CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



3"You owe me."    


A low and deep voice echoed in her ears, as if it was a whisper from a nightmare. It caused a tear to fall from the corner of Wen Zhixia's eye, sliding down her cheek and landing on the carpet.    


"It's not me …"    


With a wave of her hand, her clothes were thrown to the side. Her tears were still fresh on her face, but her body was thrown onto the bed by an irresistible force.    


That night, it was as if she was a butcher who was going to collect debts. Wen Zhixia had been dragged into a new round of whirlpool many times when she had wanted to call a stop to it.    


"Don't... "I don't want to …"    


The low, husky female voice was begging for mercy, and the wrist that had been trying so hard to raise was trying to push the person in front of him away.    


"No? "You don't want anything, just look at how much you like it here …"    


The low male voice breathed with a slight gasp as he pressed the rejected jade hands to the top of his head with one powerful hand. His eyes turned dark, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, and his hot breath sprinkled over his sensitive ears.    


"I didn't …"    


He didn't know that the beautiful face buried in the pillow had tears trickling down its face. It was preoccupied with venting the emotions of the past few days with a bit of impatience in its actions.    


No matter how many people refused, they didn't make the man stop attacking. Bitterness slowly welled up in her heart. She slowly closed her eyes. Her body's reaction made it impossible for her to refuse.    


Seeing Wen Zhixia so resistant, the easy face raised a hint of playfulness, wanting to hear those broken cries.    


The night was getting deeper and deeper, as if the battle between men and women was getting more and more intense.    


"I have a fairy club that can grow large and small and become beautiful …"    


The melody continued to resound in the room as the sounds slowly began to dissipate. In the dark room, a mobile phone was constantly flashing.    


There was a cocoon of something moving on the bed. In less than a minute, a smooth and delicate arm stretched out from the quilt. It felt the noisy cell phone with great difficulty.    


It was only when half her body was exposed that she felt the phone with her hand. The music stopped first, but soon she remembered the melody again.    


"Wen Zhixia!" What do you want? You can be late for something as big as graduation photos? "    


Wen Zhixia, who was still in a daze, picked up the phone without her knowing why. She was still confused when she heard the unfamiliar voice, but the word "graduate" startled her!    


Crap, today is the graduation photo shoot! Wen Zhixia wanted to get up immediately, but her body bounced back onto the bed. She even heard a vague mumble, causing her body to stiffen.    


"Do you still want to graduate? You actually did this to me after graduating, who do you think you are! "    


"I'll go right now! "I'm sorry!"    


Wen Zhixia anxiously answered the phone call and became even more anxious. She immediately remembered that there was an iron arm at her waist preventing her from moving. Her face was flushed red, but she didn't dare to remove the shackles on her arm.    


"If you want to graduate, immediately come to school or delay graduation … "Du du …"    


The other side of the phone seemed to be very angry. Upon hearing Wen Zhixia's reply, he immediately hung up before the other side could finish their conversation.    


"I'll go now …"    


A weak voice sounded out from the phone, letting Wen Zhixia know that this was a signal. Her body shivered slightly, unsure of what to do.    


If he didn't even have an address, where would he go to take a photo? All along, Wen Zhixia had never been on good terms with her classmates, so now, it was only Lee Weixi's phone call. However, Lee Weixi had already taken pictures of her in advance due to her injuries.    


"Where should I look for their location?"    


Since there were so many places in the Higher Education Mega Centre, and it was the Unification Department that was taking pictures today, every class had their own places to take pictures of. She couldn't help but pat her head.    


When Wen Zhixia was in a difficult situation, she turned around and met with a pair of pitch-black eyes that weren't focused. Wen Zhixia suddenly turned her head and her heartbeat quickened.    


"Who is it?"    


A cold voice sounded out from behind her, causing her to tremble slightly. However, her stiff body didn't dare to turn around, as she was afraid that those eyes would look at her.    


"No …." What... I... "You want to go out?!"    


Because of her fear, every word that she spoke made Wen Zhixia stutter. It was only because of the punishment last night that caused her to feel a lingering fear, making it easier for her to be a bit more careful when facing others.    


"Give me your phone."    


Wen Zhixia's slightly hoarse voice was intoxicating, but she felt easily annoyed. She couldn't help but slightly open her eyes. The phone in her hand was a bit hot, even her fingers were trembling.    


"Give it to me."    


Xia Yu Chen, who had been impatiently waiting, furrowed his brows. A thick aura emanated from Wen Zhixia's body, surrounding her and causing her to freeze in place.    


She only felt her shoulder sink, as if something was resting on it. At the same time, she was shocked when she saw from the corner of her eye that her bony fingers had taken the phone.    


The beep of the keys caused Wen Zhixia's eyes to shift from her fingers to her face. The light from the backlight seemed to give her a faint glow, as if a man like this was more suited to sit in a tall building and drink a cup of coffee for the day, instead of being entangled in bed with her.    


"Chen Yu, go find a cameraman to go to the University City building."    


Even though the deep voice was speaking the usual commands, it had a unique charm to it. It seemed to be talking about a trivial matter. Wen Zhixia was a little surprised, but still continued to do things according to the rules.    


"Go and change."    


Wen Zhixia cast a sidelong glance at him with her black eyes, and ordered with a cold voice. She then pulled away her blanket and got off the bed.    


That tall figure seemed to have blocked out all the light sources. His tall figure was carved out of muscles that had undergone innate and acquired training. Every inch of his body displayed the charm and strength of a male.    


Easily seemingly oblivious to Wen Zhixia's measuring gaze, Easy put on his pants without any hesitation and wrapped up his long straight legs. His top was no longer worn, so he walked toward the door with his upper body naked.    


"You only have half an hour, don't make me wait."    


He stopped in front of the bathroom and turned his head to catch a glimpse of a pair of frightened eyes. He coldly glanced at Wen Zhixia as a hint of warning flashed across his eyes.    


With that one glance, Wen Zhixia's heart skipped a beat and she immediately got off the bed to clean it up!    


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