Domineering Female State Advisor



2The person seated on the throne was different from them. Upon hearing that the person had arrived, he immediately ran off the dragon throne and stood at the entrance of the great hall without a care for his image …    




"Your Majesty, the princess is still in the younger generation. You've lost your status …"    


"Imperial Emissary, don't say anything. I'm not listening. You guys have been talking every day these past few days, haven't you had enough? When Ning'er comes, you guys can go talk to her yourselves. It has nothing to do with me!"    


My God, are you talking about something that has nothing to do with you?    


A fragrant wind blew. It was not the kind of fragrance used by women in the palace or by other women, but a refreshing fragrance that refreshed one's entire body.    


Dongfang Ning slowly walked over. Her cold expression made her seem even more noble and dignified. This kind of thing scared everyone in the hall. The contempt in their hearts had been reduced by a few degrees.    


"She looks like the elegance of the wind."    


"It doesn't look like it. It was carved from the same mold. It even surpasses the elegance of those years …"    


"Dongfang Ning’er greets Your Majesty!"    


"Ning'er, come in quickly. Why did you come so late? Look, everyone is waiting for you." Dongfang Yu pulled her by the hand and turned around. From now on, this place belonged to his daughter, so no one can sit here.    


"Your Majesty, the Dragon Throne absolutely cannot …" I can't do it, your majesty! "    


How could the officials agree to this? They had been discussing this issue daily for the past few days. Now, however, they were dragged to a seat and sat down!    


"Milord, what is your name?"    


"One of this old man's three brothers, Xiang Canglan!"    


"Why didn't you greet me when you were talking to me? This princess is the personal Dongfang Nation of the Emperor, Grand Princess, are you dissatisfied with me?"    




Good boy, a country girl speaking so tyrannically and making no mistakes in her words. Everyone looked at each other in dismay. They couldn't even read a single word?    


Didn't he say that he had never seen the world before?    


Most importantly, was there a need for her to be so direct?    


However, what they didn't know was that the more straightforward part was still yet to come.    


Xiang Canglan was stunned for a moment before he immediately bowed. "This old official greets Grand Princess."    


"We pay our respects to Grand Princess, the princess is thousands of years old ~"    


"A thousand years. You all should be eager for me to die, right? A thousand years? Is that what you all wished for?"    




No one dared to speak anymore. How was she supposed to respond?    


He looked up at the emperor. The man only had his daughter in his eyes, so he didn't notice that the officials were in a mess.    


"Daughter, how can you say such things? How unlucky!"    


"Shut up!"    


"…" Dongfang Yu was speechless. He rubbed his nose as he sat down and let her play.    


"Tell me the reason why you are dissatisfied with me, and I will answer them one by one. I hope everyone can prepare themselves for the questions. I am still young, and the country still needs the support of everyone."    


If you don't understand now, then don't make things difficult for the emperor in the future. Whatever he said, everyone should comply with his orders and try their best to complete his tasks, rather than deliberately making things difficult for them.    


Dongfang Yu gave a thumbs up on the side. He had shocked all of the officials just as he entered. This was the world's best man. Thinking back, everyone ignored him …    


Everyone no longer dared to speak carelessly, they were also asking themselves why they could not let her be the emperor. Her abilities were all there, and what was the reason they did not agree to it. It would be unforgivable to say that the emperor gave away the mountains and rivers to the Feng Family 20 years ago, but this woman was now the emperor's flesh and blood.    


Seeing that no one was talking, Dongfang Ning continued to stress. She did not want these people to cause trouble all day after she left.    


"I'll say it again. If you don't ask me today, you can't say anything against the emperor either. This is my last chance. As long as you can convince me, I'll make the emperor change his mind about me becoming the emperor!"    


She thought that she was only here to make an appearance and let everyone know her. But now, she wanted the answer. Although she didn't say it out loud, everyone knew what she meant: those who go against the will die!    


Everyone looked at each other. Since ancient times, there had never been a woman who became the emperor. However, they did not dare to say these words now. At the very least, they did not dare to say them in front of her.    


Who would dare to say it in front of her? If she really became the emperor, then she would be the master of everyone, and if she offended her master before she ascended to the throne, who would do such a thing?    


"Princess, the world isn't as simple as you think. Even if we don't have any objections, how can a woman like you be able to convince the world of you?"    


The Prime Minister felt uncomfortable being stared at by everyone. After a long while, he came up with an excuse and came to ask her.    


"If the people of the world can't accept me, why not ask the people? The people of this place can't represent the people of the world, can they?"    


"Of course the people of the world admire you, because you're a demoness. It was you who bewitched the people of the world. Am I right?"    


"You must be the Fourth Prince Dongfang Yuanyu, right? According to what I know, the one who proposed to send troops to suppress Ann Nation was you, so, do you know how many civilians you killed? Do you know what civilians they are?    


Just because you made the wrong decision, you killed so many soldiers who died in the war, and how many families were shattered by this war that should not have happened, don't you feel a little guilty? "    


"Don't go too far, what I'm talking about now is that you're not a human at all but a demon. My sister died thirteen years ago in the fire, and now there's another Dongfang Ning’er. Do you think everyone is a fool?"    


"I am a monster. Do you have evidence? On the contrary, you are a monster, but this princess has evidence. Do you want to see it?"    


The two of them argued so fiercely that Dongfang Yu was embarrassed. What do you mean everyone is a fool? His son thought of him as a fool, so he randomly took someone as his daughter?    


"Number four, stop talking nonsense! Your younger sister is related to me by blood, so how could she be a monster? Do you think that I and Wen Wu are fools? "    


"Someone, chase him out!"    


"Royal Father, she doesn't have any spiritual energy, our Dongfang Nation is martial, can a king like him lead a country? In fact, moving our mouths is useless, we would only be men of our Dongfang Nation if we used force to defeat our enemies."    


"Third brother, you want to oppose me as well?" The emperor had always been an old fox. He wanted to see who was causing trouble in the imperial court with this opportunity. Now, the officials didn't dare to speak and turned into a fight between his sons. Were they forced to reveal their true forms so easily?    


"Royal Father, we are your true sons, yet you are the direct disciple despite not inheriting the throne. How could there be such a thing in the world? We refuse to accept this!"    


"Please reconsider, Your Majesty!"    


When the other prince spoke, the supporters fell to their knees.    


Dongfang Ning sat down to watch the show. When she came in, she already knew that today would not be a good day. These people had long buried their troops and wanted to kill her.    


"Are you all trying to force the palace?"    




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