CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



1Wen Zhixia ran out of the hospital right after she was done with the infusion. She looked down at her watch from time to time and estimated the time. Wen Zhixia still turned on her phone and searched to a nearby bus stop.    


Although people didn't want to go to the hospital, the effect of relieving the pain was still good. Wen Zhixia who came from the hospital no longer had headaches and her stomach didn't feel abnormal anymore. She was completely refreshed!    


Wen Zhixia had been anxiously waiting for the bus to arrive. After getting on the bus, Wen Zhixia found a seat by the window and sat down. She looked out of the window at the street and became a little flustered.    


"If I had a fairy cudgel, I would grow bigger and smaller and prettier. I would also want to become a home full of caricatures, chocolates, and toys …"    


The ringtone of Wen Zhixia's "Little Dingdang" brought back her drifting train of thought.    


The phone's screen displayed an unfamiliar number. Wen Zhixia hesitated for a moment before pressing the button to connect!    


"Hello, hello!" Wen Zhixia greeted him out of habit.    


"Hello, are you Wen Changchun's relative?" An unfamiliar man's voice came from the other end of the phone.    


"Please come as soon as possible to pay the medical fees, or the patient will be stopped."    


Hearing this, Wen Zhixia immediately realized that it was a hospital. Hearing that her father was going to stop his medicine, Wen Zhixia became extremely anxious.    


"Don't stop my father for a while, I'll go to the hospital for it in the next few days!"    


Wen Zhixia, who hung up the phone, tightly held it. She had no money left, the phone was the most valuable thing on her. Wen Zhixia turned her head to the side of the window, her eyes filled with tears, but she clenched her teeth and refused to let them down.    


She had originally planned to go to the hospital to see her father. However, after receiving the hospital's call, she decided not to go. Instead, she got off at the closest station!    


Wen Zhixia decided to attend a car show at the downtown's largest auto show.    


Naturally, she wasn't going to pick out a car, nor was she going to look at a bright and beautiful model car. Instead, she was going to be the person who was looking at the model car while she was at it!    


Previously, Wen Zhixia had refused the job that her friend Qianqian had recommended to her. From her point of view, the model clothing was rather revealing and she didn't want to use this method to earn money, but now it seemed like there was no other way!    


It was almost 7 in the evening when Wen Zhixia arrived at the center of the exhibition. Although she had no idea how many times her stomach had rung up on the way, she didn't have time to eat dinner.    


Wen Zhixia had arrived on the spur of the moment. Fortunately, one of the models was missing due to his discomfort, which allowed Wen Zhixia to fill the gap!    


Qian Qian, who was responsible for arranging the models, saw Wen Zhixia walk in and quickly took her over. "My little ancestor, if you had been any later, we would have started the exhibition!"    


He hurriedly led her to the dressing room. Most of the models had already finished their makeup. Some of them were chatting, while the others were playing with their phones with their heads down.    


"makeup artist, give her Mei Mei's clothes, she'll take her place!" Qian Qian's voice penetrated the whole dressing room.    


Wen Zhixia, who was pushed into the changing room, changed into a new set of clothes. This made Wen Zhixia very happy, as there were no exposed areas on the white dress.    


Wen Zhixia didn't have the time to care about that. After changing her clothes, the makeup artist directly pressed Wen Zhixia in front of the mirror and began to apply makeup on her!    


"Time's up, let's begin!" A short man walked in and announced, "It should be a field control!"    


However, at this moment, Wen Zhixia, who was drawing her lips, couldn't care less. The models all headed to the car they were representing, leaving only Wen Zhixia and the makeup artist in the dressing room.    


When the makeup artist put down her lip brush, Wen Zhixia stood up and hurried towards the main venue of the car exhibition!    


Qian Qian and Wen Zhixia met at the same party. Yes, Wen Zhixia was waiter, while Qian Qian was waiter's supervisor. Qian Qian was already amazed by Wen Zhixia's looks.    


Wen Zhixia was hurriedly looking for a car without a model. At this moment, Wen Zhixia was wearing a long white dress as she traveled back and forth between the famous families that came to see the exhibition!    


Along with the wind brought by her large steps, her sleeves and skirt started to float. In addition to her peerless beauty, the people who came to watch the car were all attracted to this elder sister fairy that seemed to have strayed into the mortal world!    


Wen Zhixia naturally did not know that her every move had attracted the attention of many people. She was only looking for the car that she was endorsing, but luckily for her, there was a white Lexus Model No.    


Wen Zhixia's long skirt was designed to match the style and color of the car. This made her look at the car she was endorsing and feel more confident!    


Tonight, at the largest exhibition hall in the city center, there was a car exhibition that only the aristocrats of the imperial city were invited to. Naturally, the cars displayed were also quite expensive, and only these few aristocrats could afford to buy them!    


Not only would the models not be exposed, they would also invite famous celebrities to come and cheer them up. Tonight, the models were all wearing clothes that matched the cars they were endorsing. The more cars they sold, the higher their wages would naturally rise!    


Therefore, the models tried their best to show off the best of their abilities. They wanted to highlight the car and also take the opportunity to highlight themselves. After all, everyone present was a member of the upper class.    


Wen Zhixia had only seen car shows on television before, and had never been to one. Standing beside her car, although Wen Zhixia looked calm, her heart was already in turmoil.    


Not only was the exhibition hall grand, but the cars were luxurious. Even the crystal lights on the ceiling and the people on the scene had opened her eyes wide and let out a sigh!    


Withdrawing her gaze, Wen Zhixia looked at her work and revealed a professional smile, causing the surrounding people to direct their gaze straight at her.    


It was so easy to be dragged here by the sister of a car fanatic. However, when she saw the beautiful white scene in the middle of the exhibition, she stopped in her tracks!    


"Brother, quickly take a look. That big sister model car is so godly!"    


Rong Jian dragged an easy hand in front of Wen Zhixia and watched from a close distance.    


Rong Jian, the new name after recognizing his ancestors.    


Simplicity had always been a calm and rational personality since a young age. As he grew up, he probably enjoyed too much love from his father. After he grew up, his easy-to-do and simple-minded personality was simply in tune with what he had been like since he was young.    


Other than having a high IQ, all common sense had become an easy thing. The reason why she didn't give her brother a high IQ was because his IQ wasn't lower than hers.    


Wen Zhixia didn't notice it was easy at first, but after feeling a cold gaze from her at two o'clock, she felt uncomfortable and looked in that direction.    


The moment Wen Zhixia saw his easy face, she subconsciously took a step back. The smile on her face had disappeared, but she quickly regained her composure and returned to her original position. She no longer looked at him!    


After leaving easily, Wen Zhixia breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, confidently displaying the white Lexus behind her!    


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