CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



2Bai Sheng was not surprised to see Rong Heting waiting outside. Rong Heting noticed the rare serious expression on Bai Sheng's face and had a bad guess.    


"How is Ling Ao?"    


Bai Sheng didn't have time to think about it, he quickly summarized the situation in the operation room, "It's not good!"    


"Ao Tuo had three bullets in his body, two in his legs and one in his arms. I have already removed the third bullet. The location of the third bullet is not conducive to medical treatment, injuring the spleen, stomach and liver. At the same time, the operation is quite difficult, but the most important thing is the ischemia!"    


The outside of the operation room fell into silence. Rong Heting tightened his grip and replied back to Bai Sheng with a serious and forceful tone.    


"Charm City's helicopter has already taken off. If you can endure for another two hours, you'll be able to send blood over. You have to save him!"    


"That's impossible, Heting. It's not that I don't want to save him, I'm not a god so I can't do it. Ao can only last half an hour now. I can't do anything even if he doesn't have surgery or replenish his blood within half an hour."    




Bai Sheng was stared at by everyone. He also wanted to tell everyone a satisfactory answer, but reality was always powerless.    


"Ao Gu's blood pressure is very low. Even if he is forced to undergo surgery, I can't guarantee that he will be able to endure it!"    


Bai Sheng tried to explain in simple medical terms that everyone could understand, "In the case of extremely low blood pressure or ischemia, the doctor needs to have a very good understanding of the functions of various organs and blood vessels in the body, and also need to have excellent surgical skills and to save as much time as possible. Only then can the bleeding be controlled and the effect of life could be achieved."    


Sighing lightly, Bai Sheng looked at his hands, "Unfortunately, I can't."    


"You can't do it either? Then what doctor in the world could do it! Bai Sheng, you have to try! Otherwise, Ao Gu will lose his life! "    


Hua Yunrong was anxious. From what he knew, Bai Sheng was the most secretive expert in the medical field. How could there be such a coincidence that Wu Tie couldn't be cured?    


Bai Sheng didn't answer Hua Yunrong. Instead, he stared at Rong Heting, whose face was as dark as ink.    


Bai Sheng's tone was serious, "This operation is not as simple as trying. The moment you open your abdominal cavity, you have to fight for every second! "If I can't do it, then I can't, saving others is not a joke, if you dare to be brave then you will lose your proud life. Heting, I need blood, I need to give Ao a blood transfusion!"    


Hua Yunrong was flustered, "Are we just going to watch Ling Ao die? If you can't do it, then who can? "    


Bai Sheng hesitated for a moment before spitting out a word, "Mu Shen."    


When Mu Shen was mentioned, the room fell into silence once again.    


No one thought that Mu Shen's medical skills would be better than Bai Sheng's. The most disappointing thing was that Ling Ao's injuries were most likely caused by Mu Shen. Even if Mu Shen was here, he might not be able to save Ling Ao.    


Rong Heting rejected the idea of Mu Shen from his heart. However, the matter now always involved Mu Shen again and again. Rong Heting simply could not ignore Mu Qianqian's brother for the time being.    


Pretending to trick Qianqian to come to his side caused his sister to go all out to be misunderstood again and again. After finally finding the bone marrow for him, he escaped from the hospital. He thought it would stop after he left, but then went to ambush Ling Ao.    


Thinking about that young man who was even more charming than Yunrong, Rong Heting originally wanted to nurture him.    


He wanted to save his life, but he also wanted to raise him up to become the pillar of support for his little sister.    


But now, Rong Heting hated Mu Shen to the point that his teeth were itching. He couldn't stand it any longer, but that little brat was Qianqian's brother!    


Damn you, brother! Maybe his identity as her brother was fake, Mu Shen didn't look at Mu Qianqian as if she was a little brother!    


Ting Ye had always kept her head down. She had always been very respectful to her brothers who took care of her since she was young. She wanted to leave with Mu Shen, but she never thought of hurting anyone.    


Today, she had abandoned Qianqian, so it was fair for her to be abandoned by Mu Shen. But why did Mu Shen not do enough and still want to hurt Young Master Ling?    


Ting Ye bit her lips until her nerves were numb. She bit into her lips, unaware that she had bitten into a piece of flesh. The rusty taste in her mouth only made her taste bitter.    


She realized that she could no longer speak words to protect Mu Shen. After she declared that she wanted to leave Rong Family, what qualifications did she have to plead for Mu Shen?    


If Young Master Ling didn't wake up today and the Young Master wanted to pursue the matter, then she would take responsibility for Mu Shen. Whether he lived or died, it would all be up to her. Even if the Young Master didn't pursue the matter, she still wouldn't have been able to forgive herself.    


Hua Yunrong was the closest to Ting Ye among them. Even though he was five years older than Ting Ye, Ting Ye didn't like to talk to her sister about things and came to see him first.    


He grabbed Ting Ye's hand. Hua Yunrong didn't want her to feel too sad. As for Mu Shen, that guy must never fall into his hands!    


"Big Brother, Mu Shen definitely won't be able to go far. The various exits of the Dongfeng City have all been sealed by us!"    


Rong Heting's eyes squinted slightly as a trace of viciousness flashed through them.    


"Search the entire city, regardless of the cost, capture Mu Shen perfectly well, and when you capture him, send over the Rong Manor immediately."    


Ling Jinghan's heart sank when she heard Rong Heting's words. She couldn't help but rush to the door of the operation room, feeling extremely dissatisfied with the attitude of the few people outside.    


"I don't agree!"    


Ling Jinghan looked Rong Heting in the eye once again, "Mu Shen came here to assassinate my brother, why would he capture him for surgery?" Aren't you afraid that Mu Shen will directly stab my brother's heart again in the operation room? "    


No one answered Ling Jinghan. Everyone had such concerns in their hearts. Even Ting Ye couldn't guarantee what Mu Shen would do.    


Rong Heting's words were cut off. He only glanced at Ling Jinghan lightly before giving out his orders.    


"Since Mu Shen was able to hide for such a long time, he must have an ability that surpasses our imagination. He sealed the mountain entrance with his men. He might not be on the right path, so he might be able to climb out of the city."    


There was a sea on one side of the Dongfeng City, three sides around the mountain and several mountain ranges that were extremely steep. Other than the extremely few elders who had been living in the mountains the entire time, practically no one could make out any road that led out of the mountain ranges that were towering.    


Rong Heting thought of Mu Shen's skill and was sure of his guess. Mu Shen was probably a very rare mistake.    


When he and Ling Ao initially chose Dongfeng City to build their own base on land, they personally surveyed the terrain. Since they could climb the mountain and enter the Dongfeng City, then Mu Shen could probably climb out of the mountain.    


But since Mu Shen caused such a disaster, it didn't matter to him. After all, his little thing had been wronged by him. It was reasonable for Mu Shen to go to war for Qianqian, but after hurting Ling Ao, everything became complicated.    


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