CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



3Hearing Zhan Yanjia's words, the man's gaze turned ice-cold. He hated people who interfered with his affairs the most, and now, Zhan Yanjia was still of value to him.    


To him, Zhan Yanjia was of no use. At times, only the dead could keep secrets forever.    


"Do not ask what you are not supposed to ask. Instead, it is you that I will naturally arrange."    


Looking at the man's eyes, Zhan Yanjia instinctively felt fear. Zhan Yanjia had always been obedient in front of this man, but this time, Zhan Yanjia could clearly feel that it was a matter of life and death.    


Therefore, she couldn't help but take the initiative to step forward and throw herself into the man's embrace. After which, she rested her cheek on the man's chest and spoke with incomparable gentleness.    


"You'll take me away, won't you? You'll give me and the baby a home, won't you? "    


She wanted to use the baby in her belly to remind the man that she believed he would not do anything even if it was for the sake of the child.    


"Of course."    


The man extended his arm and wrapped it around Zhan Yanjia's waist before lifting up her skirt. A trace of a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.    


"Don't …"    


Looking at Zhan Yanjia's charming appearance, the man's eyes were filled with disdain. He felt extremely fed up with such a casual woman.    


He tidied up his clothes and left.    


Zhan Yanjia leaned against the wall. Her body was a little unsteady. After resting for a while, she forced herself to pretend that she was calm and left the washroom.    


After Nan Wenyu threw away the mask in his hand, he handed a piece of paper to Wen Hua, who was sitting in the driver's seat.    


"Go here and get rid of a person called Rong Jian."    


Wen Hua took the note and nodded slightly.    


"Eldest Young Master, you asked me to check on Miss Jane's information, but I still didn't get anything. I think the name Simple might be fake. There's another thing. There seems to be some problems with the company's internal network."    


Hearing Wen Hua's words, Nan Wenyu frowned. If it wasn't for his system having problems that day, he wouldn't have left him alone and waited for Nan Wenyu to return to the hotel.    


He realized that Simple had already left.    


He was just one step away from being a simple person. In this situation, it was very possible that he would feel disgusted by him. Nan Wenyu was a bit defeated. This was his first time facing a woman, but he didn't know what to do.    


"What happened to the company's internal network?"    


The company's internal network was established by Nan Wenyu, so there was nothing for them to do for a long time.    


"I've already sent some technicians to check, but now the internal information is in disarray, causing all the chaos and not causing any damage. Eldest Young Master, are we still going to continue investigating that simple lady's matter?"    


If it was said that he was intentionally hiding his identity, then there was only one possibility, and that was that his identity was not simple at all. Otherwise, there was no need to be so deliberate.    


"Continue checking, you have to find her. I remember she said that there's a family member living in that hospital. When you go and do Rong Jian, check it out."    


No matter what, Nan Wenyu had to find her simplicity. There had never been a woman that Nan Wenyu could not let go like this. He wouldn't give up just like that.    


Nan Wenyu looked out the window at the scenery flying past. The rain was hitting the window, but it didn't affect his mood at all. Thinking of that simple and delicate face, he still remembered the fragrance on her body.    


As long as he thought of that feeling, Nan Wenyu could feel that every cell in his body was clamoring.    


When it was easy to return to Rong Family, Wen Zhixia still hadn't woken up. She only had a slight fever, so Ting Lan only helped her change out of her wet clothes and did some physical cooling.    


Seeing that it was easy to walk in, Ting Lan stood up and gave him a seat.    


"Young Master, Miss Wen's temperature has returned to normal."    


He walked over to Wen Zhixia's side with ease. Looking at her tightly shut eyes, he wondered what her reaction would be when she woke up.    


"Aunt Lan, do you think Jane was really pushed down the stairs by her?"    


Hearing such easy words, Ting Lan sighed. She also wanted to know the answer, but Jane hadn't woken up yet and Wen Zhixia was still in this state. It was as if there was no one left to solve the mystery.    


"Maybe we can only find out when Jane wakes up."    


She quietly left the room, leaving the two people alone.    


Wen Zhixia's frown never relaxed for a moment, and her dreams were filled with fear and confusion as well.    


As if she felt the burning gaze, Wen Zhixia slowly opened her eyes. However, the moment she saw Easily, she turned her head to the other side.    


She did not want to face Easy at all. All her hopes and expectations for Easy had already completely vanished like smoke in thin air. Now facing Easy, she only felt heartache.    


"Let me ask you one last time, is Jane's accident really related to you?"    


It was easy to see Wen Zhixia running away from him, and there was an indescribable rage in his heart.    


"I did it. I pushed her down the stairs. I want to kill her. I want to let you know the pain of losing your family. Easy. I admit it all. I did it."    


The truth was not important to Wen Zhixia at all. She did not care what kind of person Wen Zhixia was in an easy heart.    


Wen Zhixia had no idea where her future lay, and she did not feel that she had the right to have it.    


"Wen Zhixia, do you know what it means to say such words?"    


Easily clenching his fists, he tried his best to restrain the impulse in his heart. He had always been looking for an excuse for Wen Zhixia, but in Wen Zhixia's eyes, it seemed as if she didn't care about him at all.    


If it was really as Wen Zhixia had said, then everything between them would be over.    


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