CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0Waiting at the door of obstetrics and gynecology was easy, but she didn't dare to leave. Zhan Yanjia's appearance at this time was definitely not a coincidence. If the pregnancy test report was real, then from the time she appeared, it was clear to see.    


Did this child really have a drunken, messy nature? But Easy really had no idea what had happened that night.    


However, not remembering didn't mean it hadn't really happened.    


Bai Li walked out of the lab and handed over the test form to Yi Yi. Although he didn't know what happened between Yi Yi and Zhan Yanjia, but looking at Yi Li's nervous expression, it must be related to being easy.    


He took the test forms and leaned against the wall behind him as if he had seen it before. He squeezed the test forms until they were deformed.    


Of course, Bai Li couldn't be wrong when he personally handled the testing.    


When Zhan Yanjia came out of the laboratory and saw Yi with her eyes closed as she leaned against the wall, she knew he already believed the baby in his stomach was his.    


"Yi, I didn't expect that either …"    


"You can go back first."    


He knew that Zhan Yanjia came back this time with some purpose in mind, but the appearance of a child at this time made it easy for him to have a trace of suspicion.    


After saying so, Yi Yeyu didn't even look at Zhan Yanjia as he walked towards Wen Zhixia's ward.    


When he reached the door, he could easily see Wen Zhixia through the glass window. She was sitting on the bed with a faint smile on her face. The warm sunlight shone on her body, enveloping her with a maternal aura.    


Her hand gently caressed her stomach, which was still as flat as before.    


At this moment, it was easy to hesitate. If she took away the child, what would Wen Zhixia's appearance be like after she found out? Ye Zichen turned around and looked at Bai Li.    


"Is it really impossible for this child?"    


Bai Li understood the idea easily, but he couldn't really guarantee that there wouldn't be any problems with the child. Or perhaps, he was almost 100% sure that there would be.    


Easily looked at Bai Li without saying anything, he only shook his head lightly. He understood that Bai Li was at his wit's end, there really was nothing he could do.    


With a sigh, he opened the door and entered the room.    


Bai Li didn't follow Easy anymore. He understood that Easy now was facing a dilemma. He wanted to protect Wen Zhixia's child. Even though he couldn't be sure if it was his child, but it just wasn't healthy.    


He didn't want Zhan Yanjia to get pregnant, but she had his child.    


"What are you thinking about?"    


Easy to walk in, looking at Wen Zhixia, gently probing.    


Wen Zhixia still couldn't make a sound, so she could only take the notebook from the bedside table and write on it.    


"I can't speak, can I?"    


"Don't worry, Bai Li said you're just too nervous, so you can't say anything for now."    


Seeing her easy and warm smile, Wen Zhixia was relieved. She still wanted to teach her baby some words in the future, but when she thought of how there was a tiny life growing inside her.    


She felt that her life was so magical. She would go from an embryo to a living creature. Wen Zhixia couldn't wait to see her grow up.    


She would grow up with her, she would teach her to eat, she would teach her to talk, she would fulfill all of her wishes.    


The corner of Wen Zhixia's mouth curved up slightly as she laughed foolishly.    


"What are you laughing at?"    


Hearing the easy question, Wen Zhixia's smile deepened as she took out a pen and wrote two words on the paper.    




It was easy to see the words she wrote, but her eyes dimmed. If this was their child, then how good would it be if this child could be born into this world healthy and healthy?    


"Be a good boy and stay in the hospital. Nanny Zhang will be with you soon. I'll go out for a while."    


Wen Zhixia could feel the ease with which she dodged. Every time she mentioned the baby, her eyes would darken. There was never a hint of joy in her eyes. She couldn't understand why this would happen.    


But she couldn't do that. She had to take care of her own body now to protect their baby, which was her and the baby that was easy to take care of.    


No one can hurt her baby.    


Easy walked out of the ward and stood at the door for a long time before leaving. He didn't expect to almost lose Wen Zhixia the next time he saw her.    


When Zhan Yanjia returned home, she looked at the man lying on the bed and let out a sigh of relief.    


"Easy already knows I'm pregnant and seems to believe it's his baby, but he doesn't say anything."    


The man gestured for Zhan Yanjia to walk over.    


"That's not important. Do you know why Wen Zhixia was hospitalized?"    


Zhan Yanjia walked to the male god's side and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at him. She didn't know what he meant.    




"Because she's pregnant, too."    


Hearing the man's words, Zhan Yanjia's eyes widened. She knew that the child in Wen Zhixia's stomach was really easy to deal with. Not only did that useless Lv Wei not sleep all the way to Wen Zhixia.    


Luckily, he found someone to deal with Lv Wei in time, otherwise, it would become very troublesome. Zhan Yanjia had always known about the power of Rong Family.    


But this man in front of her, had easily killed Lv Wei within the Rong Manor. No one had realized that this had shocked Zhan Yanjia.    


"Then what should we do? If I can easily marry her, how would I be able to enter the Rong Family?    


The man stretched out his hand to caress Zhan Yanjia's stomach. With a crafty smile on his face, he leaned over and whispered into Zhan Yanjia's ear.    


Hearing the man's words, Zhan Yanjia smiled as she clenched her small fists and lightly punched the man's chest.    


"You're so bad."    


When the man heard Zhan Yanjia's bashfulness, he opened his mouth and took Zhan Yanjia's earlobe, causing her to tremble all over and slowly fall into his arms.    


One week later.    


Bai Li handed over a glass of water. He put a certain amount of sleeping pills in it to coax Wen Zhixia to drink. After she fell asleep, he would inject her with an anesthetic and then perform the surgery.    


Easily taking a cup of water, he walked into Wen Zhixia's sickroom. These few days, he didn't really visit her and didn't know how to face her.    


Wen Zhixia saw that it was easy to walk in, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes. He hadn't come to see her for several days, so she felt that maybe she was busy.    


However, looking at his easily hollow eyes and the slight smile that he forced out of the corner of his mouth, Wen Zhixia always felt a little uneasy. She always felt that something was wrong with him, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.    


She could only treat this as her own random thoughts. She smiled as she watched Yi Yeyu slowly approach her.    


"Do you feel better?"    


Easily reaching out to touch Wen Zhixia's long hair and feeling her obedient appearance, the current her was so quiet, so quiet that it made one's heart ache. Easily putting the cup of water on the bedside table, he sat on the edge of her bed.    


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