CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0So she could no longer hide her head like an ostrich, pretending not to see, not for anything else, because it was easy, and she could not be so cowardly.    


"Uncle is right, the company's product formula was indeed leaked by me. This is my fault. If there are any consequences, I am willing to bear it myself."    


Mu Qianqian didn't know anything about the company. She was just afraid that Wen Zhixia would easily affect her company. She wasn't surprised when she heard Wen Zhixia's frank admittance. Was this girl really not as simple as she looked?    


"Miss Wen is quite bold. I'd like to hear why she did that."    


Mu Shen rather admired Wen Zhixia's courage. If she was just trying to quibble or escape, that would be the real problem. Then, he didn't mind getting rid of the unnecessary trouble as soon as possible.    


"To do wrong is to do wrong. No matter what reason I had, or what reason I had, I will admit it."    


Wen Zhixia looked calm on the surface, but she was actually very flustered on the inside. Easy hadn't mentioned this ever since that day, but she still owed Easy a word of apology.    


If it wasn't for his family members mentioning this matter, Wen Zhixia seemed to have overlooked a little of what she had done wrong. Easy apart from restricting her freedom, she kept her promise and gave Dad the best medical conditions.    


However, how did she repay the favor so easily? Suddenly, Wen Zhixia seemed to understand why she was so indifferent to her surroundings.    


With his identity, who knew how many people were watching him and couldn't make any mistakes. They also didn't know how he dealt with the trouble he caused.    


So it turned out that she had never really cared about him.    


"Uncle, aunt Second Uncle, I'm very sorry. I'm sorry for the trouble that I have brought to you all by myself, but I don't know what I can do to make up for it."    


Wen Zhixia looked at the three of them sincerely, hoping to make up for her mistake.    


At that time, she had never thought that if she were to reveal the reason behind it, it would save her a lot of trouble in the future.    


"Miss Wen, do you know that you can't make up for the losses you've caused with just a word of apology? I can tell that Yi is very interested in Miss Wen and he tried to cover it up, but I'm not sure if Miss Wen has any ulterior motives in getting close to Yi."    


Mu Shen had heard about this before he came back, but he found that it was easy to suppress this matter. He had even spent a lot of time and effort alone to modify the formula and only announced the flaws of the formula to the public.    


And the strange thing was that the leaked formula didn't appear in the market, so this couldn't help but attract the attention of the Rong Family.    


Wen Zhixia's eyes widened at Mu Shen's words. Was he trying to shield her? Was he protecting her? Why didn't he know anything?    


Hearing her words, no matter how foolish Wen Zhixia was, she understood that Rong Family must have suspected that she had been sent to his side with some ulterior motive. As expected, the Wealthy Class has always been on guard, but what about the Easy? Did he think so too?    


"I'm very sorry. I can only say that my meeting with Easy was just a coincidence. I am also very grateful to you for letting me know that Easy has done all these things for me."    


Wen Zhixia's heart felt warm when she thought about how easy it was for her to have done so much for herself. She seemed to have firmly decided on something that was hidden deep within her heart.    


"I know that there is quite a distance between me and Easy. I can't promise anything, and I feel really sorry for what happened before. However, I can only say that as long as Easy needs me by my side, I will definitely not leave him."    


Wen Zhixia was surprised when she said this promise. Did she get it from deep inside her heart? Why didn't she want to leave him? Was he moved? Or …    


Hearing the little woman's firm tone, the person at the corner of the stairs unconsciously curled his lips. You know what I mean.    


"But, I don't think Miss Wen is suitable to stay with Yi. What Yi needs is a woman who can help him, not a woman who will cause trouble for him."    


Rong Heting spoke out his inner thoughts. Wen Zhixia looked as weak as his wife when she was young. He didn't want his son to try again, but he didn't know if that would work.    


When Rong Heting saw the look in his wife's eyes, he realized that he said the wrong thing.    


So what if he was weak, so what if he was troublesome. From the moment he fell in love, trouble was destined to begin. Rong Heting didn't want to avoid it. Thinking of this, he reached out and grabbed his wife's hand.    


"I will try my best not to cause him trouble. I will obediently stay by his side."    


Wen Zhixia's words didn't sound confident at all. From the moment she appeared, it seemed like she was really finding trouble with him. It was only until now that she realized it.    


However, she didn't want to leave at all right now, or should she say that it was easy for her to leave, and since she had already done so much for her, what reason did she have to retreat?    


"Alright, stop scaring Zhixia."    


Mu Qianqian interrupted Rong Heting and Mu Shen's questioning of Wen Zhixia. It was for no other reason but Wen Zhixia's cowardly appearance that reminded her of the bitterness she felt when she stayed by Rong Heting's side.    


He had experienced many hardships, so he didn't want to experience another generation.    


"Zhixia, I hope you don't mind. We are just worried about Yi. He likes to take responsibility for everything so that's why we are so confused."    


"It's alright, Auntie. I won't get into any more trouble in the future."    


Wen Zhixia was still very grateful that she came to Rong Mansion today. If she didn't come, she wouldn't have known that Yi Yi had always been silently giving sacrifices for her.    


Easy, I won't leave you alone anymore.    


"So, did you allow me to stay by your side?"    


Wen Zhixia still cared a lot about the attitude of Yi family members towards her.    


"If we don't agree, will you leave Yi?"    


Mu Shen smiled. This girl really does look like Qianqian when she was young.    




Wen Zhixia was relieved to see Mu Shen and Mu Qianqian both smile, but Rong Heting didn't respond, didn't agree, didn't object, and Wen Zhixia knew he still had a grudge against her.    


"Alright, I heard what you wanted to hear, so why didn't you go down to eat? I'm starving."    


Rong Jian elbowed Yi who was beside him. Rong Jian was a bit embarrassed when he saw his brother's proud look, but it had been a long time since he saw his brother so happy.    


Then just let him be, since Second Uncle is watching, there won't be any big mistakes.    


Easily following Rong Jian downstairs, the two of them pretended that nothing had happened. Easily knowing, perhaps Second Uncle and his parents finally noticed the abnormality that he didn't notice himself.    


If that was the case, then there was no need to avoid anything. Trouble would eventually come, and dodging wouldn't work.    


Wen Zhixia's eyes lit up when she saw that it was easy to see Wen Zhixia, but this time, besides warmth, there was also gratitude and something else that she couldn't explain …    


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