CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



1After a few days when Mu Qianqian's body was slightly better, she was finally allowed to leave the villa by Rong Heting and went straight to the greenhouse.    


No woman could resist the allure of a flower. There were countless varieties of flowers in the greenhouse. Mu Qianqian liked the warmth of the flower more than the outside in the early winter.    


The whole greenhouse was very big, more like a small flower base than a flower room. When she and Ting Lan came here before, they were also shocked by the scenery inside.    


The Rong Manor was very big, and she had never been to many places before. However, it was said that all of the required flowers in the entire Rong Manor were grown from this greenhouse, and many of the precious varieties were gifted over to Rong Heting by people who wanted to cling onto them.    


Mu Qianqian was lost in her own thoughts as she stared at the white magnolia tree in front of her.    


Recently, Rong Heting's attitude towards her had made it harder for her to guess what that man was thinking. He had been ignoring her before, glowering at her when she went to Ling Jinghan's birthday dinner, but lately he seemed to have stopped being angry.    


Even if he wasn't angry, she could rest assured. Originally, as long as Rong Heting didn't pursue Mu Shen's matter, she would be satisfied. However, recently, she felt that the man seemed to have become more gentle.    


Gentle, it was a word that completely disassociated with Rong Heting!    


Although when she was alone with Rong Heting, she could occasionally feel that he would reveal a different side to her, but that was only when … In bed.    


Mu Qianqian's usually cold face suddenly became gentle. As long as Rong Heting showed up, she would feel his warmth. Mu Qianqian had goosebumps all over her body.    


Mu Qianqian gently touched the blooming white magnolia flower on the branch with her fingertips. Her mind drifted further and further away, puzzled and puzzled.    


Mu Qianqian didn't know how long she stood there, but she suddenly felt shallow breathing behind her, scaring her so much that she immediately turned around to look.    


Ling Ao stood in the flower room for a long time. He saw that Mu Qianqian was lost in thought and didn't say anything to disturb him. Watching Mu Qianqian's side profile silently, Ling Ao was no longer like before. He just wanted to get the harmless woman in front of him out of the Rong Manor.    


He was surprised to meet Mu Qianqian in the flower room, but he also had a feeling that it was within his expectations. Just like last time, when he saw the Wind, Fire, Lightning and Cloud inside the Mastiffs' House, Mu Qianqian liked those five big guys a lot as well.    


Her liking was surprisingly similar to his. Ling Ao glanced at the white magnolia tree that was fully blooming beside Mu Qianqian and was happy with his little discovery.    


"Did I scare you? "Sorry." Ling Ao wanted to reach out his hand to touch Mu Qianqian's head, but he realized that his actions were sudden and abrupt when he raised his hand and calmly put it down.    


Mu Qianqian didn't expect that the person behind her would be Ling Ao. She thought it was Rong Heting who came back to find her and let out a sigh of relief.    


"Young Master Ling." Mu Qianqian only greeted him. She remembered that Ling Ao didn't like her very much.    


Seeing Mu Qianqian's expression, Ling Ao laughed, "Do you think it's Heting? I heard that he has changed a lot for you recently.    


Mu Qianqian's eyes widened. She wanted to tell Ling Ao that his current attitude scared her too!    


Didn't you hate her? Didn't he always want to kill her when he saw her? Why is Ling Ao smiling at me?    


It wasn't just Ling Ao, everyone in Rong Manor seemed to have a problem with it now. Sister Lan's attitude towards her had also changed recently and it was simply amazing. Other than Hua Yunrong who didn't pay much attention to her, everyone else smiled when they saw her.    


Mu Qianqian thought to herself. She wasn't good at hiding her emotions. Under Ling Ao's gaze, she nodded nervously.    


"Yes …" It's scary enough, you... What's wrong with all of you? "    


Mu Qianqian asked carefully, with a hint of pitiful pleading in her voice. Her small face was no longer as pale and slightly bloodshot as it had been before.    


Ling Ao naturally knew how much effort Rong Heting had put in to feed his little woman. He had always been indifferent to everything, so he didn't know why he remembered Mu Qianqian's trivial matters.    


Ling Ao's entire body was wrapped in the warmth of the flower room. He felt warmth flowing through the blood in his body. A quarter of his blood actually belonged to the little girl in front of him.    


"Perhaps everyone figured out what Heting was thinking about you, so they all want to care about you right now. They all regret that they treated you badly, so they want to make it up to you."    


When Ling Ao said this, he kept his eyes on Mu Qianqian. He said it seriously without a hint of joke, but at this moment, no matter how low his EQ was, he understood the reason for Ling Ao's change.    


Mu Qianqian lowered her eyes, her palms habitually clenching the corners of her clothes. Her blood, had it finally caused these people to stop thinking about killing her?    


"Young Master Ling, you don't need to be like this. I'm a doctor myself, saving the dying and helping the wounded is just my duty."    


Mu Qianqian turned her face to the side and looked at the jade-white orchids once again.    


In the past, I focused on researching pharmacology and focused on blood analysis, and I've never had any surgery before. Actually, if I gave you surgery, I would have taken a very big risk and possibly lost your life, and that was also because I was not responsible for you. At that time, I was only thinking about using you to practice, but luckily, you're fine now, so I don't have to blame myself for the unimaginable consequences for my entire life.    


Ling Ao knew that he must have scared the girl in front of him previously to the point that Mu Qianqian didn't want to get involved with him.    


"Qianqian, I apologize for what happened in the past. It's the truth that you saved my life. No matter what you say, I hope you won't decline. With our blood fused together, we will be family from now on. You, are my, Ling Ao's sister!"    


"I was unconscious the day I was shot. Although I didn't see the scene with my own eyes, I can still imagine how difficult it was for you. Bai Sheng already told me about the pressure when you operated on me personally. Thank you so much."    


It was the first time that Mu Qianqian had been thanked in such a solemn manner. She was a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable, and her face was slightly flushed.    


"Young Master Ling, I'm really just practicing. That's what I thought!"    


Mu Qianqian said her true thoughts anxiously. Indeed, she did not dare to ask Ling Ao for his thanks. Ling Jinghan probably hated her to death now, so Mu Qianqian resisted instinctively towards the Ling Family people.    


Ling Ao didn't accept Mu Qianqian's rejection. He reached out his hand and grabbed her shoulder. Ling Ao lowered his head, forcing Mu Qianqian to meet his eyes.    


"Big brother Ling, what's that?"    


"Young Master Ling, don't worry about it. I have a lot of blood." Mu Qianqian was so scared that she stopped moving.    


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