CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0Although Hua Feiruo was still young, he did not show any mercy when he fought. He was a complicated existence and on the surface, Hua Feiruo had the face of an angel.    


However, in front of his opponent, he was like a devil that came out of hell without holding back. This was Hua Feiruo. He could smile and make you feel that this world was beautiful, or he could make you instantly enter hell.    


Looking at Chen Cheng who was lying on the ground, Hua Feiruo directly smashed the water cup in front of Chen Cheng. No one dared to act impudently in front of him.    


The glass instantly shattered into pieces and the pieces splashed onto Chen Cheng's face, leaving behind many small wounds. However, Chen Cheng ignored them. He looked at the water on the floor and immediately struggled to crawl over.    


He was like a person who had not had any water for a few days, desperately licking the water stain.    


Easily seeing Chen Cheng's actions, he felt a little strange for a moment, but then he immediately opened his eyes wide and said to Hua Feiruo who was closest to Chen Cheng.    


"Feiruo, stop him."    


Hua Feiruo only came back to his senses when he heard Chen Cheng's easy voice. He bent down and pulled Chen Cheng's arm.    


Before he could ask anything, he heard Chen Cheng's crazy laughter.    


"Hahaha, easy! Although I can't see the day you fell, I know that you will soon go to hell to accompany me. Haha."    


When Hua Feiruo saw the black blood flowing out of the corner of Chen Cheng's mouth, he realized that Chen Cheng had already taken the poison.    


The moment Chen Cheng finished speaking, he lost his breath.    


Hua Feiruo looked at Chen Cheng, who was no longer struggling. He placed his hand on Chen Cheng's neck to feel his pulse. Then he let go of Chen Cheng, turned around and shook his head towards Yi.    


"Brother, he consumed poison."    


Hua Feiruo was curious though. He kept staring at Chen Cheng, but he didn't notice when Chen Cheng took the poison. He looked at the water stain on the ground in confusion, dipped his finger in it and put it under his nose.    


After carefully smelling it, he did not find anything out of the ordinary.    


"There's no poison in the water. He should have already been poisoned or had the poison hidden in his mouth. If I'm not wrong, the water was just a catalyst. He never intended to tell me who was behind this."    


It was easy to look at Chen Cheng, who had already stopped breathing. He knew that Chen Cheng was just a scapegoat.    


"Go and keep an eye on Chen Cheng's family. If I'm not mistaken, he should have a daughter. Keep an eye on their account and check who they have economic dealings with."    


After Hua Feiruo was done with his instructions, Eli left without any more stops. He drove his car and lowered the window. Mr Wen's death was beyond his expectation. He couldn't imagine what Wen Zhixia's reaction would be if she knew about this.    


Parking the car at Rong Manor's entrance was easy to lack the courage to walk in. He did not dare to face Wen Zhixia because of his negligence, causing Mr Wen's death. He did not fulfill his promise to Wen Zhixia.    


Wen Zhixia, who was lying on the bed, went to bed early, but she was not sleeping well. Fragments of images appeared in her mind. They were all terrifying scenes, and she wanted to escape them.    


But no matter what, she couldn't avoid it. Wen Zhixia frowned as cold sweat appeared on her forehead. She saw the back of a person who was easy to leave and the blood flowing from her legs.    


She reached out to grab at Easy, but no matter how she called for Easy, Easy didn't look back at her.    


This made her feel very wronged. She didn't know why Easily ignored her, but when she turned around in desolation, she saw her father whom she hadn't seen for a long time. She happily ran to his side.    


Ever since her father had gotten sick, she hadn't seen him at all. He smiled warmly, and she ran over to him, wanting to hide in his arms and cry out all the grievances she had suffered.    


But when she opened her arms, she only hugged a lump of air. She saw her father's smiling face moving further and further away from her, Wen Zhixia cried out in worry, desperately calling out for her father.    


She looked at the bottomless chasm behind her father. She wanted to stop her father, but no matter how hard she ran, she could only watch as he fell deeper and further away.    




Wen Zhixia excitedly called out to her father, then she was scared awake by the nightmare. She abruptly sat up and looked at the empty room. For a long time, her emotions could not calm down.    


She could only constantly console herself. She had thought too much, but she still felt uneasy in her heart.    


When she dialed Easy, Wen Zhixia's hand was still shaking with excitement. She listened to the phone ring again and again, but no one answered. Wen Zhixia didn't know if Easy was busy or not.    


However, Wen Zhixia wanted to know about her father's condition, and that nightmare had made her unable to remain calm.    


Easy sat in the car and looked at the number on the screen. He looked up at the light in the bedroom on the second floor. He didn't know how to tell Wen Zhixia about his father's death.    


Just as Wen Zhixia was about to give up in disappointment, the phone was easily picked up.    


"Easy?" Are you busy? "    


Hearing Wen Zhixia's cautious voice, his spirits were immediately roused. Could it be that Wen Zhixia had figured it out and was finally willing to stay by his side?    


He couldn't help but get excited when he thought of this possibility, but he didn't show it on his face. He tried his best to remain calm as he replied to Wen Zhixia.    


"Go ahead."    


Wen Zhixia couldn't tell what Yi Yi's mood was like, but she was really worried about her father's condition, so she couldn't care less about it. She directly asked him about her father's condition.    


"It's easy. Can I go to the hospital to see my father?"    


When Wen Zhixia mentioned Mr Wen, it was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on his head. All his excitement disappeared, as it turned out, Wen Zhixia's caution was only for the sake of her father.    


Admit it, in Wen Zhixia's heart you are not important at all, easy to convince oneself in the heart like this.    


"He's not fit to visit."    


Although it was an expected answer, Wen Zhixia still couldn't help but feel disappointed. This was the very first time she had used this reason to reject her father's request. Wen Zhixia could no longer remember.    


Her look of anticipation dimmed, but she also knew that no one could change her decision, so she had to give in.    


"Is he all right?"    


People who no longer existed would often not know whether this was good or bad, but he couldn't tell Wen Zhixia about it. Based on the current situation, if she knew about this news.    


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