CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



2Wen Zhixia's little head was working rapidly. The restless rock music sounded as if someone was growling after the volume had dropped.    


"You told Zhang Shuo to find me?"    


The pen case in his hand now replaced his finger and pointed at Lee Lei.    


"So what if I am? Are you two having fun? "    


Lee Lei revealed a naughty smile as he looked at Wen Zhixia with his shifty eyes.    


By the side, his stepmother was able to see through him.    


"Wen Zhixia, as a woman, you actually don't know how to behave? Let me teach you a lesson for your father!"    


He finally found a reasonable excuse to hit Wen Zhixia's stepmother. He picked up the baseball bat beside him and walked over to Wen Zhixia.    


"Zhang Shuo didn't do anything to me, not to mention that it was your son who did it."    


Facing unreasonable people, Wen Zhixia took a small step back while listening to the wind was like a stepmother to Lee Lei. The pen case in her hand reminded her of her purpose in coming to Lee Lei's room.    


"Don't change the subject. Where's the pen in the box?"    


Wen Zhixia seemed to be roaring at the top of her lungs as she said those words. Wen Zhixia felt indignant at the scene that was unfolding in front of her.    


"Mom, look at her shouting at me!"    


This time, Lee Lei pretended to be an obedient son and hid behind his stepmother. He tugged on the corner of her clothes and spoke half-coquettishly.    


Wen Zhixia, who had never seen a man act so coquettishly at such an age, had really broadened her horizons. She could really turn a person into a chicken in an instant, causing goosebumps to fall all over the ground.    


"How did you speak to your brother? It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, then you don't know your place and don't know your seniority!"    


As she spoke, her stepmother put on her clothes on each elbow and rolled them up, revealing her thick arms and dragging her baseball bat.    


The baseball bat left a long scratch on the floor. Wen Zhixia frowned at the ear-piercing sound.    


That was because the injury to his hand from the last time had yet to completely heal. Although it didn't affect his normal movements, when he was performing an intense exercise, the areas where he was injured would still faintly ache.    


Wen Zhixia, who wanted to throw her arms up to escape, was stepped on by Zhang Shuo's shoulder and started to feel pain under the forceful swing.    


Wen Zhixia, who had stopped at the side while covering her shoulders with her hands, and her stepmother who was behind her, had already raised the baseball bat to her side. She could even hear the sound of the baseball bat being lifted at a rapid pace.    


Clutching her shoulder, Wen Zhixia closed her eyes tightly as she tried to gauge the pain.    




The sound of the baseball bat hitting the floor attracted Wen Zhixia's attention. She opened one of her eyes tentatively.    


The fat stepmother was lying on the ground, clutching her arm and looking behind her.    


Behind him? Wen Zhixia turned around slightly.    


The fragrant smell of mint and tobacco filled her nose. As she raised her eyes to look, indeed, an easy handsome face had appeared before her.    


"What's wrong with you?"    


It was easy for him to guess what Wen Zhixia wanted to ask him, so he lightly patted the clothes on his body.    


"You've been cleaning up for too long, you wanted to come over and help."    


His voice was calm, his expression calm, and he pulled on his sleeve.    


His stepmother, who had been pushed to the ground, couldn't let the person who pushed her down go that easily.    


"My hand must have fractured, so I will compensate you for the medical fees. Otherwise, we will call the police to deal with this matter!"    


It was easy to see that he did not violate her appearance, but the air of a noble was filled with an aura. Furthermore, there was the unique aura of a powerful king. The words' either rich or noble 'was the high generalization his stepmother gave to this man.    


"There is no direct evidence that I pushed you, and I witnessed the scene of your stepdaughter being raped, so it doesn't seem like a good idea to leave it to the police."    


It would be easy for him to not get used to what his stepmother did to Wen Zhixia. If he really did call the police, it would save him a lot of trouble, but that way, there would be even greater conflict between Wen Zhixia and her stepmother.    


The stepmother on the floor listened to the easy words, thought for a moment, and said nothing more.    


Lee Lei, who heard the man's voice, walked out of the room at this moment. After seeing his easy face, he went straight back to the bedroom, not caring about his mother who was lying on the floor.    


"I've been waiting for so long. What happened?"    


Seeing Wen Zhixia running away, clutching the brown box tightly, it must be something very important.    


As for Wen Zhixia's character, he understood it well. She would definitely not look for trouble, unless someone bullied her.    


Even if someone bullied her, she might not show any mercy, unless that person touched something important to her or hurt someone important to her.    


The scene before him was likely the former.    


"The pen is gone! It was Lee Lei who took it! "    


Wen Zhixia opened the box. The inside of the box was empty and had the shape of a pen.    


Yi Yi frowned slightly. "Then why didn't you find him?"    


Fighting with a woman like this? No, he was beaten by such a woman?    


"If he doesn't admit it, there's no point in talking about it."    


Wen Zhixia was like a small child complaining, her face showing signs of being wronged.    


Hearing that, Easily spread his long legs and walked towards Lee Lei's room.    


The half-open door of the room was easily pushed open with his feet. The small volume of rock music had already been closed.    


Lee Lei was the only one in the room.    


It was the first time for Wen Zhixia, who was following behind Lee Lei, to see Lee Lei act so cowardly.    


"Where's the pen?"    


Easily spoke coldly with a voice that wasn't loud enough to be heard by the people on the bed.    


Lee Lei came out from under the blanket and sat up. He didn't look at Ye Zichen easily.    


"No …" If I didn't take it, how would I know? "    


Wen Zhixia was infuriated by Lee Lei, who was still denying.    


"You didn't take it? "Then how do you know this box contains a pen? Also, you clearly admitted that you took it just now!"    


Lee Lei, who was lying on the bed, was also shocked by the hoarse voice. As expected, he had to lean against a tree to take advantage of the cold. Now, he dared to speak to him in such a tone.    


"Give me the answers as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'm not sure if my limbs will still be healthy like this the next time I ask you."    


Wen Zhixia's words had clearly made it clear that the current situation was Lee Lei not willing to admit it. Since it was impossible for him to be soft, then he had to be tough.    


And he was especially good at using force!    


Lee Lei heard everything that was said. His eyes started to shake and he kept swallowing his saliva. Who knew how many times his Adam's apple had rolled.    


"Tell me to sell it."    


The nervous Lee Lei still talked about the location of the fountain pen afterwards.    


"To whom?"    


Wen Zhixia asked hurriedly, afraid that there might be even the slightest mistake.    


"A netizen? Don't tell me that your crappy pen …"    


Lee Lei, who wanted to say something, noticed the cold gaze from the side and quickly stopped.    


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