Domineering Female State Advisor



0"Everyone, you travelled a thousand miles to come here. You can see that your hearts are with the world, but today, An Ran wants to ask a question: what is the purpose of all of you learning medicine?"    


After her voice rang out, not a single sound could be heard. It was so quiet that it was as though no one was listening to her speak.    


Dongfang Ning was still dressed in white today, with a long blue veil covering her shoulders. Her long black hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and her eyes shone with a bright light.    


In the eyes of the crowd, she was now a fairy, a fairy who had just descended from the heavens.    


At this moment, she was using these eyes to scan the crowd, and finally stopped on a fifteen or sixteen year old youth:    


"Young master, tell me, what is the purpose of you learning medicine?"    


When the young man heard her, he immediately stood up and saluted to Dongfang Ning from afar. "Reporting to Princess Anning, a practitioner should be charged with practicing medicine."    


The youngster was somewhat uneasy. He had been bewitched by the princess who was about the same age as him, and hadn't expected to be asked a question.    


"En, sit down."    


Dongfang Ning returned to her seat and elegantly sat down.    


"There is expertise in medicine, and every field has its own uniqueness. I'm not a genius doctor, I'm not even qualified to be called one. Medicine learners should value medical ethics more than fame and fortune, and do their best to help the patient get well …"    


Everyone present quietly listened. Everyone understood this logic, but it was still difficult for them to actually do what she wanted them to teach them. Everything else was just talk.    


"I won't say much. Today, we're going to discuss the matter of the amputated limbs."    


At this point, the crowd became even quieter. All of them pricked up their ears and listened intently. Wasn't this what they had come here for?    


"There are a lot of things you need to take in order to break a limb. First of all, blood is a problem. Your blood is different from other people's blood …"    


She tried her best to explain it in words that these people could understand.    


"So you have to have a sterile ward. I only have one, so you can't do it without conditions. Today, I want to tell you about first aid and the management of trauma."    


These people were all here for the sake of her amputated limbs, but the procedure wasn't something that just anyone could do. She couldn't help but complicate the topic of amputations so that these people wouldn't easily try it.    


Some medical maniacs would not care if you were dead or alive. They could even experiment with living people. In order to prevent these people from messing around, she told them about blood vessels, skin, internal organs, etc.    


Finally, he began to preach the sutures.    


"Any wound over 3 cm long can be sewn together with stitches. When the new flesh is grown out and joined together …"    


Speaking to this, she asked Nameless Old Man to display the operating table and let him explain. She listened to him, corrected him from time to time, and accepted all kinds of questions from those who came to attend.    


"Princess Anning, I heard you have hemostasis medicine, I don't know …" A green-clothed old man stood up and asked.    


"Regarding the medicine, you all know that you are traditional Chinese medicine, this is a secret that is not passed down, I also do not have much. That day, in order to treat a few wounded people, I have used up all of them."    


At this time, another white-haired old man stood up and said loudly:    


"Everyone, everyone, we have benefited greatly from today's Shan Nation. I want to thank Princess Anning here, and Emperor Shan Nation … "Thank you so much for your help, everyone. Please accept my respect, my respect, if you would excuse me if I were to learn this technique."    


"Please accept our respects ~"    


After almost four hours of explanation, the medical gathering finally came to a successful end. Dongfang Ning walked out of the hall first. Mei Er and Xue'er were already waiting by the side of the carriage.    


The 'patient' Zhao Xin, who was invited by Nameless Old Man, was also surrounded by the crowd. He checked Nameless Old Man's wound and asked him if he could use more strength and if it would still hurt.    


"So this is real. His hands are connected. I heard there are two more with broken legs. Can they still walk?"    


"If you don't believe my master's words, then don't you believe mine as well?" Nameless was unhappy. Why did these people always use questions? With such a living example in front of them, was there still a need to ask?    


"Divine Doctor Nameless, please calm your anger. We were too astonished and not questioning your master's medical skills. Please forgive us!"    


"Now she can be considered half a master of ours. This seams of flesh, when I go back I will pass it on to our local doctors."    


"That's right. The reason why Princess Anning is able to call the doctor like this is because she wants to make the world suffer less. She doesn't want to lose her life because of some minor injuries. It's really Bodhisattva's heart!"    


"My master said that the needles and thread used to sew up wounds must be carefully disinfected, otherwise they will be infected. Also, the thread we use must be folded down after the wound is healed, so we can't leave any threads in the flesh …"    


Although Dongfang Ning left, the venue still discussed it all the way until night time. Accepting new things was not as simple as it sounded. Nameless Old Man had talked about this matter a few hundred times during the day.    


To him, Dongfang Ning's words were the truth. Regardless of whether other people understood it or not, he would answer them one by one, explaining repeatedly that life was not a small matter and that he could not be careless at all. This made Dongfang Ning and him deeply impressed by these people.    


"Her actions are very popular among the people …"    


Yan Yihan sat in the study room and tapped the table with his fingers rhythmically while mumbling to himself. No one knew where his thoughts were headed.    


"Your Majesty, Battle King has arrived outside the palace!"    


"Oh, I'll go now!"    


These days, he was worried that Yang Qing's men would come back to attack the city. Although Cen Wei's original troops were stationed outside the city, but these days, this incident still made him unable to sit still. He had to spend a large amount of money every day to feed and drink to these foreign troops.    


The emperor hurriedly stood up and left. Although he knew that it was only a junior, he didn't need to run out to greet them. However, in order to express his urgency, he had to personally greet them.    


"Zhan, Zhan, you're finally back. Let me tell you, that Yang Qing …"    


After he saw Yan Wuzhan, he started to talk about proper business from a distance like a complaining child. In fact, he had doubts about Yan Wuzhan's motive earlier on because he had already sent people to wait for him. Why did Yan Wuzhan come back first and none of his men came back to report?    


When he saw Yan Wuzhan, it was as if he saw his savior. He was so anxious to tell Yan Wuzhan what he thought and let him deal with it.    


"Royal Uncle!"    


Yan Wuzhan frowned. Why did the emperor become so impatient?    


As he interrupted Yan Yihan's words, he did a silent gesture. Only then did Yan Yihan realize that he had lost his composure, because there was no one in this palace that he could talk to.    


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