CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



2Standing at the entrance of the company, Wen Zhixia's pure and innocent student aura assaulted the nose, attracting the attention of the employees who came and went within the company.    


Swallowing her saliva, Wen Zhixia clenched her small fist tightly. Due to the nervousness in her hands, beads of perspiration formed on them. She entered the revolving door of the company.    


"Trouble, I'm looking for him easily!"    


Hearing that, the front desk staff looked at each other and sized up Wen Zhixia. Although she was beautiful, she was still full of student spirit.    


The CEO of his company would never fall for such a pure and innocent female student.    


"I'm sorry, but if you don't have an appointment, you might not be able to see our CEO!"    


Although he knew that being easy would be very busy, he didn't expect it to be so busy that he didn't even have the time to meet her.    


In any case, she had another week, so she had an appointment.    


"Then how do we make an appointment? If we make an appointment now, when will we be able to meet again?"    


Standing in front of the front desk, Wen Zhixia opened her mouth shyly because the big sisters at the front desk were too good-looking!    


"Yes, our CEO's schedule is already full. The only time I'll be able to see him is at 4: 00 PM at the end of the month!"    


End of the month? Today was only the beginning of the month!    


That was to say, it would be easy to meet him in person. He would have to wait at least a month before he could meet him. If the cucumber vegetables were cold, then his father might have already been given to him by an unknown doctor …    


Thinking of this, Wen Zhixia took out her phone from her pocket.    


"Hey!" That … I … I want to see you! "    


He had been very happy ever since he received Wen Zhixia's call. Wen Zhixia had never taken the initiative to call him ever since he had gotten to know her. His grand Dongfeng City, Young Master Rong, only ran behind a little girl all day long.    


It seemed that there was still some effect. Hearing the word "want" was easy, so naturally, it was just a thought.    


The brand-new phone was quietly lying on the corner of the desk.    


Coincidentally, even if she didn't want to see him, he would still look for her at night.    


Easily looking at the phone box on the table, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.    


"Where are you now?"    


"Downstairs in your company!"    


Seeing that it was easy to ask such a question, with a single glance, Zhang Xuan could tell that there was something interesting going on. Thus, his voice raised by a few notches.    


"Look at how she's talking on the phone, it's as if she can really get in touch with our CEO!"    


"With her poverty-stricken look, not to mention the CEO, even the CEO's assistant Chen Yu, I don't know if she'll fall for it!"    


"Because of their good looks, there are a few who would like to fly up the branch and become a phoenix!"    


Seeing Wen Zhixia on the phone, the two front desk staff whispered amongst themselves. Disdain, ridicule, and mocking expressions had already appeared on their stiff faces that had been injected with hyaluronic acid.    


Wen Zhixia, who was still talking on the phone, heard a few words, but from the expressions of the two little sisters, it seemed that they saw her as a woman who sold her body to take advantage of the money.    


However, she couldn't deny that. After all, she did do so. However, the big and handsome point next to her was not an ordinary amount!    


Furthermore, he had taken the initiative to find her. It wasn't easy for her to seduce him beforehand.    


However, the method was the same. Using your body to exchange for money.    


"Miss Wen, the CEO is sending me to lead you up!"    


Wen Zhixia, who stood aside after hanging up the phone, finally saw the road clearly as if she had seen her family in a foreign land after hearing Chen Yu's voice.    




Wen Zhixia nodded her head vigorously. When she entered the elevator, her eyes caught sight of the two elder sisters at the front desk. They were whispering to each other with serious expressions on their faces.    


They used the special elevator used by the president. In the spacious elevator, only Chen Yu and Wen Zhixia were there. The red numbers jumped nonstop.    


"You're not busy today?"    


Thinking about how she answered his call before it had even rung three times, it must be because she wasn't very busy, right?    


"CEO, we're very busy every day. It's time for the meeting now. Wait a moment, after you enter the office, just wait for him!"    


Chen Yu looked at his watch and spoke plainly. It seemed like it was a common occurrence for the CEO to be so busy.    


Hearing those words, Wen Zhixia felt as though she had met with a golden opportunity. She didn't expect that she would succeed on the first day!    


Her heart was beating rapidly, and the things she had heard yesterday appeared in her mind once more.    


Red numbers. When there were no numbers to jump into, the elevator door opened with a "ding".    


The spacious and bright office environment, because it is the top floor of the relationship, so the lighting is particularly good, because of the bright light, let people feel happy.    


"Alright, go get the secretary to prepare some delicious food for you!"    


Wen Zhixia did not eat lunch. From every aspect, it could be seen that her lips were dry and white, her hair was disheveled, and she had a stomach growl that could be heard in the elevator.    


Wen Zhixia, who entered the office easily, sat down on the cozy sofa. She didn't have the time to stop Chen Yu from leaving.    


The office was in a good environment, with a simple design, a rosewood desk, a leather sofa, a well-known coffee table, and a bookshelf at the back with items on it.     


With a simple glance, Wen Zhixia saw a vase from the Yuan Dynasty. It was so priceless that she didn't dare to approach it.    


If it was broken, she wouldn't be able to afford it even if she lost her life.    


"Snap, snap, snap!"    


The door was knocked. Wen Zhixia, who had followed the sound, saw a woman in business attire with a delicate and pretty body enter the room.    


Due to the small snacks and drinks in her hands, Wen Zhixia had to put in a lot of effort when she entered the office. She got up and was about to go to help when she passed through the doorway and entered the office.    


"Miss Wen, have some snacks first. The president will be out after the meeting!"    


The big sister secretary's voice was the same as a person's, clear and beautiful, making people feel comfortable listening to her.    


"Alright, thank you!"    


Wen Zhixia, after thanking him, watched her sister leave and looked around with her big eyes.    


Noticing that no one was paying attention to him, he gently put down his backpack and crept closer to his desk.    


He stared at the cabinet behind the desk. The care he had towards this cabinet was comparable to the care he had towards his master.    


One couldn't afford it, the other couldn't afford it.    


The moment he started searching, he saw a cell phone box that was easily placed onto the table.    


The phone box was printed with the style of the phone inside, and the pink body matched well with a girl like Wen Zhixia.    


Wen Zhixia, who was holding the phone box in her hand, found the note hidden under the box.    


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