country black and white are considered unlucky in a happy event.    


Therefore, following the local rules, Shi Jiangyuan chose a dark blue suit. His tie was naturally red, and it matched well with a light blue shirt of the same color.    


Shi Jiangyuan caressed the suit lovingly and put it in the cupboard. Then he looked around to see if there was anything that needed to be done.    


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, night came again. Shi Jiangyuan endured his longing and didn't call Kang Ying.    


After all, he was going to see her tomorrow, and she was going to be his bride. Shi Jiangyuan could compress his yearning a bit and compress it a bit more, only then would he be able to release it strongly on his wedding night.    


Early the next morning, the alarm clock woke Shi Jiangyuan up.    


Shi Jiangyuan slept alone in the guest room of his new room. After he got up and washed his face and rinsed his mouth, he changed into a suit and put on his tie …    


The makeup artist was already waiting in the living room. When she saw that he was already dressed, she started to blow his hair and make him look like a model.    


It was Shi Jiangyuan's first time in his life to dress up like this. Although he was not used to it, but marriage was a serious matter and he could not appear too slovenly, so he accepted it willingly.    


At this time, Zhao Shihong and a few best men had also arrived one after another. Shi Jiangyuan had already prepared suits for them.    


The best men were all wearing light gray suits and red ties. On their chests, there was a man with colored flowers. The makeup artists dressed them up until it was 5: 30. The sky began to light up slightly.    


At this time, the chef that had invited them had already finished preparing breakfast. They were all grown men, so once they saw that the auspicious hour was about up, they rushed Shi Jiangyuan to pick up the bride.    


Looking at Shi Jiangyuan's well-built appearance, Zhao Shihong could not help but praise him, "Elder Brother Yuan, you are even more handsome than Liu Dehua. You are so enchanting that Kang Ying will definitely not regret marrying you."    


At this time, the Four Heavenly Kings were in the vogue. Liu Dehua, Guo Fucheng, Dawn, and Zhang Xueyi were all praised by others as the Four Heavenly Kings, which meant that they were indeed rather handsome.    


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