CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



2Leng Su had told the old man about Mu Qianqian's mental condition before, so he wanted to get the old man to hold Rong Heting back and not let him touch Mu Qianqian again. However, he later found out that the old man couldn't stop Rong Heting either.    


He came back this time and planned to tell Rong Heting about Mu Qianqian's condition. He wanted Rong Heting to make a choice for himself.    


He was betting on Rong Heting's feelings for Mu Qianqian, betting that Rong Heting would stop pestering her for Mu Qianqian's health.    


Thus, after he got off the plane, he immediately went to Rong Heting's office.    


However, he didn't see Rong Heting. He only saw Luo Yu.    


He hadn't even spoken to Luo Yu before Luo Yu received a distress message and was told that Mu Qianqian and Rong Heting were both locked up in the elevator.    


"It's okay, you're fine."    


Mu Qianqian felt very bad as she looked at Leng Su's serious expression.    


His big brother had just come back from some business and must not have had time to rest, but he actually caught up to his little accident and was now in a panic.    


She shook Leng Su's arm ingratiatingly, "Ok, Big Bro, it's over. Don't mention me."    


"Have you been waiting for me here?"    




"How long have I been asleep?"    


Leng Su raised his hand and looked at his watch, "It's been 4 hours."    


"It's been 4 hours?"    


Mu Qianqian raised her voice in surprise. "What time is it now?"    


"It's almost 7 o'clock."    


"Oh my god!" It's so late! "Oh no, Brother Feng is going to take me to dinner!"    


"Eh? Where's my phone? "Big brother, wait for me. I'll go upstairs to look for my phone, we'll go home immediately."    


"Got it."    


Leng Su couldn't help but shake his head when he saw Mu Qianqian running away in a hurry. Her personality was like that of a child.    


Mu Qianqian found her cell phone at Rong Heting's bedside and lit up the screen. About 20 missed calls were from Ye Feng.    


When she was working in the research room, she was used to keeping her cell phone muted and forgot to tune it back when she came out for lunch this afternoon. He didn't expect that he would miss Ye Feng's call because of this.    


Mu Qianqian called back. The call connected almost immediately without any call.    


"Hello, Qianqian?"    


"Hey, Brother Feng, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I overslept, I made you wait too long!"    


"It didn't take long." Ye Feng's voice was just as gentle.    


After reaching the bottom of the Di Rong Group at 6 AM, he couldn't find Mu Qianqian for a long time so he could only call her. In the end, he couldn't get through to her. Because he was worried, he got his men to check the location of her phone. Who knew the location showed that she was at Rong Heting's home?    


"Sorry, Brother Feng, we can't have dinner together today." Mu Qianqian bit her lips. She had already made Ye Brother Feng wait a long time, she still needed some time to catch up from Rong Manor, so she might as well cancel her date.    


"You …"    


Did you break off the engagement for Rong Heting?    


Have you had dinner with Rong Heting?    


Did you still like Rong Heting?    


He couldn't ask these questions.    


"Okay, I got it. I just so happen to want to tell you that I have some things that I need to take care of, so I won't be able to have dinner with you. " His pride made him panic.    


After hanging up, Mu Qianqian returned to the hall on the first floor.    


"Where's Rong Heting?" Did Big Bro see him come down? "    


"No, what's wrong?"    


"We're leaving just like that. How bad could that be? Should we say hello to the master?"    


Leng Su pushed Mu Qianqian out, "Let's go. It's alright." And, "he glanced up at the stairs," I think he already knew you were leaving. "    


Watching Mu Qianqian being pushed out of the door by Leng Su, Rong Heting walked down the stairs completely.    


Just based on the fact that Leng Su dared to take Mu Qianqian away from him, he should have killed him.    


However, looking at Mu Qianqian's reliance on Leng Su, it was as if Leng Su was the second Mu Shen in Mu Qianqian's life. If he really killed Leng Su, Mu Qianqian would be even more resistant to him.    


At the entrance to the private house.    


"Big Brother, I was saying before that before I lost my memory," Mu Qianqian said carefully. "Was there some sort of conflict between me and Rong Heting?"    


"Why do you ask?" Leng Su was shocked.    


"I think he's pretty good to me …" Luo Yu is his subordinate, and my child is Luo Yu. "Or …"    


Mu Qianqian held her head with one hand. Whenever she thought of the past, her head would hurt so much that it would explode.    


Leng Su put his hands on Mu Qianqian's head. "Qianqian, listen to me. Don't think about it anymore. Now, the most important thing is. "    


He opened the door of his private house. "You're scared today. Come on, come in. I'll make you a cup of tranquil tea."    


Leng Su opened the bottle he got from Sofia Country and poured out a pill. Looking at the small white pill in his palm, he recalled the conversation he had with the hypnotist.    


"What if her memories come back and she thinks of the past?"    


"It's hard to say, but the biggest possibility is that her brain is unable to bear it, causing her to go insane. In other words, she will go crazy."    


Leng Su threw the pills into the cup that was already filled with Spirit Calming Tea and stirred it with a long spoon. When the pills and calming tea were fully combined, he picked up his cup and walked over to the table. Mu Qianqian was sitting at the dining table, waiting for his calming tea.    


He handed the cup to Mu Qianqian, who was sitting. "Here, Qianqian. Drink it and get a good night's sleep. "    


Mu Qianqian took the cup and nodded, drinking it while it was still warm.    


Mu Qianqian, who had drunk her tea, was soon sleepy. "I'll go back first …"    


Before Mu Qianqian could finish her sentence, she fell asleep on the dining table.    


Leng Su carried her back to the room, put her on the bed and covered her with a blanket.    


His heart ached as he looked at Mu Qianqian's peaceful sleeping face.    


Qianqian, I really didn't want to use this medicine at first, but if it really reminded you of the past, you would only wish you were dead.    


Leng Su opened Mu Qianqian's bag and found a medicine bottle. This was the painkiller that he had prepared for Mu Qianqian earlier, a headache-suppressing medicine.    


He opened the bottle and poured out the medicine inside, and then traded in the medicine he brought back from the Sofia Country. Finally, he put the bottle back into Mu Qianqian's bag.    


When he was done, he took the changed pills into the bathroom and watched them being carried away by the toilet.    


If you can't persuade Rong Heting to stay with him, you will definitely think of the past. I hope this medicine can restrain your memory, so that you won't remember it again.    


"I hope you can be happy."    


The moonlight shone on Mu Qianqian's face, and the corner of her mouth curled up slightly. In her dream, she was a bride. She wore a beautiful white wedding dress, so she could easily and simply stand by her side.    


The groom, dressed in a black suit, walked slowly towards her. "Qianqian."    


"Birds, beasts."    


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