Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C356 Favorite Marriage 288

C356 Favorite Marriage 288

0"I know, Mother. I will definitely use you as a role model and be a good mother."    


"Silly child!" Zhao Wenying patted her daughter's hand and sighed.    


If Xia Yihan was willing to turn back, she still hoped that she would find a simple man to marry, but she knew that Xia Yihan would not change.    


On the way back, Ye Zimo still drove the sports car and worked as Xia Yihan's driver.    


She knew that if she drove too fast, she would be afraid. Even if there weren't many cars on the road, he still wouldn't be able to drive fast enough.    


"Mo, I want to ask you a question."    


"Why are you being so courteous when you're talking to me?" Ye Zimo frowned, her expression grim.    


"It's not a courtesy, it's a very serious question. I just want to ask, are dad and President Zhong political enemies? In times of emergency, was it to be replaced? They both want to be in the middle, don't they? Would they fight to the death with each other? "    


The more Xia Yihan spoke, the heavier her tone and expression became.    


Ye Zimo was stunned. She never thought that Xia Yihan would have such a strong political sensitivity. Was it because she was Zhong Yuquan's daughter that she was born with a higher political awareness than other women?    


His silence caused Xia Yihan to panic even more.    


Although she had grown up among the common people and had very little access to politics since she was young, it was strange that she was indeed sensitive to this sort of thing. Sometimes, when she heard the stories of battles that were going on in the streets, her blood would boil.    


She was very interested in the history of kings.    


When Lee Mingjun spoke at the dining table today, she was sensitive to the fact that the Dongjiang Province seemed to be in harmony and she was afraid that there might have been a storm brewing in the shadows long ago.    


She had long since heard of some of the deeds of her father, Zhong Yuquan. He was a man who would use any means possible to obtain his position. Naturally, she had some understanding of her father-in-law, Ye Haorann's character. He was a character that would rather die than bend.    


Of the two people, one was her biological father and the other was Ye Zimo's father. It was impossible for her not to care about them when they were fighting.    


"Not at all." Ye Zimo said simply.    


"Mo, I know that you must be supporting father. I also know that father is an upright and honest man, and he is a good and honest man, and I hope that he can go up to the next level. Can you promise me, no matter how you fight, you can't hurt President Zhong himself. "    


Ye Zimo sighed in her heart as she thought about how ruthless President Zhong was. Even if he knew that she was in danger and that Soong Shuhao kidnapped her, he could still help Soong Shuhao and let his own daughter take the risk.    


He wasn't worthy of being a father to such a person. Unfortunately, no matter how bad he was, his daughter would still worry about him.    


"Silly Girl, don't think too much about it. Just live a happy life every day. Politics is a man's business." Ye Zimo tried to comfort Xia Yihan. She didn't want to answer her directly.    


"Is there no way to promise me? Are the two of them really going to fight to the death? " Xia Yihan asked stubbornly.    


"It's not that serious. No one can casually injure President Zhong. You must know that President Zhong is the head of Dongjiang River, unless it is absolutely necessary, we, Ye Family, will not use despicable methods. Even if he were to use it, it might not necessarily be a match for him. "So, can you be more at ease?"    


Xia Yihan opened her mouth, but she still wanted to say something. After some thought, she decided against it.    


She knew she could not change the situation. There was no way she could persuade her father to give up the central government. He would not listen to her at all.    


It was even more impossible for her to persuade Ye Haorann to give up. She didn't have the qualifications.    


She could not help but think of the time when Kangxi had married his daughter, Lanzigge, to him in the Qing Dynasty, when he was about to take Gardan. Lanzigge had been wedged between her husband and her father, watching them fight, but he had been powerless to stop them. In the end, the husband of Lanzigge, Gerdain, died in the hands of her brother, Big Brother, who cut off Gerdain's head with his own hands in the struggle for glory and revenge. Xia Yihan had once felt that such a tragic ending was extremely unbearable.    


Who would have thought that one day, she would also face the same situation as Lan Qige. On the surface, it seemed like it was just Ye Haorann and Wu Jingjing. She knew that Ye Haorann hadn't participated in political battles for many years and didn't have many open and covert methods. Therefore, the real fighters were her husband and her father.    


As she thought about her father, she felt an intangible sense of oppression in her heart. He used to think her daughter was useful, but even if she didn't answer his phone, he would send her a text, saying he was her father and he would care about her.    


Ever since he knew that she and Hai Zhixuan were fake, he was probably angry at her. The last time Ye Zimo had tried to save her, Hai Zhixuan had said that President Zhong had also tried to save her. She knew that if he had really wanted to save her, he wouldn't have been late.    


In his heart, this daughter was a daughter when she was useful, but when she was useless, he would put it aside and ignore her.    


It was indeed difficult for her to always speak up for such a father, even if she wanted to plead with Ye Zimo for his sake.    


Xia Yihan didn't say anything else. Ye Zimo glanced at her face, but didn't say anything.    


After entering the villa, Ye Zimo got off the car and threw the sports car to the security guards at the entrance. She ordered the security guards to drive him in while he held Xia Yihan's hand and walked around the garden.    


No matter how much he said in the car, it wouldn't be worth a hug, so he was silent, giving her time to think alone.    


Ye Zimo walked to the empty garden and turned Xia Yihan around in silence, hugging her tightly.    


Xia Yihan could understand his feelings. He never wanted her to have negative emotions. Only there were things he couldn't give up for her, and she understood.    


"Darling, don't think so much. It will all be over." He sighed. Xia Yihan nodded in his embrace and said, "I know. I don't want anything. I have no choice in these matters."    


He kept kissing her soft hair, over and over.    


She was very smart, and he felt sorry for her intelligence. He would rather she wasn't so smart, so that she wouldn't know anything.    


Ye Zimo lifted her sharp chin and stared at her with her soulful eyes. After staring for a while, she lowered her head and gently kissed her lips.    


He was gentle, and he kissed her slowly to soothe her worry and anxiety.    


Xia Yihan closed her eyes and felt his cold lip grind against her. She put everything else down for the moment and only felt the warmth of his embrace.    


He deepened the kiss, tenderly and passionately. He sucked away her lip with all his might, and she passionately kissed him back.    


His desire was aroused by her enthusiasm, and he pressed her against a pillar in the pavilion next to the garden, kissing her more eagerly and rubbing her body.    


The night was cool, and the scent of flowers filled the air.    


Sensing the change in her palm, Ye Zimo's heart tightened. She withdrew her hand and turned around to pick her up.    


The little thing was too timid, it definitely wouldn't be able to let it go here. He actually really wanted to get rid of her like this, but unfortunately, she still needed to be taught, so he had to take his time.    




She had to go to work. This was her last thought before she fell asleep, exhausted to the point that she didn't even know he was bathing her.    


Ye Zimo hugged her small body, feeling both heartbroken and satisfied as she washed it. He was the only one who could deal with his women. If he was tired, then she would sleep soundly and her thoughts would no longer be as wild as they were now.    


After washing her hair and covering the bed with the blanket, he went to take a quick shower and then went back to the bed to carry her.    


For the entire night, the two of them had temporarily forgotten everything and slept very well.    


When Xia Yihan got up in the morning, she was so sore that her whole body felt soft beyond words. She kept yawning and almost went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face with her eyes closed.    


"Why are you up? Didn't you already get a leave of absence?" Ye Zimo reproached with a pained heart.    


"No, how could I not go to work because of this? I have to." Xia Yihan said vaguely.    


Ye Zimo didn't say anything else and went to instruct the butler to prepare Xia Yihan's breakfast.    


After breakfast, Ye Zimo said he had the car ready for the housekeeper, and when Xia Yihan was dressed, he took her hand and led her out the door.    


Xia Yihan saw that today's car was a caravan. She thought that he was understanding that she was sleepy so that she could sleep again on the way here. He was a very considerate man.    


But he was also a scoundrel who indulged his desires. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't need to sleep on the road.    


After getting in the car, Ye Zimo made Xia Yihan lie down and rest her head on his leg. Xia Yihan was indeed tired. She closed her eyes for a while before falling asleep.    


Little thing, looks like I shouldn't keep you working at that guy's company. It's better to stay at Fu Group, you don't need to go when you're tired.    


When they arrived at the entrance of the company, Ye Zimo looked at the time. There were still 20 minutes until the time to punch in. He didn't call Xia Yihan and told her to sleep a little longer.    


He looked quietly at the deliberate kiss on her neck, and smiled with a wicked smile.    


"Wake up, it's time to go to work." Five minutes left before he kissed her on the mouth and called to her.    


"Ah, I woke up. I'm not late, am I?" Xia Yihan asked nervously.    


"No, go quickly!"    


Xia Yiqing opened the door for Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan got out of the car and looked at Ye Zimo with some reluctance. She said softly, "I'm going to work, so you don't have to pick me up or eat with me because you're tired."    


"You'll be late if you continue talking." Ye Zimo lovingly reminded him. Xia Yihan then shut her mouth and rushed back into the company.    


Along the way, there was always someone who looked at her strangely. She thought that Ye Zimo had come to pick her up after work yesterday, making her a newscaster.    


Embarrassed, she quickened her pace. When she reached the door of her office, she looked up and saw Lee Heetai standing there as if he was waiting for her.    


"Brother Heetai." Lee Heetai looked at her once, then his gaze fell on her neck. After that, there was a strange look in his eyes.    


"Is there anything special about me?" Xia Yihan mumbled as she placed her hand on her neck.    


This is bad! She remembered that the bastard had kissed her neck hard.    


He was so bad he used to kiss her when he started kissing her. Recently, he seemed to have been waiting for her to forget her feelings before he kissed her like that, making her unable to remember that she might have left a mark on her body.    


Her face immediately flushed red and she quickly pulled back her hand. She embarrassedly said, "Brother Heetai, I-I'll go call the card."    


Even men would be moved by her looks. However, Lee Heetai did not change his expression and quickly retracted his gaze.    


"The reason I'm waiting here for you is to tell you that you don't need to punch in from now on. "If you …" At this point, he cleared his throat and said pointedly, "If you feel unwell or anything, you can quit coming to work. I won't charge you."    


Afraid that Xia Yihan would be embarrassed, he intentionally made a joke.    


Xia Yihan's face turned even redder as she recalled Ye Zimo's words that she would be tired today.    


"Thank you, Brother Heetai. I'm in good health and won't be uncomfortable. I'll go call my card." I can't have special treatment just because I'm your family. Others will not accept it and you won't be able to manage the company. "I'm going!" With that, Xia Yihan ran off at top speed.    


Lee Heetai looked at her in admiration. She could think of ways to make it convenient for him to manage the company and strictly require him. Of course, it was a rare conduct.    




After Ye Zimo sent Xia Yihan off, she originally wanted to go back to the hospital, but after some thought, she gave up on that idea. He didn't want Soong Wanting to see that he cared too much about his children.    


Just like that, two or three days passed, and he never went to the hospital again.    


Soong Wanting looked forward to it, but she did not get the butler to call Ye Zimo to ask her to go to the hospital. She knew that Ye Zimo had her guard up against her. She wanted to change herself so that Ye Zimo would feel that she didn't have any intention to steal his heart.    


Aside from working hours, Ye Zimo spent all her time with Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan also brought up Ye Family and the two of them even went back to Ye Family. Everyone was very happy to see Jiu Jiu and Yan Qingyan bickering.    


Three days later, Soong Wanting was discharged from the hospital. Lin Ling went through the necessary formalities, and the rest of the arrangements were made by the butler.    


All of the nannies and servants, as well as the lactator that Lin Ling had hired, were brought into the Ye Family.    


Soong Wanting had talked to her mother when no one was around, asking her to follow her back to the Ye Family.    


"Mom, that bitch Mo Xiaonong is still in the mansion. I will fight the two sisters by myself, how can I win? If you come with me, you can help me take care of the children. Also, you made Xia Yihan think that Ye Zimo values me, otherwise, you wouldn't be going to Ye Family as well. "    


Madame Soong thought, now that the Soong Family was entirely dependent on Soong Wanting, she should definitely give her all to support her daughter.    


It was Sunday before Soong Wanting left the hospital, and Xia Yihan was resting at home.    


The night before, she had been tossed around by Ye Zimo, so she hadn't had the strength to get out of bed until ten in the morning.    


"Sis! Sis!" Why are you still sleeping? Hurry up and take a look, Soong Wanting is back! The child has been brought back! " Mo Xiaonong pushed open Xia Yihan's door and called out to her excitedly.    


Xia Yihan was taken aback at first, but then quickly calmed down.    


Sooner or later, she would have to come back and face it.    


"I'll go change clothes. Is Mo home?" Xia Yihan asked.    


"Brother-in-law isn't here. He left very early."    




He must be busy. Otherwise, if Soong Wanting and the rest came back, he would be at home. She could tell that he really valued that child.    


Ye Zimo did have an important matter. A princess from a neighbouring country visited the country with her father.    


The Princess wanted to come to the East River to have some sightseeing. A standing committee in the central government was in charge of receiving the Princess. He was unable to help her, so he asked Ye Zimo to take her on his behalf and accompany her on her trip.    


This Standing Committee member was also a key figure in the general election, so Ye Zimo would not decline.    


"Sis, you have to think of a good way. We can't let Soong Wanting and her child stay here forever. How can there be two women in the family?" Mo Xiaonong said anxiously.    


"Don't think about that. Soong Wanting is still working for the moon right now, and the baby hasn't even reached the full moon yet. Don't cause any trouble." Xia Yihan said with a serious expression.    


"Aiya, you are always like this. If you had thought about it clearly, we would have thought of a way and this child wouldn't even be born. "This time, I don't dare to do anything to the children, so I can only think of a way to chase them away."    


"Xiaonong!" I'm going to be angry if you say anything else! Go back to your room, don't touch them, I'll change clothes and go take a look. "    


Xia Yihan got out of bed and went to find a set of clothes to change into.    


Mo Xiaonong made a face and said unwillingly, "Alright, alright, I don't want anything bad to happen, okay? If you must treat your child as your own, then I will treat your child as my nephew. "    


"You!" Xia Yihan tapped Mo Xiaonong's forehead and didn't say anything. She heard the butler say that he was going to hug Young Master.    


Xia Yihan came out of Ye Zimo's bedroom and walked to the main hall. She saw baby caregiver carefully carrying her child and was about to go upstairs.    


"Sofia, I'm back." Soong Wanting smiled at Xia Yihan, not at all like rivals, but like friends.    


Xia Yihan glanced at Soong Wanting. When she saw that her mother had also arrived, a trace of bitterness surged through her heart.    


Ye Zimo was still taking care of Soong Wanting, which was why she sent her mother to take care of her.    


Soong Wanting's transformation happened so quickly that she couldn't help but frown and feel uneasy.    


"Yihan, don't you want to hug your child? He's really cute. " Soong Wanting said with a smile.    


Xia Yihan looked at the infant sleeping soundly in baby caregiver's arms. Her face was pink and chubby. The flesh on her face was indeed very adorable.    


She didn't know why Soong Wanting took the initiative to ask her to carry her child. How could her own child like her love rival?    


Xia Yihan's hand stretched out towards the child. baby caregiver cautiously stepped back for a moment. Xia Yihan's hand paused for a second or two before she retracted it.    


As she paused, she was still thinking about Soong Wanting's intentions. This was her first action since Soong Wanting had arrived home. If she held the child and cried, did Soong Wanting intend to report to Ye Zimo that Xia Yihan was unsuitable to take her child, and ask her to stay away from the child?    


If she didn't hug him, Soong Wanting might have said, "Zimo, I let Xia Yihan hug my child, she probably doesn't like it and won't hug me."    


This was the pressure Soong Wanting had given her. No matter what she did, it was all wrong.    


She thought that must be Soong Wanting's intention.    


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