CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



1When they arrived at the shop, Zhang Shuo's two lackeys went up and knocked heavily on the door. The loud sound made Wen Zhixia feel that it was ear-piercing.    


Finally, after a few slaps, the person opened the door with an impatient expression.    


"The back door won't open, please go through the front door!"    


A middle-aged woman wearing a yellowing white apron coldly spoke with a very bad tone.    


Zhang Shuo, who was beside Wen Zhixia, grabbed the collar of the woman who opened the door, making them look at each other.    


"Say what you just said again? Uncle will enter through this door today! "    


Zhang Shuo didn't know whether it was because Wen Zhixia was intentionally showing off or because she was already so unreasonable.    


In short, it was the first time that the woman, who had been doing business near the school, felt threatened. She hurriedly nodded, her impatient mood turning into a smile.    


"Of course you can enter, of course you can, of course you can!"    


When Wen Zhixia saw the woman's ability to control the wind, she couldn't help but feel ashamed.    


Only then did Zhang Shuo loosen the collar of the woman's shirt. Then he looked at Wen Zhixia beside him complacently, with a look of 'your brother, I am such a handsome man.'    


Wen Zhixia forced a smile out of her stiff face as she tried to resist the urge to vomit.    


When Wen Zhixia met the woman's gaze, she blinked with all her might. However, that sharp woman just now didn't seem to be her.    


The woman seemed to have not seen Wen Zhixia's blinking eyes as she continued to smile and greeted them politely as they entered the shop.    


Wen Zhixia had no choice but to let Zhang Shuo hold her hand and enter the inside of the shop.    


Because it was summer, coupled with the sweat on Zhang Shuo's palms and the long time he had spent holding Wen Zhixia's hand, both of their hands were sticky.    


Wen Zhixia's hand did not dare to move because the sticky sensation and the smell of Zhang Shuo in front of her made her head and temples hurt.    


The disgust in his belly had never stopped.    


Never in her wildest dreams would Wen Zhixia have thought that after four years of schooling in this school, she would encounter a pervert today, or in broad daylight?    


Fortunately, there were a lot of customers in the store. Since it was lunch time, most of the customers were students.    


Wen Zhixia was secretly delighted. After all, there were so many of them. No matter how strong this fellow was, he could not beat him.    


Since there were no seats available, Zhang Shuo pulled Wen Zhixia's hand to a table near the air-conditioner and slammed his hand on the table.    


The condiments on the table and the noodles of the two girls shook, causing them to raise their heads in surprise.    


"We're going to sit here!"    


A loud noise came from the dining table. Coupled with Zhang Shuo's fat body and flowery arms on his left arm, he obviously wasn't a good person.    


This attracted the attention of everyone in the shop. The noisy conversation quieted down in an instant.    


Naturally, those two junior sisters had never experienced such a thing before. The two of them didn't even dare to speak, only picking up their bags and leaving their seats.    


Wen Zhixia noticed that one of her junior sisters was already in tears from fear. Her trembling hands exposed the fear in her heart. It would be too much trouble for them to even be frightened from a meal.    


When Wen Zhixia saw her two brothers in the same shirt, she kept following them, making it harder for Wen Zhixia to ask for help and to escape.    


Therefore, Wen Zhixia turned her head and spoke slowly.    


"Brother, why are they following us all the time? Are they afraid that I'll run away? You're so mighty and handsome, I'm just a little girl. How could I possibly escape from a big brother like you!"    


Wen Zhixia imitated Zhan Yanjia's manner and spoke to Zhang Shuo in a coquettish tone. Her soft and gentle voice made people's hair stand on end.    


Wen Zhixia's words expressed both her admiration and adoration for her elder brother, as well as her hatred towards the two people following them.    


If Zhang Shuo said no, it meant that he was not confident in himself. His own ability was not good enough, so he didn't even look at a little girl.    


Zhang Shuo, who always had a nice face, felt so proud of himself after hearing his beloved girl say this.    


The smile on his face was on the verge of covering half of his fat face.    


Zhang Shuo raised his hand and waved to the two lackeys who had just cleared the table, gesturing for them to come over and take a seat.    


The two lackeys looked at each other, then stood up and sat down at their table.    


"All of you go to other places and wait there first. Don't disturb my flirting with the little beauty!"    


The two lackeys who thought they would be sitting with them looked at each other again when they heard their big brother's words.    


After that, he looked at Wen Zhixia, thinking that it would be easy for his big brother to catch this little girl, so he didn't have to worry about it anymore.    


The two brothers nodded, cupped their fists towards Zhang Shuo and left.    


With these actions, Wen Zhixia knew that she was now in the hands of an unusual delinquent. This should be an organized and disciplined gang.    


It was no wonder that the woman who opened the door was confused by his signal. She must have figured out his identity.    


Through the window, Wen Zhixia saw that the two lackeys had already walked far away. Although she didn't let go of the heart hanging in the air, she had already let go of more than half of it.    


The other big half was because the opponent he faced was the big guy in front of him. If we use a familiar figure as an analogy, it would be the "Green Giant".    


Zhang Shuo might be a real-life version of a green giant, but his strength and size are both extremely huge.    


The other customers in the shop had already left before Wen Zhixia had called for help. If they were still eating their noodles at the same place, it could only mean that Wen Zhixia's classmate had a strong heart.    


Wen Zhixia hastily ordered a serving of noodles and looked out of the window. The cold wind from the air-conditioner made the disgusting smell of Zhang Shuo slightly dilute.    


She really didn't want to see the man's face, so she could only look out of the window.    


"Little beauty, stop looking out the window. Look at your brother me, such a handsome face. Could it be that you have the heart to not look?"    


After saying that, Zhang Shuo laughed on his own. The hearty laughter reminded her of Lee Lei's laughter. Although the laughter sounded full of vigor, it only made her feel infuriated after hearing it.    


However, there was nothing she could do about it. Right now, she was under an eave. She didn't know why, but her recent life seemed to be filled to the brim!    


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