Domineering Female State Advisor



3Little Red?    


Yan Wuzhan had an idea. He quickly jumped down from the tree and chased after Xiao Hong while shouting:    


"Xiao Hong, don't run, don't run... We still have to go find Madam. Where are you going? "    


He could not help but shamelessly carry his wife home with the help of an animal. His intense longing made him run forward recklessly.    


"What is this?"    


Dongfang Ning waved away the small animal that was about to jump at her. Its two round eyes were eagerly looking at her. That kind of feeling … As if it had been abandoned by her.    


The officer took the opportunity to pull his shoes back and hit her again, this time secretly using his inner force. If you dare to grab her, break your hand in half!    


"Little Red, Little Red ~"    


Just as he swung his whip, Yan Wuzhan grabbed it: "Why did you hit my Xiao Hong!"    


At the same time, Xiao Hong jumped onto the back of the military officer's hand and ferociously bit onto it.    


"Aiyo, this is so painful!"    


"Men, attack! Kill them!"    


This scene happened too quickly. Dongfang Ning was dumbstruck as she watched all of this happen. What was going on?    


However, it was understandable that the owner of this small animal thought that someone was going to hit his pet and stopped him …    


The battle in front of her had already changed. The man was fighting one soldier after another, so if there was another, he would just fight a bunch …    


He could really fight!    


After Xiao Hong bit her, it pounced towards Dongfang Ning. No matter how she threw it, it wouldn't let her go, it just wanted to grab onto her sleeve, even if it had to hang on to it.    


"What are you trying to do? Don't make me angry and roast you!"    


Dongfang Ning couldn't get rid of it more than once, so she had to stop and negotiate with the "it".    


"Zhizhi ~" Two watery eyes stared at her. Don't leave me, I'm your Little Red. Why don't you remember me? Our lives are connected …    


Dongfang Ning was moved by its gaze. She looked at this spiritual animal, and it seemed to be begging her?    


Dongfang Ning stretched out her hand to it.    


Xiao Hong immediately jumped onto her palm and continued staring into her eyes, trying to make her understand that she was with her, that she had abandoned it …    


"How strange, have I seen you somewhere before?"    


"Zhizhi ~ ~" Lil 'Red nodded its head with all its might and pointed at its fur. After gesticulating for a long time, the two of them did not pay any attention to what was happening.    


Yan Wuzhan paid attention to the situation as he fought. This damned Xiao Hong actually got her recognition!    


While he was in a daze, a cold arrow pierced his shoulder blade. He groaned in pain, not caring about the bloody wound on his shoulder. These people were courting death!    


Peng peng peng ~ The crowd was beaten until they couldn't get up.    


"Good boy, you dare to fight soldiers. Do you still have any laws in your eyes?!"    


"I'll beat you to death, you dog!"    


Yan Wuzhan struck over with his palm. How could that small official possibly get away from the palm attack of the Unrivaled Expert? He was directly sent flying and landed on the ground with a thud, not moving an inch.    


"Do you guys still want to fight? Scram right now, otherwise, kill!"    


Actually, these people had long since been terrified. With so many people surrounding one man, not only did he not manage to hit the other, there was even a portion of him who had fallen to the ground.    


"Just you wait …"    


The last soldier said this and was about to leave.    


"Stop, go and get your county magistrate. Whoever dares to disturb this village again, I will take the life of his entire family!" As soldiers, you do not protect your family and your country, and yet, you come to the village to harass the people. Damn it! "    


After a few strikes, several people were disabled.    


"It was Master Xu who told us to come! Great Hero, spare us!" We are only following orders, please investigate! "    


The others were frightened out of their wits. They had only heard of this kind of martial arts, and had never seen it before. All of them cried out in their hearts as they pleaded for mercy.    


On the other side, Dongfang Ning was sitting on the bench, staring at Xiao Hong. She seemed to be familiar with it, but that was impossible. She had only been in this world for a month, it was impossible for her to recognize such a small animal.    


However, she was very clear on the ability of animals to recognize humans. Perhaps she had forgotten something important …    


"Ning'er, my wife … Wu …" I finally found you, wuu... Wife, your husband came too late … "Howl …"    


Without waiting for her to think too much, he was actually carried into a big mess. This man had been crying all this time and had been saying these two sentences.    


"My wife?"    


Dongfang Ning was dumbfounded by this sudden change. Was this man's wife really herself?    


"Let go, I'm not your wife!"    


"My wife, did you forget? You were lost. I've been looking for you for three years. Wuu …" Wife, come back with me, wuu … I will never leave you again. "    


"Squeak, squeak, squeak …"    


Little Red nodded at her desperately as if she did not earn enough money: What he said is true, you really are his wife, he hugged the portrait and went to the hall.    




His voice was ice-cold!    


She couldn't be fooled by an animal and a man who cried, even if he didn't look like he was lying.    


Yan Wuzhan also let go obediently, but the feeling in his heart wasn't something that could be retracted easily. He was crying, crying with joy, crying to heaven and earth!    


God pity him, he finally found what he loved …    


"Wuu …" Sofia... You are called Ning'er, you are Dongfang Ning, you are Dongfang Ning’er, you are my wife! "    


"Howl …"    


"Don't cry, okay?" Dongfang Ning was a bit embarrassed. Oh my god, where did she get such a husband?    


Looking at the villagers who were standing behind her and watching the show, she knew she couldn't stay any longer.    


"You all … Everyone go back, nothing will happen here. Tomorrow, I will find the officials to settle this matter. When that happens, everyone will be safe! "    


"Young lady, your husband is crying so much. I think you should just go home with him, wuu …" "How pitiful!"    


"Yeah, wuu …" "It's rare to see a man with such deep feelings for you, wuu …"    


The villagers were filled with sympathy. All of them cried along with Yan Wuzhan. This man was seven feet tall, how could he be crying like this when he wasn't sad?    


Moreover, the more this girl looked at him, the more noble she became. Only such a dragon among men would be worthy of her … The commoners had already believed Yan Wuzhan's words, and they all advised her to go home with him.    


"Lady, Lady …" "He must be your husband. Look at his haggard appearance, only someone with deep emotions can act like this. I don't think he can pretend to be one. Miss, let's go home. It's so good to have a good husband …"    


"I think he must be a young master from a wealthy family. Oh my, how pitiful …" Woo … "Go back, quickly go back!"    


"Fellow villagers, Ning'er suddenly went missing three years ago. I looked for her for three years, and for the past three years, I traveled all over the world just to reunite with her. But now, she doesn't remember me. sob …" "My Ning'er …"    


Yan Wuzhan spoke half-truthfully about the pain and longing in his heart when he heard so many people helping him.    




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