CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



1Wen Zhixia found the staircase, pushed open the door, and saw the endless spiral staircase. Wen Zhixia let out a long sigh, but she quickly adjusted her mood and started her long journey up the flight of stairs.    


It was easy for you to die, but to think that I even admired you for coming to my father's hospital, but now you're squandering everything on this seemingly endless staircase.    


It was only a few flights of stairs up, but Wen Zhixia's legs were already beginning to feel like they couldn't move anymore. Her thin legs were usually not this heavy, but in the process of climbing the stairs, they were getting heavier and heavier.    


Wen Zhixia would hold on to her hands to rest for a while every three levels. After cursing a few times, she recovered some strength and continued crawling.    


On the last flight of stairs, small beads of sweat appeared on Wen Zhixia's forehead and the tip of her nose. As Wen Zhixia cursed, she began to examine herself. Why was she so stupid? Why was she so careless?!    


Wen Zhixia, who came to the top floor, stayed in the corridor for a while with her legs crossed. After calming her breathing, she started to walk in search of her father's room number.    


The VIP ward on the top floor was different from ordinary wards. The environment was not only clean and tidy, but there were also no noises. The brand-new medical equipment and the authority in the medical field would all be here.    


The design of the corridor on the top floor also read very clearly. In addition to the hospital doctor's introduction, there were also paintings of famous people hung on the wall. The white background wall resonated with the golden text.    


Wen Zhixia looked around and finally found her father's sickroom. She wanted to look through the window on the door and check if the inside was awake. Wen Zhixia then realized that there was no glass on the door of the VIP ward, so the people outside couldn't see what was going on inside.    


Wen Zhixia put her ear close to the door but still could not hear anything. This made her a little surprised. She did not expect the VIP ward to be so well-designed. In order to protect the patient's privacy, even the door was soundproofed.    


However, if the patient were to appear alone in any situation, would he not be able to hear her screams?    


Poverty limited Wen Zhixia's imagination. A patient living in a VIP ward would not be left alone. At the very least, two nurses would be required to take turns watching over him!    


Even if what Yan Luoluo feared really happened, every ward had an alarm button installed. As long as it was pressed lightly, a doctor or nurse would come to inspect.    


"Snap, snap, snap!" Wen Zhixia knocked lightly on the door.    


It was so easy in the ward. Chen Yu looked at him and signaled for him to open the door. Chen Yu stood up and walked quickly to the door without any delay and slowly opened it.    


When Wen Zhixia saw the door open and Chen Yu's familiar face, she knew she found the right ward. After a smile, she walked into the ward.    


At this moment, Mr Wen was weakly lying on the sickbed. The heart beat tester was ringing regularly. Wen Zhixia came to her father's side and saw that his brows were still knitted tightly. The heavy burden in her heart was finally lifted.    


Mr Wen still had his eyes closed. Wen Zhixia knew how kind and spirited his eyes were when they were opened.    


Wen Zhixia held Mr Wen's hand, tears in her eyes. At this moment, she wished that her father could come over and help her teach her a lesson in her unfair life.    


"If you dare to shed a single tear, leave immediately."    


It was easy to see the tears brimming in Wen Zhixia's eyes. She felt a pang in her heart, as she could not control her emotions.    


Damn it, he didn't want to make the little girl sad at all. He couldn't even continue watching her make such a sad face!    


It was easy to turn your face to the window on one side, because it was the top floor, so you could look out from the window and see everything below. You could even see the cars on the road.    


After Wen Zhixia heard the easy words, she looked up at the ceiling. She didn't know who said, "When you want to shed tears, look up at the sky. That way, tears will flow down your face!"    


After looking up at her for a while, Wen Zhixia returned to normal. Although her tears had not returned, her mood had improved.    


"Did my father succeed?" Since Wen Zhixia wasn't at the hospital guarding her father's operation, she didn't know what the result of the operation would be.    


Chen Yu, who was standing at the side, saw that his master didn't answer, so he weakly answered.    


"Yes. The dean said that the young mistress's father had a very successful surgery. He was waiting for her to recover and find a suitable heart for the transplant!"    


Chen Yu's words clearly described Wen Changchun's illness, as well as the fact that he confirmed the success of the operation. After he finished speaking, Chen Yu glanced at the ease of having his back towards them.    


He couldn't see the young master's face, but he didn't know if the young master was satisfied with his reply.    


"Thank you, Chen Yu!" After hearing Chen Yu's words, Wen Zhixia's mood was a lot better and her voice was a lot clearer.    


It was easy to clench her fist because of Wen Zhixia's reply to Chen Yu. She didn't expect that this little woman was actually thanking Chen Yu.    


Easily turning around, he grabbed Wen Zhixia's arm and pulled her out of the ward.    


Wen Zhixia felt uncomfortable with the sudden tug on her hand. She struggled backwards with a pained expression on her face.    


It was because of Wen Zhixia's expression that she stopped her tugging and tugging, but she still didn't let go of Wen Zhixia's arm.    


"Chen Yu, get out." He sounded cold and hungry, as if he wanted to freeze the whole room.    


After Chen Yu heard the easy command, he immediately walked towards the door. He gently opened the door, exited, and locked it. His movements were smooth and smooth.    


Wen Zhixia had a bad premonition from the bottom of her heart. Looking at her dark eyes which were filled with ease, she was a little scared and wanted to run away. However, her arms had already been tightly grabbed and she was unable to break free.    


"You, what happened to you?"    


Wen Zhixia spoke timidly like a frightened kitten. She lowered her head and peeked at the man in front of her with her big eyes.    


"I just want you to recognize who the person you should be thanking is."    


As soon as she finished speaking, Wen Zhixia's lips were covered with her own, making it impossible for her to escape.    


When he thought of his father lying on the sickbed, his face immediately turned red like a cooked shrimp.    


Although her father had his eyes closed, Wen Zhixia still felt that he was being watched in public for his intimate actions.    


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