CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



1Faced with everything that happened to Rong Jian, Bai Li didn't want to hide his feelings anymore. Since a very young age, Bai Li had fallen for Rong Jian, but he always thought it was enough to just silently stay by Rong Jian's side.    


But now, he realized that he was wrong, and ridiculously wrong. If it wasn't for his stubbornness, Rong Jian wouldn't have faced such a terrifying thing.    


Hua Feiruo looked at Bai Li's affectionate expression. He did not know what Bai Li was thinking at all.    


"You're saying that to Rong Jian …"    


Hearing Hua Feiruo's words, Bai Li looked at Wu Tie and nodded.    


"I loved her. I've been in love with her since a long time ago, and I always thought that I would be satisfied if I could stay by her side. But now, I realize that it's all my fault. If I hadn't chased her away yesterday, then nothing would have happened to her."    


"No matter what she has become, in my heart, she is still the Rong Jian of the past. From now on, I will always be by her side."    


Hua Feiruo didn't know what to say when he saw Bai Li's serious expression. He always knew that Bai Li was paying attention to Rong Jian's matters, but he actually didn't notice Bai Li's thoughts.    


He silently walked out of the room. He knew that Bai Li only wanted to stay by Rong Jian's side.    


Bai Li held Rong Jian's hand and looked at her pale face. Her originally exquisite facial features had become unusually calm, as if nothing could disturb this quiet little person.    


"Jane, I'm waiting for you to wake up."    


Previously, when Bai Li was unconscious, he heard Rong Jian's voice. Now, he would also stay by Rong Jian's side, hoping to wake her up from her nightmare.    


"Dr. White, Miss Rong's case is here. Would you like to participate in her case analysis?"    


A nurse walked in and stood beside Bai Li.    


Hearing the voice, Bai Li looked at Rong Jian who was lying on the bed hesitantly. In the end, he shook his head. Mu Shen and Mu Qianqian had already checked on Rong Jian's condition, so Bai Li knew there was no mistake.    


Seeing Bai Li's reaction, the nurse could only turn around and leave. Then she walked to the end of the corridor and said to a dark shadow in the darkness.    


"He is not willing to leave, Rong Jian still hasn't woken up."    


"I understand. You go first."    


The shadow waved at the nurse.    


He quickly turned around, avoiding the surveillance cameras and arrived at the ward next to Rong Jian's. Then he picked up a chair and smashed it against the window. The originally silent night was completely broken by a loud noise.    


Then he ducked out of the window.    


Bai Li, who had sharp hearing, immediately realized that something was wrong. He didn't go out to check, but stood beside Rong Jian. No matter if the other party was coming for Rong Jian, he couldn't let Rong Jian get hurt again.    


After Hua Feiruo heard the loud sound from the doctor, he immediately led his men to open the door of the ward next to Rong Jian. After a careful inspection, he didn't find anything abnormal, but the glass fragments scattered on the floor were obviously man-made.    


He walked slowly to the window and looked at the broken glass.    


Sensing Hua Feiruo's approach, Wen Hua grabbed the window of Rong Jian's room and took out his handgun to break the glass before jumping in.    


Bai Li looked at the person who suddenly appeared at the window. He squinted his eyes and put his hands behind his back. Then, he took out the pistol at his waist. At the same time, Bai Li pointed the gun at the person who came over.    


That person also pointed his gun at Rong Jian, who was lying on the bed.    


However, when Wen Hua saw Rong Jian's face, he was obviously surprised.    


Although Bai Li was dazed for a split-second, he accurately grabbed it and fired without hesitation.    




Wen Hua dodged to the right and the bullet pierced through his shoulder. He knew that there was no chance left, so he jumped out of the window without any hesitation. Hua Feiruo rushed into the room with his men after hearing the gunshot.    


But he was still a step too late.    


"You guard Rong Jian, I'll take my men to chase him."    


Hua Feiruo left a portion of his men and chased out with a few people.    


Bai Li lowered his head and looked at Rong Jian, who was still sleeping soundly. It was as if she wasn't disturbed at all. No one noticed that in the instant Bai Li fired, her fingers had trembled slightly.    


He looked at the blood that had dripped all over the ground and knew that Hua Feiruo would follow the blood trail and catch up with him. Just when he was about to give up on running, a car stopped beside him.    


"Throw your coat away and get in the car."    


Nan Wenyu opened the car door and immediately ordered.    


Hearing Nan Wenyu's words, Wen Hua's originally resigned heart suddenly lit up with hope. He didn't expect Nan Wenyu to personally come and help him, so he immediately followed Nan Wenyu's instructions, threw away the blood soaked shadow and sat in the car.    


"Endure it."    


Nan Wenyu looked at Hua Feiruo who had caught up to him in the screen, he quickly stepped on the accelerator and drove into the darkness.    


Hua Feiruo followed the blood stains on the ground and found the blood shirt that was left behind. Then, he disappeared. He immediately sent people to search the area, but to no avail.    


After a long time, Nan Wenyu finally drove the car to the suburbs. He didn't directly return to his villa. He parked the car by the roadside, took out his medical kit and gave Wen Hua a simple bandage.    


"I'm sorry, Eldest Young Master, it's all my fault."    


Facing Nan Wenyu, Wen Hua was full of guilt.    


"I can't blame you. Rong Jian just got into trouble, there will definitely be more guards around her."    


It was because Nan Wenyu knew the danger of this mission. When Wen Hua personally left for the mission, he immediately drove over to provide support.    


"Eldest Young Master, I saw Rong Jian. So Rong Jian is Lady Dan."    


Towards this discovery, Wen Hua was also full of surprises. He did not expect that the person whom Eldest Young Master had been looking for was Rong Jian. It was because of this surprise that he gave Bai Li this opportunity.    


Listening to Wen Hua's words, Nan Wenyu fell into deep thought. He never thought that the little girl that he had been thinking about all this time was actually someone from Rong Family. No wonder he couldn't find her identity and background.    


And only Rong Family could conceal a person's identity so deeply.    


Wen Hua said tentatively as he looked at Nan Wenyu's silence.    


"Eldest Young Master, Bai Li is still alive …"    


This was Wen Hua's mistake. He clearly saw Bai Li fall into the sea, but he didn't expect Bai Li to still be safe and sound and even hurt him.    


"I understand. You should hide for now; during this period of time, your Rong Family will definitely be even more cautious than before. Make all of them stop, and don't move for now."    


Nan Wenyu took out a cigarette and lit it up, then put it in his mouth and took a deep drag.    


Under the lingering smoke, Wen Hua couldn't see Nan Wenyu's expression nor guess what he was thinking.    


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