CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0However, when she saw Xia Yu's evasive gaze, she shifted her gaze towards Nan Wenjing.    


Seeing his mother's eyes, Nan Wenjing revealed a helpless smile.    


"Yu just agreed to my proposal. She was so touched that she broke down in tears."    


Hearing Nan Wenjing's words, Lu Yilan did not think too much about it. She sat down beside Xia Yu and held Xia Yu's hand affectionately. The way she looked at her was kind and kind.    


"Yu, don't worry, it's not that our Nan Family is impolite. Since you and Wenjing are in love, we will quickly prepare the wedding for you two. Take advantage of your small month, we need to hurry."    


"Otherwise, if we drag it on any longer, the wedding dress won't look good. When a girl gets married, it should be beautiful."    


Xia Yu looked at Lu Yilan's sincere appearance and thought for her own good. Her heart was filled with guilt. Ever since she was young, Xia Yu had never enjoyed the care and care of her mother. Now that she looked at Lu Yilan, she could see the shadow of her mother.    


If Lu Yilan knew that the child in her womb wasn't Nan Wenjing's, Xia Yu couldn't imagine how disappointed she would be.    


"Mom, don't worry. I'll definitely make Yu the most beautiful bride in the world."    


Nan Wenjing held Xia Yu's other hand and looked at her warmly.    


Facing the scene in front of her, Xia Yu could not help but have a lustful feeling. However, her heart was also filled with endless guilt. When night fell, Lu Yilan and Nan Wenjing left her room.    


She stood alone in front of the French window, hands on her stomach. There was already a life inside, but it was the wrong life, so what should she choose?    


If she really wanted to bid her farewell with the past, she should have killed this child and married Nan Wenjing to start her new life. Even if she didn't love Nan Wenjing in her heart, she could use her entire life to compensate Nan Wenjing.    


"Baby... I'm sorry, but next time, you must find a responsible mother. "    


However, did she really have the heart to give up this life? Perhaps this child was the last tie between her and that person.    


Easily sitting in Rong Manor's study and looking at the screen of the notebook, his fingers flew over the keyboard. Ever since the incident with Rong Mansion that day, he had always used his work to numb himself, and his Rong's had already risen a level thanks to his hard work.    


After the crisis was resolved, Mu Shen also returned to Italy.    


He hit the last button and turned off the computer. He turned around and looked out the window at the flashing neon lights. He easily lit up a cigarette and took a deep drag from it.    


Why was it that even though he was working so hard, the image of that woman still appeared in his mind? Her every frown and smile was like a nightmare that was carved into his mind.    


She remembered the way she died in Nan Wenyu's arms easily. She didn't look at her for even a second. She even suspected that Wen Zhixia had actually loved him.    


Because of Wen Zhixia, Rong Family had lost Rong Jian forever, and should have easily hated her. But why would Wen Zhixia, after the passage of time, hate Rong Jian even more?    


He hated her, but it was not worth thinking about.    


This kind of understanding made him easily feel defeated. He was clearly a dead person, yet he couldn't forget about it.    


Finally, Easy drove to the cemetery.    


After the explosion, both Wen Zhixia and Nan Wenyu were killed without a trace. However, Wen Zhixia was still buried beside her father with nothing but the clothes that Wen Zhixia had worn when she was alive.    


Wen Zhixia's sweet smile was devoid of color as she looked at the ice-cold tombstone.    


"Why can't I forget you?"    


He was full of guilt towards Rong Jian, but Rong Jian would never appear in his dreams to denounce him. Instead, it was this woman who hurt her the most, always appearing in his dreams.    


It was only until dawn that Easily got up and left.    


After the easy way out, a figure appeared in front of the cemetery, looking at Wen Zhixia's tombstone with a complicated expression.    


Xia Yu could not sleep soundly the whole night. She dreamed of easy, of easy to make her kill Lv Wei, of easy to shoot personally at her father, and finally woke up from a nightmare.    


Nan Wenjing was worried that Xia Yu would be restrained during Nan Family, so he waited until his father left for work before calling Xia Yu to get out of bed.    


Last night, after Xia Yu fell asleep, Nan Lintian had a deep discussion with Nan Wenjing and had already made it clear that he did not agree with this marriage. In Nan Lintian's heart, a person like Xia Yu did not deserve Nan Family.    


However, these things couldn't shake Nan Wenjing's resolve. He had loved Xia Yu for such a long time, so he firmly believed that his father just hadn't seen Xia Yu's good fortune. As time passed, his father would naturally accept Xia Yu.    


Therefore, Nan Wenjing didn't take his father's objection to heart.    


"Yu, have you woken up?"    


Hearing Nan Wenjing's voice, Xia Yu opened the door from the inside. She had already woken up a long time ago, but she was afraid that if she went out too early, it would disturb the people from the Nan Family.    


"Good morning, Wenjing."    


Seeing Xia Yu's pale face, Nan Wenjing held Xia Yu's hand and walked downstairs. Lu Yilan was already sitting in the dining room. When she saw Nan Wenjing and Xia Yu appear, she revealed a gratified smile.    


This was the scene she had been waiting for.    


"Good morning, Auntie!"    


Xia Yu took the initiative to greet Lu Yilan.    


"Did you sleep well last night? "You don't look too good. After dinner, let Wenjing take you to the hospital for a proper check."    


Seeing Xia Yu being sensible, Lu Yilan couldn't help but feel sorry for her. In Lu Yilan's eyes, Xia Yu's background was a source of pain for her.    


"I know, Mom."    


Nan Wenjing answered for Xia Yu's mother. He also had this plan. Although it was confirmed that Xia Yu was pregnant, she had been in a bad mood recently.    


He was worried that it would affect Xia Yu's body.    


After breakfast, Nan Wenjing drove Xia Yu to the hospital.    


Xia Yu sat in the car and looked out the window at the passing scenery. She thought for a moment and decided that she couldn't continue letting Nan Wenjing down.    


"Wenjing, I've thought about it. I can't keep this child."    


When Xia Yu said this, her heart ached uncontrollably. She still remembered that Yi Yi had said that she only wanted the child she had given birth to. But now that the child had come, she and Yi Yi were finished.    


Hearing Xia Yu's words, Nan Wenjing was stunned for a moment. If it was out of selfishness, then of course he didn't want Xia Yu to keep this child. Leaving this child here would be an easy burden.    


He didn't want to have any further contact with Xia Yu.    


However, he wasn't going to make things difficult for Xia Yu because of this child. After all, she was Xia Yu's flesh and blood, and he knew that Xia Yu wouldn't be willing to part with her.    


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