CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



2Easily noticing Wen Zhixia's gaze, he looked in the direction of the ambulance, then entered the car and fastened his seat belt.    


Wen Zhixia understood what he meant and followed the ambulance personnel into the ambulance.    


In the middle of the ambulance, the old man was lying there quietly with an oxygen mask covering his face. He still showed no signs of wanting to wake up.    


This caused Wen Zhixia's heart to be in her throat once again. Although she didn't know if it was an old man who was easy to injure, there were so many people who had already gathered to watch.    


Naturally, there was nothing to argue about, so if the old man woke up and something happened to him, then she really didn't know what to do.    


Fortunately, the content of Wen Zhixia's wild thoughts was not known by others. Otherwise, she would find out a long time later that the police station was involved in this matter.    


Now, her thoughts could be said to be as light as salt eating a radish. She was lightly worrying over it!    


"Du du!" "Du du!"    


The phone in her pocket rang. It sounded so strange in the quiet ambulance. Wen Zhixia looked around, embarrassed.    


Ye Zichen quickly found his phone and wanted to answer it.    


An unfamiliar number was displayed on the screen, making Wen Zhixia unsure of whether she should pick it up or not. However, she thought that if she didn't pick it up this time, the next time she called, it would affect everyone else.    


Thinking of this, Wen Zhixia pressed the answer button with her finger.    


"Hello, may I know what you're looking for?"    


Wen Zhixia tried to make her voice as soft as possible, so as not to disturb the other people inside the car.    


"I'm looking for you, Wen Zhixia!"    


A familiar woman's voice came from the other end of the phone.    


"Sister Li?"    


Wen Zhixia said in a probing tone, her tone full of uncertainty.    


"To think you could even recognize my voice. At this time, don't you think that the location you're staying at right now is the wrong place?"    


Sister Li's words made Wen Zhixia move her phone a distance away from Sister Li. When she saw the time on the phone, Wen Zhixia hurriedly apologized to Sister Li.    


"I'm sorry, Sister Li. I've had an accident over here. I'm sending a person to the hospital!"    


Wen Zhixia explained her current situation to Sister Li in detail, hoping to gain her forgiveness.    


"Although I don't know if what you said is true, but if the patient has nothing else, then you should come over. If his condition is very serious, then you should stay in the hospital and take care of him!"    


Sister Li, who was on the other end of the phone, heard the ambulance and thought that even if Wen Zhixia wanted to be lazy, she wouldn't take someone's life as a joke.    


Furthermore, Wen Zhixia's current condition did not allow her to be lazy.    


Therefore, the possibility that Wen Zhixia was really sending someone to the hospital was very high!    


After Wen Zhixia answered Sister Li's question, a beeping voice came from the other end of the phone, indicating that the other party had already hung up.    


Only then did Wen Zhixia take the phone from her ear and put it back in her pocket. Her movements were light, afraid that it would affect the rest of the people in the car.    


The ambulance had just arrived at the hospital, and the easy-to-drive white Porsche had also appeared in front of the hospital.    


They followed the paramedics inside the hospital until they sent the old man to an emergency room.    


Wen Zhixia and Easy waited at the end of the corridor while Wen Zhixia stood by the side, biting her finger. It was a sight that would make anyone's heart ache.    


The sight of the old man entering the emergency room was extremely similar to that of Wen Zhixia's father entering the operating room. It was the same feeling Wen Zhixia had when she was waiting outside the door that day.    


At this moment, for some reason, all of them rushed up. Their originally calm state of mind began to stir again.    


Wen Zhixia's face was grim. She didn't know what she could do now, so she just silently prayed.    


"I didn't hit her, don't worry."    


Yi Yi, who was also standing at the side, saw the serious expression on Wen Zhixia's face and said indifferently.    


Just as he said, he didn't run into the old woman, so naturally nothing would happen to her.    


"Hello, we are the local police. We are investigating the accident!"    


Two men in police uniform, who looked to be in their thirties, appeared in front of Wen Zhixia and Easy.    


The two policemen took out identification cards from their pockets.    


"This is the victim's family!"    


The policeman looked at the man in his thirties who pointed to them and introduced him.    


The man in his thirties sized up the clothes of the two people in front of him. Then, he saw the famous brand that Yi Yi was wearing, as well as the noble aura that he couldn't resist.    


It caused his eyes to roll around gloomily as a bold idea formed in his mind.    


"Comrade Police, I would like to talk to them!"    


The man in his thirties turned around and said to the policemen when he saw that it was easy.    


The two policemen looked at each other. The family members of the car accident and the perpetrator solving the case in private was the best. Neither side would be troublesome.    


So the two policemen stepped aside and stopped interrupting their conversation.    


"I guess the two of you are both well-known figures. You don't want to show your face in front of the media because of this, do you?"    


When it was just the three of them left, the family member of the old man was the first to speak. Wen Zhixia looked at him with an uncomfortable expression.    


"What do you want?"    


According to Wen Zhixia's thoughts, she should have rejected him immediately. However, she kept her cold voice to the side. There wasn't even a trace of warmth in her voice.    


This made Wen Zhixia look surprised. How could he say that?    


Hearing the easy words, a smile appeared on the man's face, which made Wen Zhixia even more confused. It was unknown whether his family members lived in the ward or not, but now you can still smile?    


"I don't want to do anything about it either. Even my mother's health is getting worse and worse. This series of pension fees has made me somewhat worried, and I don't have enough strength!"    


The man in his thirties was looking at Yi Yi with a troubled expression. He was making a gesture to count the money. The idea of asking for money was very obvious to everyone on the street.    


It was Wen Zhixia's first time encountering someone like him, who would start asking for money to settle things while her mother was still unconscious. She was filled with hatred and clenched her little fist tightly.    


"How much?"    


He didn't expect Yi Yi to continue asking. It seemed that he was interested in this man's suggestion. It was so easy that Wen Zhixia felt it was strange.    


"100 thousand RMB is enough!"    


When the man heard the easy question, he thought he had a good chance of getting the money in his hands, and his eyes wandered back and forth, calculating how much was appropriate.    


In the end, he stretched out both of his hands and spread out all ten fingers, gesturing with them as a fawning smile appeared on his face.    


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