Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C134 Favorite Marriage 67

C134 Favorite Marriage 67

3This woman was indeed cautious, as if she always thought that he would be angry with her. He was not someone who would care about other people's feelings, but he did not like the fact that she had other men in her heart. Apart from this matter, he was generous to anyone.    


"Let her use it first. Tomorrow, I'll call Lin Ling to buy her a phone to send to the mansion." Ye Zimo said lightly.    


Therefore, Xia Yihan handed the phone over to Jiu Jiu and said, "You can use this to take pictures tonight. If your Tall,Rich and Handsome Man appears, this phone might be able to help you."    


Jiu Jiu accepted it without hesitation, even expressing strong agreement with Xia Yihan's words.    


"I also think that I will be of help. When I see my Prince Charming, I start shooting at him and then say, handsome brother, I'm a professional photographer …"    


Ye Zimo interrupted her coldly. "A professional photographer, using this kind of equipment to take pictures?"    


"Aiya, Mr Ye, you just don't understand, this is a set of magnetism. It doesn't matter. When I look at the picture with him, we'll be in close contact. "    


"And then?" Xia Yihan asked in amusement.    


"Hehe, then he saw my cute dimples and would ask me, 'Beauty, what's your number on your phone'."    


"It's a pity you don't have a cell phone." Ye Zimo reminded him without giving him any face.    


"What's the matter? I can ask him, handsome, what's your cell phone number?" Then I'll use your wife's cell phone. "    


Your wife... The words' Jiu Jiu 'came out smoothly. Xia Yihan's face felt a little hot as she lowered her head and fiddled with her fingers, not daring to look at Ye Zimo.    


Ye Zimo's brows twitched as she said coldly, "You sure have a lot to say. Turn around and take a look at the scenery."    


"Ah?" "AHH!" "Understood, understood!" "Jiu Jiu stuck out her tongue and turned her head away.    


Ye Zimo's big hand flipped over and tightly held Xia Yihan's small hand. She looked at her little face with a profound gaze.    


He put his arm behind her and then brought her head close to his chest.    


Xia Yihan felt incredibly satisfied as she listened to the steady, forceful heartbeat that sounded out one after another. It would be great if time could stop here, where the two of them loved each other, and there was no doubt about it.    


The car stopped near Green Lake Square. Ahead of them was the Walk Street of the Leisure District. To see the fountain, one had to walk a certain distance.    


Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan got off the car. Jiu Jiu had already jumped out when the car stopped.    


"So cool, so comfortable! Water is still the best, no wonder that song was sung, my mother told me when I was young, the sea is my hometown. " As Jiu Jiu spoke, she hummed a song, showing how happy she was.    


Lili couldn't help but think that she was sure she had come to meet her Tall,Rich and Handsome Man, not to play around with him.    


They crossed a road, descended a flight of steps, and came to a river road a few meters wide, paved with bluestone. At night, there were a lot of people here. Some of them were tourists, while others lived in the vicinity. Running, walking, coaxing children to chase and play, very lively.    


In the past, whenever they passed by, Ye Zimo would not even glance at them. Today, walking on this road that was filled with a strong sense of living, holding Xia Yihan's hand, Ye Zimo realized that living like an ordinary person had a wonderful feeling.    


"Mr Ye, Yihan, look here!" Jiu Jiu turned around and faced them. Naturally, the two of them looked over. Jiu Jiu quickly pressed the button to take a picture of her phone.    


It was a warm and harmonious picture, the two of them holding hands as if they had been lovers for many years.    


"You guys stand over here, I'll take a picture of the river for the both of you! The view was definitely very good, and the moon was also added. The fifteenth moon was sixteen, and today's moon was a dazzling gold. It was definitely extremely beautiful. "Come here!" Jiu Jiu seemed to have become an expert in photography as she chattered on.    


Xia Yihan glanced at Ye Zimo. She was sure he didn't like posing for people to take pictures of him.    


She had guessed it right. He didn't like facing the camera, and what was even more, he had to twist his body to face the camera.    


However, he could tell that Xia Yihan still wanted to appear at the same time as him. After a slight frown, he pursed his lips and led Xia Yihan by the hand towards the designated location of Jiu Jiu.    


The two of them leaned against the fence. Jiu Jiu held her phone in one hand and commanded with the other, "Yihan, lean closer to Mr Ye." The two are closer, closer. "    


Ye Zimo felt very awkward, but Xia Yihan cooperated and moved closer to him.    


"Aiya, it's still not intimate enough." Jiu Jiu shouted.    


Ye Zimo suddenly pursed her lips. Xia Yihan never expected this person to have any bad intentions. She only felt her waist suddenly tighten as he had already wrapped her into his embrace.    


Jiu Jiu took the opportunity to take a picture quickly. She did not expect that before she could finish, Ye Wen had already lowered his head and kissed Xia Yihan's small, surprised mouth.    


He didn't like to pose falsely. Didn't the photographer want to be intimate with him? They might as well be intimate.    


There was no need to mention how embarrassed Xia Yihan was. With so many people coming and going, they must be watching them. If she wanted to push them away, he would have already locked her hands in place.    


"Put..." "Ugh …" "Ugh …" Taking advantage of her words, Ye Zimo went straight to the point and took the sweetness out of her mouth in a domineering manner. Jiu Jiu was so excited that her hands were shaking. In order to get the picture, she tried her best to calm her mind and take it with all her heart.    


She moved her feet slightly, patting from different angles, while secretly praising Crown Prince in her heart. As expected of a man, he was too handsome!    


Jiu Jiu's hands were sore from clapping. It seemed like her family's Crown Prince had not finished kissing yet. Xia Yihan took the opportunity to turn her head away from him while he was letting her catch her breath.    


She panted and whispered, "Look, there are so many people watching. I'm so sorry."    


"It's fine, it's so dark, no one can see what you look like." Ye Zimo tidied up her hair and said softly.    


Jiu Jiu saw that they had stopped, so she turned the photos over and examined them. One of them was very, very perfect, and the moon was right in the middle of the two kissing figures, as if it had been specifically illuminated for them.    


How romantic! Jiu Jiu sighed in her heart.    


If she found her Prince Charming now, she would take a picture of him.    


The people who started to watch the couple kiss slowly dispersed, but there were still a few people who were discussing.    


Xia Yihan held Ye Zimo's hand and whispered, "Let's go quickly. Aren't we going to see the fountain?"    


Ye Zimo only smiled faintly. She liked her to be so bashful.    


Xia Yihan was worried that Jiu Jiu would always take pictures of them with them and then play the scene of kissing. When Jiu Jiu walked over, she hurriedly said to her, "Look ahead, it seems like there are a lot of Tall,Rich and Handsome Man. Hurry up and go meet them." "When you can't find us, call Mr Ye on his phone."    


"Isn't it ink?" Jiu Jiu blinked mischievously, and after seeing Ye Zimo's expression of feigned anger, she hurriedly ran off.    


The two of them held hands. After a few minutes of walking, the cool breeze blew and they both felt comfortable in their hearts.    


But when she heard the sound of the fountain and the music, Xia Yihan's heart changed. Was that last night's dream?    


As the two of them walked hand in hand up the stairs, stopping a few meters from the fountain, Xia Yihan looked at the thick water curtain and felt as if she were in a dream.    


Then was the person in the dream Ye Zimo? She remembered who she had seen in her dream. She had chased after him, but now she couldn't see again.    


She turned her head to look at Ye Zimo, a little dazed.    


"What's wrong?" Ye Zimo asked gently.    


Xia Yihan shook her head.    




"Look at the fountain."    


"Yes." Ye Zimo put her arm around Xia Yihan's shoulder, and the two of them, like everyone else, watched the fountain dance to the music.    


When Jiu Jiu separated from them, she seemed to be addicted to taking pictures, taking pictures from one end of the fountain to the other. After clapping for a while, he heard a child call out, "Hey, there's a hot air balloon!"    


She turned again and saw a hot air balloon rising slowly into the air.    


To adjust the distance and angle of the photo, she took her cell phone and stepped back until she reached the edge of the fountain.    


A tourist beside her was reminding her to be careful of falling down. She was too engrossed to even hear what he said.    


She took another step back, missed her step, and fell straight back.    


"Ah!" Her exclamation was drowned out by the music of the fountain, and just when she closed her eyes and thought she was going to die in the water of the fountain, she was suddenly pulled back by a powerful force from around her waist.    


She opened her eyes and saw that she was still shouting, "Ah!?" "I'm scared to death …" It scared me.    


She was only able to utter half of her sentence before she was shocked by the appearance of the man holding her in his arms, causing her to be unable to continue.    


The man had a dark face and features that were as deep as the blade in the legend. The light from the colored lanterns hit him in the face when the fountain was high, making him look like a god.    


"Oh my god!" Too cool! This is my Tall,Rich and Handsome Man, right? " she murmured.    


Compared to her enthusiasm and her infatuation, the man who saved her had a solemn expression, and there was not even a hint of warmth in his eyes.    


"Be careful!" He only said two words, and after guiding her back to the safe area for a bit, he let go of Jiu Jiu's waist.    


There were so many people here that only those who were close to Jiu Jiu could see her falling into the water. Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan stood on the other side of the fountain, completely unaware of what was happening over there.    


Seeing that Jiu Jiu was fine, the tourists continued to look at their fountains. She remained in a daze, not even remembering to say a word of thanks to the strange man.    


The man himself did not seem to be expecting her to say thank you, not even to look at her face, but to put her down and head for the other side of the fountain.    


"Hey!" Jiu Jiu finally regained her composure and called out to him. The man turned a deaf ear to her call and walked away with big strides.    


He's so tall! Looking at the other's back, Jiu Jiu guessed that her savior was only slightly shorter than Ye Zimo. She might just be wearing ordinary clothes, but she said she was looking for Tall,Rich and Handsome Man. In fact, what she cared about the most was a man's appearance. It should be said that the standard for her to choose a mate was: handsome, tall, and rich. That last point was the least important. She strongly felt that today, if she met her Prince Charming, there would be someone who would stand up for her when she was in trouble. Wasn't this fate?    


This won't do! She had to grasp this fate! Thinking about this, she shouted, "Hey, benefactor, what's your name? What's your cell phone number? " Damn it, why did she only remember such an important matter?    


That guy had really long legs. In the blink of an eye, he had already gone far away.    


Jiu Jiu chased with all her might. There were too many people and it was hard to get out of the crowd. She had only run a few steps when she heard Little Girl say, "Auntie, can I ask you to take a picture for us?"    


"Auntie is too busy. Next time, next time!" Jiu Jiu said as she stared in the direction of her benefactor. However, even after looking for such a long time, the little guy was still able to catch her.    


"Auntie, you're lying to me. Where can I meet you next time?!" Auntie, your dimples are so pretty. You're so pretty, you must be so kind. Jiu Jiu was so vain that when she heard her aunt's words, she couldn't help but lower her head to look at the girl who stopped her.    


"Come on, Auntie!" As she spoke, Little Girl directly shoved the camera into Jiu Jiu's hands.    


"I heard auntie say that it's not that auntie doesn't want to help, but Auntie is in a hurry to chase Tall,Rich and Handsome Man. It's my white horse …" "Ai, you wouldn't understand even if I told you. I need to hurry up and leave, otherwise …" She lifted her head and looked in the direction her benefactor had left.    


It wasn't that it was too late, it was because it was too late. Not even a shadow could be seen.    


"Auntie, you're so beautiful. Just help us!" Just one photo will be good, just one photo will be enough! " Little Girlse pouted. Jiu Jiu pouted, her eyebrows drooping as she muttered, "It's useless no matter how pretty she is. Alright, take it if you want." Auntie will take enough pictures for you today! "    


"Thank you Auntie!" Little Girl smiled sweetly and walked a few steps towards the edge of the pool. She held her parents' hands as they posed for Jiu Jiu to take photos.    


Jiu Jiu didn't seem to give up. She looked in the direction of her benefactor's disappearance to make sure she couldn't find him before turning around to take a picture of Little Girl's family.    


After taking the picture, Jiu Jiu walked along the path her benefactor had taken, looking forward to meeting him again. However, even after she circled around the fountain pool and found Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo on the other side, she still couldn't find her benefactor.    


Seeing Jiu Jiu's dejected look, Ye Zimo put her arms around Xia Yihan's waist and said, "You see, your good friend seems to have fallen out of love."    


Xia Yihan's mind was always searching for the memories in her dreams. She couldn't recall them, and she would occasionally wander around. However, she was afraid that she would always be absent-minded, so Ye Zimo was unhappy.    


She tried her best to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the fountain. From time to time, she would smile at Ye Zimo to show that she was drunk. She was very happy.    


When Ye Zimo said this, Xia Yihan also looked towards Jiu Jiu. As expected, she pouted her small mouth and muttered, "Crown Prince, your mouth is so vicious. I was really lovelorn."    


Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan looked at each other with a smile when they heard her words. They had never heard of her falling in love before, so who would believe that she was lovelorn?    


Seeing that they didn't believe her, Jiu Jiu angrily explained, "Let me tell you, I was just there. When I took the photos, I almost fell into the water. "Isn't there electricity in the water? I thought I would be electrocuted to death if I fell, but who would have thought that I would be saved halfway by a very, very handsome man." At this moment, she noticed that there was a hint of a smile in Ye Zimo's eyes. She couldn't help but say, "She's even more handsome than you."    


Ye Zimo's eyebrows twitched. Xia Yihan held onto Ye Zimo's arm and said softly, "You're talking nonsense. Besides, you can't possibly be as handsome as us, Mr Ye."    


That was more like it. Ye Xiao's eyebrows relaxed again.    


"And the result?" Didn't you want to ask him for his cell phone number, take his pictures, and tell him you were a photographer? " Xia Yihan asked.    


"Ai, don't mention it. My benefactor is so cool. I just remembered about taking pictures, then he left. I wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by a devilish brat, requiring my help to take a picture."    


"I won't tell you guys anymore. If I search again, I might bump into you again."    


Jiu Jiu ran off after she finished speaking.    


Ye Zimo still had her arms around Xia Yihan as she whispered, "Don't worry about her. She's just a crazy girl. We're all looking at us."    


"Yes." Xia Yihan nodded and snuggled up to Ye Zimo. The two of them slowly walked along the edge of the fountain, looking at each other as they walked.    


This was a paradise for children, and children were everywhere. When Xia Yihan looked at the fountain, Ye Zimo noticed a stall nearby, selling fluorescent gadgets.    


Many children surrounded the hawker as they rushed to pay.    


So it turned out that children loved those shiny things so much. Ye Zimo glanced at Xia Yihan, thinking about how she had seen ants eating bugs in the garden, and her heart skipped a beat.    


"Wait for me here, I'll go take a look. Don't leave." Ye Zimo whispered into Xia Yihan's ear.    


"Alright, I'll wait here for you." Xia Yihan replied softly.    


After Ye Zimo left, Xia Yihan stood on the spot, staring blankly at the fountain. When she was alone, the dream she had last night slowly surfaced in her mind.    


Suddenly, a thought struck her and she remembered that the person was not Ye Zimo, but — Mo Xiaojun!    


She dreamed that she would see Mo Xiaojun at the fountain!    


She saw his body with her own eyes. She was not even afraid of his body, and she rushed forward to take his charred body in her arms.    


Although she knew it was impossible to see him here, she still subconsciously looked around.    


There was a man standing diagonally opposite the water curtain. He was as tall as Mo Xiaojun. When she focused her eyes, she was stunned on the spot and almost cried out in shock.    


Mo Xiaojun! It was Mo Xiaojun!    


Xia Yihan's scalp tightened as she screamed at the top of her lungs, but when the bullfighter reached its loudest pitch, it was impossible for the other side to hear her.    


There was a pool between her and that man. If she wanted to get close to him, she had to go around it.    


"Xiaojun! "Mo Xiaojun!" Lili screamed and ran like crazy along the edge of the pool.    


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