CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



2Hearing Leng Chen's words, disbelief flashed across Yi Yi's eyes. He had come into contact with Nan Wenyu twice and felt that he was not a simple person. However, he never expected Nan Wenyu to be the person behind him.    


"Find out his location as soon as possible. I must catch him myself."    


He never expected Nan Wenyu to be able to hide so deeply. Wen Zhixia had already been by his side for more than a day or two, which meant that Nan Wenyu had been planning for a long time.    


He didn't know what Nan Wenyu's ultimate goal was.    


"Master, Wenyu Corporation already declared bankruptcy this morning. I went to check and found out that there was a flaw in their company's internet system that caused a large amount of data loss. This phenomenon is caused by humans."    


"From the looks of it, it should be the little miss's doing. However, Nan Wenyu didn't do anything but giving up. He has already collected a lot of money, so he should be preparing to leave."    


Leng Chen was also curious as to why the Miss suddenly attacked Nan Wenyu. Logically speaking, Rong Jian and Nan Wenyu didn't have any interaction at all.    


Easy was wondering who had done this to the Wenyu Group, and when Leng Chen told him it was Rong Jian, he seemed to have understood instantly. Was it because of Nan Wenyu that something had happened to Rong Jian that day?    


If that was really the case, then it would be so easy for him to make Nan Wenyu beg for death …    


"I'm going to find out where he is soon."    


Hearing Nan Wenyu's cold voice, Leng Chen knew that this time Nan Wenyu had really touched the young master's bottom line.    


"Yes, I got it, Young Master."    


After they hung up the phone, Mu Qianqian's expression turned extremely cold. She rarely saw something like this happening, so she knew that something big must have happened.    


"Yi, is there any trouble?" Is Jane awake? "    


Easily surprised by the mention of Rong Jian by Mu Qianqian. He didn't know what to do, so he told Mu Qianqian about Rong Jian's disappearance. He also didn't know if Mu Qianqian could handle such a blow.    


"Simplify her …"    


Before he could finish his sentence, Rong Heting interrupted him.    


"She still hasn't woken up. I've already sent her to the other countries to recuperate. With Bai Li by her side, you can rest assured. The doctor said that her condition is very stable, but she will need some time to wake up."    


Rong Heting was worried that Mu Qianqian wouldn't be able to accept the news of Rong Jian's disappearance, so he didn't tell her the truth. This was the first time Rong Heting lied to Mu Qianqian.    


The one that went missing was his precious daughter, no one knew how anxious Rong Heting was.    


Mu Qianqian felt a little puzzled when she saw Rong Heting's unnatural look. However, she still chose to believe Rong Heting's words. Although she was worried about Rong Jian, she knew that Bai Li would take good care of him.    


Seeing his father leaving the ward after comforting his mother, Hua Feiruo waited at the door and immediately went up to welcome him.    


"Bro, Leng Chen has already sent me the location. Nan Wenyu's plane has already taken off. Are we going to intercept it in the air?"    


Hua Feiruo knew that there was a certain level of danger, but it wasn't impossible.    


"No, it's very likely that Jane and Bai Li are in his hands now. We can't hurt Jane. Follow him and wait for him to land."    


Easily not daring to act rashly, he couldn't let Jane get hurt a little more. Besides, if he didn't guess wrongly, Wen Zhixia should be by Nan Wenyu's side right now …    


When Nan Wenyu was sitting on the plane, the surrounding gradually surrounded him. There was no trace of panic on his face, instead, he was very calm, as if everything was within his expectations.    


When the plane landed on the ground, it was easy to open the cabin door and walk down. He looked at Nan Wenyu's plane.    


Because the propeller was still spinning and the wind was blowing, it messed up his easy-to-wear coat. His eyes were staring at Nan Wenyu's airplane door as if he wanted to see through it.    


His heart had never been more nervous. At this moment, it was easy to be afraid of seeing Wen Zhixia and Nan Wenyu together. With a gun in his hand, it was easy to not know if he could kill Wen Zhixia with his own hands.    


Even though he clearly knew Wen Zhixia's lie and even though he knew about her betrayal, he still had a sliver of hope in his heart …    


However, when Nan Wenyu held Wen Zhixia's hand and appeared at the exit of the plane, all the excuses he found for Wen Zhixia in his heart were like loud slaps on his face.    


He really shouldn't have had any illusions about that woman.    


"Young Master Rong is in such a good mood. Has the Rong Family been destroyed?"    


Nan Wenyu looked at Nan Wenyu's cold-blooded face, but he wasn't afraid at all. Instead, he used his words to provoke him.    


Hearing Nan Wenyu's words, Hua Feiruo excitedly wanted to walk forward, but he was stopped by Nan Wenyu's hand. Nan Wenyu's arrogant appearance was completely different from Nan Wenyu's usual humble appearance.    


It was easy to overlook, but he didn't notice.    


Since Wen Zhixia appeared, her eyes had been fixed on Nan Wenyu, who was beside her. She didn't even look at him, as if the person who swore an oath to her in the past wasn't her.    


"Hand over Jane, and maybe I can consider leaving you alive."    


Everything that had happened in the past didn't matter much to Easily anymore. Now that he had to ensure Rong Jian's safety, he definitely wouldn't let this couple go …    


Hearing that it was easy to mention Rong Jian, a proud smile appeared on Nan Wenyu's face as he laughed out loud.    


"Hahaha, that's easy, but I really have to thank you. To think that Rong Family can bring up such a beautiful woman. Rong Jian's taste is really good, but it's a pity … "Sizzle..."    


Hua Feiruo heard Nan Wenyu's words and immediately became agitated. His charming face revealed a hint of anger as he pointed at Nan Wenyu and said.    


"What did you do with Jane? If you dare to touch a single finger of hers, I will definitely make you regret your birth in this world. "    


They were so focused on protecting Rong Jian, so they definitely couldn't let her face such a terrifying thing.    


Yi Yi didn't say anything. He stared at Nan Wenyu with his sharp eyes. However, Nan Wenyu was wearing sunglasses so Ye Zichen couldn't see his eyes clearly.    


Looking at Hua Feiruo's excited expression, Nan Wenyu shook his head and said.    


"Take care of your dog. Don't let it bark. Don't worry, I already have Zhixia. Naturally, I don't need Rong Jian. I gave her to my brothers."    


As Nan Wenyu spoke, he held Wen Zhixia's hand and kissed her lightly. He looked at Wen Zhixia lovingly.    


"You …"    


Hearing Nan Wenyu's words, Hua Feiruo couldn't help but point his gun at Nan Wenyu and yell as if he was going to shoot Nan Wenyu.    


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