CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



1Wen Zhixia still had wounds on her body. She had just changed the medicine, so she couldn't get wet. It was easy for her to not hold her in the cold water, so she could only use her body to cool her down.    


He could feel Wen Zhixia's burning hot face pressed against his chest, and it was easy for him to not be at ease.    


He repeated this process over and over again for the entire night. It was only when the sky was about to brighten that he could feel Wen Zhixia's body temperature slightly drop, and the redness on her face gradually receded.    


However, he felt a bit dizzy. Resisting the dizziness, he picked up the internal phone and called Bai Li.    


"Come here."    


Bai Li was afraid that something would happen to Wen Zhixia, so he didn't leave. He had been staying in the guest room next door for the past few days. The first thing he did after receiving an easy call was to come over.    


Looking at the thermometer, which showed 38 degrees Celsius, although it was still a little feverish, it was much better than before. Bai Li was also a little relieved and gave Wen Zhixia another injection of anti-fever needle.    


When he turned around, he realized something was wrong. His originally cold face had turned red. Bai Li touched his forehead and realized that he was having a fever.    


Grabbing his wrist, he realized that although his forehead was burning hot, his hands were extremely cold.    


"Oh my god, that's how you cooled her down."    


Bai Li didn't expect Wen Zhixia to be so important to him that he would use such a method to cool her down. He had no choice but to turn around and take out an injection from his medical kit and give it to Yi Li.    


Easily feeling a little dizzy, he lay down beside Wen Zhixia and watched her face gradually return to normal before falling into a deep sleep.    


Perhaps it was because he was worried, but he only slept for two hours before he woke up. Turning around, he saw that Wen Zhixia's eyes were still tightly shut. He couldn't help but frown and touch her forehead with his hand.    


The temperature was close to normal. Why was she still not awake? Ye Zichen stood up and looked at Bai Li, who was standing on the side.    


Bai Li, who was holding his forehead with his hand, noticed the anxiousness that was easy to come into contact with. Before he could say anything, he heard Wen Zhixia mumbling to herself.    


"No, no, don't come near me …"    


Wen Zhixia frowned. The cold sweat on her forehead showed the terror of her dream. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling.    


Wen Zhixia only felt that she had dreamt for a very long time. Her dreams were so easy and scary. He didn't believe her. He took back all the love he had for her. He hated her …    


She wanted nothing more than to kill her. Lv Wei had died, died under her gun. She was a murderer. She remembered the last words Lv Wei said.    


He said, he didn't touch him, it turned out it was easy for him to not betray him, but Lv Wei was already dead. That way, it would be easy for him to not believe it.    


Wen Zhixia had never known that sobriety was so terrifying. She didn't know how to face Easy or how to torture her. She was almost unable to take it anymore.    


To think that loving a person would be so painful.    


Closing her eyes lightly, tears flowed down from the corners of her eyes onto the pillow. Wen Zhixia really hoped that she could sleep forever.    


Seeing that Wen Zhixia didn't want to open her eyes, it was easy to not know if she was running away or sad about Lv Wei's death. Was she really unable to let Lv Wei go?    


But Easy never let anyone take her away from him.    


Bai Li measured Wen Zhixia's body temperature again and found that her body temperature was completely normal. Looking at the two of them being silent, he sighed, turned around and walked out of the room, leaving some space for them.    


Wen Zhixia felt it was easy to sit beside her. She felt his hand gently wipe away her tears, but she instinctively moved her head to the other side.    


She suddenly realized that she was very afraid of his touch. Wen Zhixia was truly afraid. It was easy to be gentle one second. The next, she would squeeze her neck and strangle herself to death.    


She really wanted to escape, but she knew that it was easy to not let her off easily.    


Looking at his hands that had failed, and looking at Wen Zhixia's evading appearance, he felt heartache for the first time. Even when Zhan Yanjia had cheated him that year, he had never felt heartache.    


He had always thought that Wen Zhixia was just an easy prey. However, she had unknowingly lost herself in the chase.    


He stood up and no longer watched her walk out of the door. He was very afraid that he would kill her accidentally and forget about how she looked when she was lying on Lv Wei's bed.    


Just as he closed the door, Yi Yeyu punched the wall beside him, causing blood to flow out from his hand. However, it was not as painful as the pain in his heart.    


"Why are you doing this?"    


Bai Li had been at the door and didn't walk away. Now that he saw that it was easy to come out, he felt helpless. Other people, even if they could see each other's feelings, couldn't get involved.    


"It's time for her to change."    


Yi Yi didn't answer Bai Li. He just looked at the closed door and opened his mouth.    


Seeing the two of them torturing each other, Bai Li had no choice but to call Sujin over. He gave the ointment to her and told Sujin to change the ointment for Wen Zhixia.    


Then, he took out a cigarette and lit it up before handing it to Yi Chuan.    


Easily taking over Bai Li's cigarette, he took a deep breath and blew out the smoke ring.    


Before they could say anything, the two of them heard a sound coming from the room. They were so scared that they quickly threw away their cigarettes and rushed in.    


"Why don't you know what's good for you?"    


Sujin looked at the crazy Wen Zhixia in front of her. When she first came in, Wen Zhixia was still lying quietly on the bed with her eyes closed.    


Just as she was about to apply medicine on the wound on her arm, Wen Zhixia seemed to have suddenly encountered a terrifying demon, shaking off her hand with all her might and knocking over the ointment.    


When Sujin reached out to grab her, she simply threw everything on the bed to the ground.    


"No!" Don't touch me! "    


Wen Zhixia could feel someone touching her arm. She tried her best to open it up. Don't grab her, why does everyone want to grab onto her and not let go?    


Why is living so tired? Why wouldn't he let her go? She hadn't done anything wrong, so why was she being so cruel?    


The moment he entered the room, he saw Wen Zhixia curled up on the bed, trembling. He didn't know what had happened to make her so agitated. Her cold eyes swept over Sujin at the side.    


"What did you do?"    


Sujin was scared stiff when she saw the look in his cold eyes.    


"Young Master, I just wanted to change her medicine, but I haven't even met her yet and she's already like this."    


Yi Yi wanted to go up and stop Wen Zhixia, but was stopped by Bai Li.    


"She may have been terribly frightened by what happened."    


Bai Li also looked worriedly at Wen Zhixia. The current Wen Zhixia curled up herself because she didn't feel safe at all. She desperately dodged, showing that she was afraid of being touched by others.    


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