CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



1Unbeknownst to Wen Zhixia, she felt that Wen Zhixia had already left the room. Ting Lan stood up from the floor and raised her head to look at Mu Qianqian, who had just entered the room.    


"Sister Lan, I've wronged you this time."    


"It's nothing. Luckily, this girl is timid and doesn't have that much strength in her hands. Is it really that easy to let her go?"    


Before she came in today, Mu Qianqian had already hinted that she could let Wen Zhixia out. Otherwise, with Ting Lan's skills, how could Wen Zhixia escape so easily.    


In truth, when she saw that the food she brought in every day had not been eaten, Ting Lan could not bear to look at this woman who was even weaker than Qianqian, yet she was still as stubborn as ever.    


Mu Qianqian didn't say anything, sighed, and went to Rong Heting's study room.    


She didn't know if it was right or wrong, but she knew that Yi wanted to see Zhixia. Although he didn't say anything, she could tell from the disappointed look in his eyes every time he opened the door.    


A wise son cannot be a mother.    


Seeing Rong Heting standing at the balcony window, Mu Qianqian walked over and put her arms around her husband from behind, gently pressing her cheek against his still firm arm.    


Rong Heting did not move as he felt his wife's actions. He knew his wife must have something to say. Having lived together for so many years, of course he understood her thoughts.    


"Heting, I let Zhixia go. I know you're worried about your son's safety, but you should be able to tell that your son is interested in Zhixia."    


Rong Heting turned around and hugged his wife in his arms.    


"I want to ensure the healthy and complete survival of my son so that I can have the right to love him."    


"He's grown up and knows what he wants. He'll do well."    


Looking at Mu Qianqian's blinking eyes, Rong Heting had no choice but to compromise. All these years, he had only compromised on her.    


"There won't be a next time."    


Seeing that it was easy to bring Wen Zhixia out of the Rong Mansion, Rong Heting silently agreed with Mu Qianqian's decision. This was also Rong Heting's bottom line.    


After returning to Rong Manor, he easily entered the study. Although Second Uncle had helped him keep an eye on the company, the most important thing he had not done was to complete it.    


Chen Yu had received the call and knew that it would be easy to return to Rong Manor, so he had already been waiting in the study with the report.    


"This was found at the scene of the incident. The cell phones found on both their bodies indicate that they received a phone call before the incident."    


Easy to look at the report that Chen Yu handed to me, on it displayed the number that was frequently broadcast before the incident, easy to feel that it was familiar.    


"The comparison has been made. This time, the number found is the same as the one used by the provocative company."    


"It seems like he can no longer hold it in."    


Easy, what was strange was that this time, the person clearly had come for him, but did not take any action against the enterprise and the people behind the Rong Family.    


These few small actions did not seem to have the intention of making it easy for him to die, as if he was giving an easy warning.    


"For the past few days, it has been announced to the public that the Young Master is on a business trip abroad. Madam's intention is to not reveal himself until the Young Master's injuries are completely healed."    


Chen Yu looked up at his calm face and took a deep breath.    


"The Madam also said that if she wasn't too excessive, she hoped that you would spare her life. She has never been an ungrateful person."    


"I understand. Go to the company and keep an eye on him."    


Easy waved his hand to signal Chen Yu to go back to the company. He naturally knew what his mother meant. If she knew it would be enough, he wouldn't want to kill her.    


Just as he opened the file Mu Shen passed to him, he heard footsteps at the door.    


"Dong, dong, dong."    


With such a light knock on the door, it was easy to know who it was without thinking.    


"Come in."    


Wen Zhixia pushed the door open and stuck her head in. She looked at Yi Yuan, who was sitting behind the computer, staring at the computer screen. She didn't look up at him, afraid that she would disturb him.    


"Are you busy?"    


Easy to say nothing, just looked up, from the computer files, to the small woman's face.    


"This is the medicinal food made by Nanny Zhang. It contains a few herbs. Bai Li said it's beneficial for the healing of your wounds."    


Wen Zhixia carefully held the small bowl in her hands. She had already dried it to the normal temperature before bringing it up. She slowly walked to the side of Easy.    


"You finish eating first before getting busy."    


Easily taking the medicinal food from Wen Zhixia with one hand, and pulling Wen Zhixia's hand with the other to make her sit on his lap.    


"Feed me."    


"Okay okay, I'll feed you, but let go of me okay? I'm afraid you'll pull the wound on my back."    


Wen Zhixia was always worried about the wound that was just starting to heal on her back.    


"It's fine."    


Although it was easy to talk to him, Wen Zhixia was no longer afraid to face him. She even wanted to see him at all times.    


Wen Zhixia had no choice but to take spoonfuls after spoonfuls of soup and feed them to Yuan Zhou. She was clearly repeating the same action over and over again, but Wen Zhixia unexpectedly didn't feel bored at all.    


Wen Zhixia was very satisfied with the easy way to eat all the medicinal food in the bowl. This was something that she had always been keeping an eye on and prepared for.    


Wen Zhixia stood up to leave, but Yi Yi didn't seem to want to let go of her. Wen Zhixia looked at him with a puzzled expression, not knowing what he wanted to do.    


Who knew that Easy just stared at her without saying anything? But this kind of ease made Wen Zhixia want to laugh.    


Wen Zhixia didn't know how wonderful her smile was in Yi Yi's eyes. For a moment, she was willing to use everything she had to exchange for this little girl's warm smiling face.    


It was as if something had unknowingly changed, only that it would still take some time for people to slowly uncover it.    


Looking at Wen Zhixia's blushing little face and red lips, she easily kissed it. This little girl must be a type of poison, making it so that she could easily lose herself in it.    


"Young Master, Miss Zhan is here."    


When Sujin pushed the door open, she saw the scene of Wen Zhixia being easily embraced and kissed. No wonder, she said she came to deliver the medicinal food, but she didn't leave for so long.    


Wen Zhixia quickly buried her face in her arms, afraid to look up.    


Yi Tian didn't seem to mind at all as she raised her head to look at Sujin, frowning. Zhan Yanjia's arrival was indeed timely. It seemed like there were some matters that really had something to do with her.    


"Let her wait in the living room."    




Sujin glared fiercely at Wen Zhixia before she turned around and walked downstairs. Hmph, now that Zhan Yanjia had arrived, there was going to be a good show to watch. Thinking about it this way, her mood suddenly became very good.    


"Come down with me and have a look."    


Wen Zhixia had just stood up from Yi Yi's embrace. She was stunned when she heard Yi Yi's words.    


Ever since she was threatened by Zhan Yanjia and saw her at the party, Wen Zhixia didn't really want to see her and even thought that she was still a little scared.    


However, a lot of things had happened in the past few days. Wen Zhixia didn't have the time to think about this person carefully. Now that she mentioned him, Wen Zhixia really couldn't understand why Zhan Yanjia had come over.    


It was unknown what attitude Yi Yi would have towards her, as if the appearance of this person would make it clear that the sweetness between Yi Yi and was just a dream.    


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