Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2845 Marry of Wealthy Class 2772

C2845 Marry of Wealthy Class 2772

1The doctor issued another medical notice, but after several hours of rescue he was able to get the man back. It was four in the morning.    


Leng Qingqiu thought that they could finally leave now. She really couldn't understand why he would always pull her here. He obviously couldn't do anything, so what was the point of her coming here?    


Leng Qingqiu hadn't slept the whole night and was scared out of her wits by Gu Man Tong. When she opened the door, she saw a figure sprawled across the table, overlapping images of Gu Man Tong in her mind. She screamed in fright and immediately turned on the light.    


"Brother Hai." After relaxing, she felt that the smell of alcohol in the room was very strong. There were wine bottles everywhere, and she always had wine here, mostly brought by Hai Zhuoxuan, and almost every time he came he would bring a bottle of wine. Previously, when she had checked Ye Chuqing's news out of boredom, there was a piece of entertainment news that reported that she liked collecting red wine, so she understood that Brother Hai probably brought red wine not for her, but for the Ye Chuqing in her memories.    


Of course, that was not the most important thing at the moment. The most important thing was that most of the wine had already been drunk.    


"Brother Hai." she whispered.    


Hai Zhuoxuan was already drunk to the point of being unconscious, no matter how he shouted, there was no response.    


Leng Qingqiu struggled to take the bottle away from him and accidentally fell on top of him.    


The warmth from his chest made her afraid to move.    


Other than the difference in age between the two, there was nothing that the man in front of him needed to be picky about. Gentle Gentleman, considerate, proper little tyrant, but not masculine, generous, because of the regular sports relationship, the body muscles are very tight, also have no belly, compared to the other men at this stage of the game is simply the perfect target.    


Leng Qingqiu knew very well that she would never be able to find someone better than Hai Zhuoxuan under her own conditions. This might be her last chance.    


"Brother Hai." She sat down beside him and began to undress him.    


The heavens were helping her, so it wasn't impossible to be that woman's substitute. Being that woman's shadow for the rest of one's life was better than marrying a man and living a life filled with love forever.    


"Brother Hai." I want everything to belong to you. Since she made you so sad, then fall in love with me. I will be your favorite for the rest of your life. "    


Hai Zhuoxuan felt that his brain was heavy. While he was in a trance, someone kept saying something beside his ear. He couldn't hear it clearly, but the feeling of his body being immersed in warmth was very clear.    


He thought back to the first time he and Ye Chuqing had met, when she had still been getting closer and closer to him even though she was in extreme pain.    


"Brother Hai, I like you."    


That was what she had said then, right? And it seemed as if someone else had said the same thing to her while she was in a daze. Her voice overlapped with Ye Chuqing's voice.    


Waking up, the air was filled with the faint smell of alcohol, women and an extravagant aura.    


His physical memory was very clear. Looking at the women's clothes scattered around him, Hai Zhuoxuan immediately understood what happened last night.    


He and Leng Qingqiu did it.    


He was upset, guilty, and even a little angry. Finally, it turned into hatred towards him.    


He was the one who came here and gave Leng Qingqiu a chance. Even though he knew that the girl liked him, he still kept influencing her with his preferences, trying to portray a young girl as his own.    


He still loved Ye Chuqing, but he couldn't be with her anymore. The two emotions alternated, causing his heart to ache.    


There was a note on the table that Leng Qingqiu left behind. She said that she was going to the supermarket to buy something, and it was not long before she returned. A smiling face was drawn on the side of the note.    


Hai Zhuoxuan took a shower, but didn't leave immediately. He needed to talk to Leng Qingqiu, so he couldn't go on any further. If this went on, it would ruin a girl. Perhaps, it would be the end of it.    


After waiting for a long time, Leng Qingqiu still hadn't come back. The supermarket wasn't far from here, it was definitely enough to go back and forth for half an hour. He called Leng Qingqiu and was stunned when he heard the voice coming from the phone.    




"Come here."    


Ye Miao sent a location and then hung up the phone.    


Leng Qingqiu stared at the serious man in front of her. For the first time, she felt that he was very similar to Ye Miao. However, when she looked at him again, she felt that this man was even colder and more ruthless.    


Before she could open her mouth, she was pointed at by a black barrage of guns.    


"I don't like using violence against women." Ye Nianmo said indifferently, "Leave him, and hide from him like a cat. I will only say it once."    


Leng Qingqiu was just an ordinary person. She had never thought that she would encounter such a situation. She was so frightened that her hands and feet went soft. She kept nodding her head, not daring to say a single word.    


Ye Nianmo put away his gun. He had already completely investigated this woman. Her family background was ordinary. Previously, she didn't have any relationship with Hai Zhuoxuan, and when he found out that Hai Zhuoxuan expressed his intention in that regard, this woman accepted it.    


If he didn't know that Hai Zhuoxuan took the first step, he wouldn't have forgiven this woman so easily.    


He sat down and tapped his long sleeves against his black suit pants. What made him even more concerned was that this woman didn't have any wealthy relatives, but she had recently been in and out of a high-end ward of a hospital.    


His doubts were fleeting. Although they were strange, he was not in the mood to care about other people's affairs, so he just left them alone.    


After a while, the bodyguard entered, "Elder Ye, he's here."    


Ye Nianmo had received professional training and his beloved sister had been bullied. His fists were very fast and fierce, so how could Hai Zhuoxuan, who had lived a peaceful life for so many years, be a low-level person?    


"I once said that if you can't treat her well, you shouldn't marry her. If you make her sad for a few years, she will definitely come out. You brought her by your side for dozens of years, but at this time, you let go of her. What do you want him to do!? "    


When he was still a distance away from his friend, he saw the pain in his friend's eyes and paused for a moment.    


There was no doubt that Hai Zhuoxuan was the best friend he had in his life. That was why he was so irritable.    


At this moment, Hai Zhuoxuan tried his best to resist. The Queen turned her elbow and gave Ye Nianmo a punch.    


"Elder Ye."    


When the bodyguards surrounded them, they heard Ye Nianmo's angry roar, "All of you, scram."    


The two men stood up and glared at each other. Hai Zhuoxuan said, "You think I want to do this? Over the years, I've watched her gradually change from what she was before. I feel very unfamiliar with her! I love her from the past. "    


"Who can't change! This is just your excuse. " Ye Nianmo rushed forward and the two of them started fighting.    


Hai Zhuoxuan refused to accept it, "If Yi Yi becomes the type that you don't like, what would happen to you?"    


The bodyguard just watched as the two men fought. In the end, both of them died. Their attacks were really heavy, they just couldn't get up.    


Ye Nianmo looked at the ceiling, "I will love her no matter what she becomes."    


Hai Zhuoxuan was stunned and also looked up at the ceiling, "Speak sarcastically."    


"It's true. She's really nagging now compared to before, and she really likes little animals. One day when I went back, I stepped on rabbit poop and the next day I stepped on dog poop.    


When I was working, I was crazier than ever, and I used to take my feelings into account, but now I'm really busy with locking the door and not letting me in. She has been changing, but how can there be no change? Just think of her as her at every stage. "    


It had been a long time since Ye Nianmo had been beaten up by anyone when he sat up. Although he did it on purpose, it was really too hard.    


"Hai Zhuoxuan, you bastard."    


Hai Zhuoxuan also sat up and smiled bitterly, "People are different. Don't use your example to persuade me."    


Ye Nianmo squinted at him, "I'm not trying to persuade you. Marriage is your voice. I'll respect your brother's decision to divorce, but not if it's because of other women."    


Hai Zhuoxuan kept quiet. Before yesterday, he could have said confidently that he had nothing to do with Leng Qingqiu. But now, he had lost his confidence.    


"Where is she?"    


"You won't be able to see her, and she won't see you again. This is your last chance, don't force me to not treat you as a brother."    


"I won't see her again." Hai Zhuoxuan sighed, "It's all my fault. It has nothing to do with her. I want to take her away."    


Ye Nianmo squinted his eyes and finally waved his hand. Another bodyguard went to open the door.    


Leng Qingqiu was scared half to death and didn't dare to say anything along the way. She definitely didn't dare to offend the underworld and was even more beautiful to think that Ye Family was so bright and had such a frightening side to it.    


"When did it happen yesterday?"    


"At five o'clock this morning, after I took care of my relatives, you were very drunk."    


Leng Qingqiu answered honestly. She might have made good use of this opportunity before being captured and threatened, but now she was a little scared.    


Hai Zhuoxuan nodded, "I won't come again. What compensation do you need?"    


"Brother Hai." Even though she had promised not to meet again, Leng Qingqiu felt a sense of sorrow at being torn apart.    


"Originally, we didn't need to be like this. After our relationship had developed, I was no longer able to see you as a substitute for her. You've become a real woman, and I don't want a woman like you."    


Leng Qingqiu didn't think that she would pick up a rock and smash her own foot. She said tearfully, "But didn't you divorce her because you wanted to be together with me thoroughly?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan shook his head. From the beginning till now, he had never thought of letting another woman replace Ye Chuqing.    


He left. There was nothing left for him here anymore.    


Leng Qingqiu didn't expect it to be like this. It was completely different from what she had imagined. She thought that as long as she was with this man, the man in charge would definitely divorce Ye Chuqing and marry her.    


But he did not do so, he left, and then she had nothing.    


Leng Qingqiu could not accept such an ending. However, when she thought of the man of today, she did not have the guts to ask Hai Zhuoxuan to stay.    


Someone knocked on the door. She was excited and thought it was Hai Zhuoxuan who returned, but when she opened the door, she found that he was just collecting rent.    


This house was rented by Hai Zhuoxuan. As long as he left, he would no longer care about himself and would return to his previous life.    


Leng Qingqiu didn't know what to do, so when she went to take care of the old lady everyday, she actually felt a little impatient.    


If the old lady died, where could she find such a good job?    


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