CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



1After a week of living comfortably in France, Mu Qianqian and her children are tired of each other every day.    


During the day, Mu Qianqian was forced to endure the bullying of their world.    


The moment they boarded the plane back home, Mu Qianqian looked down at France and lamented that her waist could finally rest.    


Mu Qianqian snuggled into Rong Heting's embrace and sleepily closed her eyes.    


"Tired?" Rong Heting held Mu Qianqian's arm and covered her waist, slowly kneading it.    


Mu Qianqian's face turned red with a 'whoosh'. Did he not know that she was tired?    


Even with her eyes closed, Mu Qianqian was gnashing her teeth in anger.    


"But it seems that you've never put in any effort. I'm the one exercising, and you're only responsible for being comfortable. How can you be tired?"    


The man spoke shamelessly in her ear in a low voice. All of Mu Qianqian's sleepiness was defeated by Rong Heting's shamelessness. "Sou", she opened her eyes and was instantly flooded with blood and revived.    


"Rong Heting!" I want to divorce you! Hurry up and open the broken ring on my hand! I'm going to find Brother Feng to be an imperial concubine! Otherwise, we will send China back to become a queen! "    


Mu Qianqian's small hand grabbed Rong Heting's neck as if she was determined to take the ring off her finger.    


Rong Heting had a faint smile on his lips all along, allowing his little girl and her group to rest on his body.    


If you don't want to cause Ye Feng to lose his right to inherit the throne, then don't even think about being a wangfei anymore. Returning to the China is probably very difficult for you to fulfill, I have already informed them about it, and also given up our rights to inherit the throne, so that we can live a bit more peacefully in the future.    


Rong Heting concealed the fact that he wanted the China Imperial Family to imprison Jiang Wenqian on the deserted island forever, and instead played with Mu Qianqian's fingers that carried the marriage certificate.    


"But it's not impossible for you to take off your wedding ring."    


Mu Qianqian was furious at first, but after hearing Rong Heting say that there was a way to take off the wedding ring, she still humbly asked with a humble attitude, "What way?"    


The man smiled as he moved Mu Qianqian's body in front of him, pushing her soft body closer to him. Then, he spat out two words with a smile on his face.    




Mu Qianqian, "…"    


"However, there aren't many doctors with more medical skills than you. What if your fingers can't connect back? Qianqian, don't go and make yourself suffer, huh? "    


Facing the threat in the man's gentle words, Mu Qianqian was so angry that the root of her teeth started to itch. She couldn't take it anymore and bit towards Rong Heting's neck.    


"Mm …"    


"Daddy, Mommy, what are you doing?"    


With a simple move, he lifted the curtain that was separating them and pulled it in from the outside.    


The subordinate in charge of watching the children on the private plane felt his scalp tingle, while Luo Yu also hid in a secluded place with his face covered. Watching the children was really difficult to accomplish!    


Mu Qianqian's position was seen by the children. Her face was already as red as a cooked shrimp, especially after her small teeth bit onto Rong Heting's neck. It looked more like she was kissing him.    


An easy to understand smile, very smug to the side of the simple explanation, "See, Mommy on the neck of the big strawberry must have done the same up!"    


"Mommy, don't worry about it. Go get your revenge, we'll all support you!" Simple also very solemnly encouraged her mother.    


The two of them left the plane leisurely. Everyone in the private jet was chuckling, including Rong Heting, who was pressed down by Mu Qianqian.    


Mu Qianqian knew that her life was completely over!    


The plane successfully arrived at the airport. Mu Qianqian didn't expect to see Ling Ao and the people behind him the moment she stepped out of the plane.    


The smile on Mu Qianqian's face slowly faded as she hid herself a little bit in Rong Heting's embrace.    


Ling Yu and Mrs Nuowen felt really uncomfortable when they saw how resistant the woman was to them. Mrs Nuowen stuffed the flowers she was holding into her son's arms. They immediately wanted to hug their lost daughter.    


"Qianqian, Qianqian, you're back!" "Quick, let mom see, Qianqian, my Qianqian!"    


Mrs Nuowen wanted to go forward while crying, but just as she raised her foot, Mu Qianqian moved behind Rong Heting again and buried her face in Rong Heting's chest.    


Rong Heting felt the trembling of Mu Qianqian as she tightened her grip.    


Ling Yu and Ling Ao also saw their daughter's withdrawal. They pulled Mrs Nuowen, who was about to step forward, together. They didn't want her to scare Mu Qianqian.    


They all knew how soft Mu Qianqian's personality was, but at the same time, she was strong enough to endure so much pain.    


Everything that had happened, was all because her Ling Family people had let her down.    


"Heting, Qianqian, we came to the airport the moment we received the news of your return. The family has prepared food, and Uncle Rong is also at Ling Family. Why don't you two go home for a meal before returning to Rong Mansion?"    


Seeing his parents crying, Ling Ao took the initiative to walk forward and explain to Rong Heting and Mu Qianqian.    


Rong Heting naturally leaked the news that Mu Qianqian and him had returned back home. However, when he saw Mu Qianqian avoiding him like this, he didn't have the heart to force her to acknowledge him as her parents.    


When Ling Ao said "go home", he had undoubtedly said what the people from the Ling Family expected the most.    


Rong Heting also understood in his heart that Qianqian's resistance towards Ling Family people was precisely because Ling Yu and Mrs Nuowen had indulged in Ling Jinghan's forced punishment back then at Rong Family house, resulting in the miscarriage of their child.    


In the end, that incident had given him an unforgettable pain for Qianqian.    


Thinking of this, Rong Heting's gaze also turned cold.    


Of course, Ling Ao knew how much his parents went overboard in the past. He also blamed his parents for indulging Ling Jinghan all those years ago and for forcing Qianqian. But at the same time, he understood the reason why his parents favored their daughters.    


Twenty years of worry and concern were also due to the love he had for his daughter.    


"Qianqian, can you go home with your brother?" Mom, dad, and brother have been waiting for you for days now, ever since they found out you were in France, so come home with your brother, okay? "    


Ling Ao's tone was very soft. He thought for a moment and then explained, "Mu Shen is also at home. Yunrong, Ting Ye, and Ting Lan are all at home. Can we all come together?"    


Rong Heting's attitude was too obvious. Ling Ao could only try to persuade Mu Qianqian with a soft voice.    


Mu Qianqian didn't say anything for a long time. Just when Rong Heting was about to refuse on her behalf, Mu Qianqian raised her head from his arms.    




Just one light answer was enough to make Mrs Nuowen to cry tears of joy. Even Ling Yu's eyes were brimming with tears.    


Ling Ao smiled and came forward. No matter how dark Rong Heting's face was, he pulled Mu Qianqian out of his embrace and into his own.    


The siblings held each other gently. In the end, Ling Ao hugged Mu Qianqian tightly. His eyes were also wet. He finally found his sister.    


Ling Ao also got excited and brought Mu Qianqian to his father and mother's side. Mrs Nuowen had long lost control of herself. When Mu Qianqian stood in front of her again, she knelt on the ground and cried.    


"Oh, Qianqian, I'm sorry. It's Mom's fault, I'm sorry!" Mother did not recognize you and caused you to suffer. Qianqian, you have to forgive mother.    


Mu Qianqian also did not expect Mrs Nuowen to be in such a state. After all, she was her mother, and Mu Qianqian had long been crying. The mother and daughter pair knelt on the ground, both of them in agony.    


In the end, it was Ling Yu and Rong Heting who walked forward and picked up their respective women.    


Easily and simply watching Grandma and Mother shed tears, also not feeling good, one by one went to Mu Qianqian's side, nestling into her mother's arms.    


In the evening, Mu Qianqian leaned on the railing of the balcony in her bedroom, watching her father, mother, and father-in-law playing together with the children in the garden, a soothing smile on her face.    


Suddenly, she felt a warm sensation behind her. In an instant, she was embraced by the man. When she looked up, all she saw was a face with a faint smile. The man's outline then froze over her entire life.    


Late at night, in the quiet room, Ting Ye heard a sound coming from the door and her entire body tensed up.    


The moment the door was opened, she quickly closed her eyes and tried to ignore the man who walked in from the entrance. She also hoped that he would leave wisely.    


However, she forgot that the person who entered was a man who was extremely shrewd and would not easily compromise with her.    


Ting Ye's body was even more rigid now that her quilt had been lifted and her skin had felt the heat coming from the man's body.    


"Ting Ye, there's something I haven't told you, Rong Zhennan and I want you, from now on, you are mine, follow me back to Italy, don't even think about escaping anymore." Wu Tie hugged the woman in his arms, his devilish face was like a Satan in control of hell in the dark, "Ting Ye, there's something I haven't told you yet, Rong Zhennan and I want you, from now on you are mine, follow me back to Italy, don't ever think about escaping again."    


Ting Ye's eyes flew open as she looked at the chuckling man in the darkness with disbelief, "Impossible, Master will not agree! "I belong to Eldest Young Master!"    


Just as she finished speaking, her lower jaw was gripped by Mu Shen. Under the pain, she noticed that Mu Shen's gaze had turned cold.    


"My big brother has Qianqian, why would he want you!?" Furthermore, you are only a girl in the same room. Since you have accepted my mother's saving grace, then you will have to repay me, right?    


Tears welled up in Ting Ye's eyes as she could not refute Lady Ya's words. She was able to live, and even get the protection of Rong Heting and Rong Zhennan when she was young, all because of Lady Ya's help.    


"Don't worry, I told my father that I will marry you. Once we return to Italy, we will get married. In this life, you will always be my, Mu Shen's, woman."    


Mu Shen used the next few decades to completely remind Ting Ye of his announcement. It was not a simple story.    


Note: Mu Shen and Ting Ye can only briefly explain this part. Thank you for your support for the pass all this time. Guan Guan know my update speed is probably very disappointing, but Guan Guan is a small author, also is the first time to write a book, the plot always think a long time, also want to do their best to do the best. I hope everyone can understand. If you don't understand, or are truly angry, you can go to the comments section and scold me!    


Mu Qianqian finished her story in a simple way. The rest of the story was simple, and she hoped that everyone would like the story after she grew up.    


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