CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0"You can look around. When the banquet starts, I'll go look for you."    


Wen Zhixia didn't know what Nan Wenyu was going to do, but she nodded and led him towards the side of the banquet hall.    


He stood by the window quietly and stared outside. Suddenly, a figure broke into his line of sight. He widened his eyes in surprise. He turned around and walked out of the room in surprise. He was looking for the figure just now with some anxiety.    


Then he turned and saw the man sitting on the bench in the shade of the tree. He could easily sense the familiarity of the man, but the black elven mask that covered her face hid it.    


Sensing that someone was standing beside her, Wen Zhixia raised her head and saw a man wearing a black phoenix mask. However, the look in his eyes made Wen Zhixia feel a sense of familiarity and unfamiliarity.    


Wen Zhixia couldn't move her gaze away from those sharp eyes. She slowly lost herself in those eyes and felt herself lose her composure. She lowered her head. The red flush on her ears showed that she was nervous.    


He could easily recognize Wen Zhixia from the moment he saw her. The familiar aura coming from her body made him want to get closer to her. He looked at her lonely eyes and felt his heart ache.    


Although Liu Gan didn't know why Wen Zhixia was here, seeing that she was safe and sound, he gradually felt relieved and sat beside Wen Zhixia silently.    


He wanted to ask where Wen Zhixia had been all these days, but he was afraid that if he did, he would scare her away.    


Even though Yi Yi didn't say anything, as long as Wen Zhixia was by his side, he felt satisfied. Looking at her so simply made him feel inexplicably safe.    


For some reason, Wen Zhixia didn't reject the man beside her. Although the man didn't say anything, Wen Zhixia could feel his focus on her.    


However, she didn't feel the least bit bored. Instead, she felt a little lustful for this moment of tranquility.    


Hua Feiruo rushed over with a white fox mask on his face. Seeing the person sitting beside Yi Yi, he opened his eyes in surprise. Just as he wanted to go up and ask, he saw Yi Yi's expression and stopped walking.    


It was easy to see Hua Feiruo's appearance. He stood up and walked towards Hua Feiruo reluctantly.    


"Yi, the ceremony is about to begin. She … Is it Wen Zhixia? "    


Seeing the easy reaction, Hua Feiruo had already guessed it. If it wasn't for Wen Zhixia, Easy wouldn't have taken the initiative to approach her.    


"It's her. Go and find out why she's here, and where she's been these past few days. But don't alert her, and don't disturb her for now."    




After giving Hua Feiruo his instructions, Ye Zichen walked towards the banquet hall.    


Rong Jian didn't know why his brother was hosting such a banquet, but she knew that Zhan Yanjia definitely wasn't the person in his heart. Rong Jian never loved anyone, but she grew up in the love of her parents.    


So she knew what it was like to love someone.    


She quietly stared at the white swan in the lake in a daze, but she did not discover that her fate had also quietly approached.    


Nan Wenyu called from a place far away from the banquet hall. He glanced into the distance and saw a fairy-like girl barging into his line of sight. He put down his phone and stared blankly at the girl squatting by the lake.    


He slowly walked towards the woman. It was only when he walked to her side did the woman notice his existence. When their gazes met, Nan Wenyu was deeply attracted by the pair of clear eyes.    


Perhaps due to the environment he grew up in, Nan Wenyu's surroundings were filled with deceit. He needed to constantly disguise himself to confuse the other party, then gradually lose himself.    


However, although the mask on her face made it hard for Nan Wenyu to see her face, he could tell from her pair of beautiful eyes that she was a devastatingly beautiful woman.    


"You … What's the matter? "    


Rong Jian sensed that someone was coming closer to him. She raised her head to look at him. The man in front of her emitted a refined aura, like a modest gentleman. He didn't want her brother to be so close to her.    


He wasn't as charming as Hua Feiruo, nor was he as serious as Bai Li. This man was deep and indifferent, which made Rong Jian a little curious. He wasn't wearing a mask.    


Rong Jian could directly see his appearance. With that glance, he had deeply engraved Nan Wenyu's appearance in his heart. At that time, she didn't know that the man in front of her would give her such a shock.    


"It's very dangerous for you to be crouching by the lake like this. The banquet is about to start, so you should go in earlier."    


Hearing the man's magnetic voice, Rong Jian's face felt a bit hot. She lowered her head and stood up. Maybe it was because of staying in that position for a long time that Rong Jian was a bit unsteady.    


However, before she even fell to the ground, Nan Wenyu had already stepped forward and grabbed Rong Jian's arm to help her stabilize her body.    


"Be careful!"    


The man's calmness matched Rong Jian's panic. She lowered her head in embarrassment. This was the first time Rong Jian came into contact with a man other than his father and brother.    


In Rong Family, Rong Heting and Easily protected Rong Jian very well. She had never come into contact with the dangers outside, so naturally, she did not have the chance to come into contact with other men at such a close distance.    


"Thank you."    


Rong Jian didn't dare to raise his head to look into the man's eyes, so after a soft thank you, he gently pulled his arm away from the man's grasp and turned around to run away.    


When she reached the entrance of the banquet hall, she stopped her steps and turned her head towards the man unnaturally. However, she found that the man was also looking at her, which made Rong Jian's face turn even redder.    


Nan Wenyu looked at Rong Jian's bashful appearance and a warm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. To think that there would be such a simple and hasty woman in this world. He silently took out his phone and edited the information for people to investigate Rong Jian.    


Then he turned around to look for Wen Zhixia. Today was a very important day for Yi and Wen Zhixia.    


"Zhixia, the banquet is about to start. Let's go in."    


Hearing Nan Wenyu's voice, Wen Zhixia stood up from the bench and slowly walked towards him.    


"Why did you bring me here? What kind of banquet is this? "    


Wen Zhixia thought it was strange from the moment she arrived here. The doubts in her heart deepened when she saw that man. Although she didn't say anything to that man, she could see an easy shadow on him.    


She had been deceiving herself. Maybe it was just an illusion, but it didn't seem like …    


"I'm sorry, Zhixia. This is an engagement banquet for a friend. I just returned home and didn't have any suitable female companions, so I thought of you. I was worried that you would reject me, so I didn't tell you in advance."    


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