CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



3Looking at the exquisite breakfast, she was filled with gratitude towards Ouyang Meiya.    


"Thank you, Aunt Ouyang. Don't worry, I will take good care of myself, and because of this baby, I will be strong. However, when will we be able to leave this place?"    


To Wen Zhixia, the competition was already over. However, Ouyang Meiya was still the judge, so the final match was set for tomorrow. It would take at least three days for it to be over.    


Noticing that Wen Zhixia was a little worried, Ouyang Meiya lifted her hand and caressed Wen Zhixia's long hair.    


"Don't worry, as soon as the competition is over, auntie will bring you out of here. It's just that you don't have to worry about the failure of this competition. I've seen your work and I feel that it doesn't seem like your usual style."    


When she first saw Xia Yu's work, Ouyang Meiya had suspected that it was something that only professional designers would do. Using technology to modify their creativity didn't match Xia Yu's experience.    


Hearing Ouyang Meiya's words, Wen Zhixia's expression became gloomy.    


This defeat could also be considered as one of her experiences. It was a foregone conclusion. If she was easily threatened, then she would absolutely not compromise.    


It was easy for her to call her the day before to threaten her, but her work was changed the next day.    


Moreover, that day, Fei Li's intimate appearance was still in front of her eyes. She felt that her acting skills were really good, so much so that she almost thought that Fei Li only got to know him from the banquet.    


"Aunt Ouyang, would you believe me if I said that SUMMER was my work?"    


Wen Zhixia raised her head and looked at Ouyang Meiya.    


"I believe you!"    


Ouyang Meiya looked at Wen Zhixia with a bitter smile. That SUMMER had left a deep impression on Ouyang Meiya. That was Wen Zhixia's style.    


"Your work has been replaced, hasn't it? That's why you didn't get eliminated. "    


Ouyang Meiya's face was filled with anger as she thought of this possibility.    


The most disgraceful thing to do in this business is to steal other people's work.    


Seeing that Wen Zhixia didn't refute her words, she steeled her heart. Aside from feeling sorry for Wen Zhixia, she also wanted to fight for her.    


"Zhixia, you should have said it out loud. I'll contact the people from Rong's Group and I'll definitely get them to give you justice."    


As Ouyang Meiya spoke, she stood up to make a phone call, but was stopped by Wen Zhixia.    


"Aunt Ouyang, forget it. I don't have any evidence and no one will believe me. I've already decided to quit. I don't want others to think that I can be threatened with this."    


From the very beginning, she knew that this was a competition that was being held in the Rong's. She already had the thought of retreating, because she didn't want to get close to that person.    


A self-deprecating smile appeared on Wen Zhixia's face.    


She had loved for so long and schemed against her from the moment she met her until now. It was just that she was no longer the Wen Zhixia of the past and would no longer be manipulated by him.    


Hearing the meaning behind Wen Zhixia's words, Ouyang Meiya revealed a puzzled expression.    


"Zhixia, you mean someone is threatening you with the qualifications to participate? "Who is it?"    


Although Ouyang Meiya had encountered similar situations when she was young, Ouyang Meiya felt that it would be easy for her to protect Wen Zhixia within the Rong's.    


If there really were people watching Wen Zhixia from the shadows, then she would have to tell them to protect Wen Zhixia easily.    


Seeing Ouyang Meiya's concerned expression, Wen Zhixia turned away, absent-mindedly stirring the porridge in the bowl with a spoon.    


"It's all in the past, Aunt Ouyang. I don't want to talk about that person, and I don't care about this competition at all."    


Wen Zhixia said something against her will.    


This was her first time participating in a competition, so it was very important to her. Even though she was a bit hesitant in the beginning, she had always taken it seriously and held a lot of hope ever since the tournament began.    


"Zhixia …" Do you mean easy? "    


Ouyang Meiya tentatively mentioned Easy's name. Sure enough, when Wen Zhixia heard Easy's name, her body trembled. The spoon fell out of her hand and fell into the bowl.    


She regretted it immediately. She was originally worried that Wen Zhixia would be provoked, but now she brought up someone she shouldn't have mentioned.    


"Aunt Ouyang, I don't want to talk about that person. Whatever he wants has nothing to do with me. My past life has already been ruined by him. I don't want him to continue affecting my future life."    


Hearing Wen Zhixia's words, Ouyang Meiya opened her mouth, but in the end, she did not say what she wanted to explain to Wen Zhixia.    


She noticed Yi Yeyu's concern for Wen Zhixia. It seemed that Wen Zhixia had misunderstood something, but she knew that now was not the time to explain.    


"Then don't think about those unhappy things. Eat more. I have to go to the company later. You can stay here to rest."    


Even though Wen Zhixia didn't have the slightest bit of appetite, she still forced herself to eat a little while looking at Ouyang Meiya's meticulously prepared breakfast.    


Wen Zhixia's eyes reddened as soon as she put the porridge into her mouth. A familiar taste filled her mouth.    


Seeing Wen Zhixia lower her head as if she were about to bury her head in a bowl of porridge, Ouyang Meiya felt a little strange, but she did not ask. She only left after Wen Zhixia finished her breakfast.    


The moment she walked out of Wen Zhixia's room, Ouyang Meiya edited a message and sent it.    


The person sitting in the car could easily hear the notification beep of the text message. When he opened it, he saw Ouyang Meiya's message.    


"She ate her breakfast. She seemed to think that you purposely eliminated her from the competition."    


He tapped on the screen with his slender fingers and replied to Ouyang Meiya.    


"I know, I won't let her suffer any grievances."    


Then, he put away his phone and started the car before leaving the hospital. This morning, he had Nanny Zhang make Wen Zhixia's breakfast, which she loved to eat, and personally deliver it to Ouyang Meiya.    


However, he couldn't appear in front of Wen Zhixia.    


Zhan Yanjia walked down from the second floor with her hands on her waist. Her stomach was clearly bulging. Zhan Yanjia was slightly surprised to see Nanny Zhang packing up the tableware.    


"Nanny Zhang, did you come back last night?"    


It had been a long time since she had seen Yi Chenzi. It was also a long time since she had seen him, and many times when she had gone to the Rong's Group to find him.    


However, when she was told by the receptionist that Easy was not there, she knew that it was an easy excuse. Easy had never been on her mind, and she had already resigned herself to fate.    


As long as Easy Life did not have another woman around her and she still did not suspect the child in her womb, she could still rely on the child in her womb to stay in the Rong Family.    


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