Domineering Female State Advisor



1Look at the crowd, Yan Yihan fought to the death with them and now everyone seemed to have let go. He felt that they were living a much more comfortable life than he was. Sigh ~    


"Big sister, don't think too much, your Sea Nation isn't bad either. In any case, he's still a prince, if Qi Meng really marries, she won't suffer, and we'll be screwed. No one knows who poisoned us all back then, and we have never carried a child or a girl.    


"What do you mean by that? Don't think that This Dowager has no way to deal with you right now. When the Supreme Emperor was here, you instigated him every single day, and now he's gone missing and you're still randomly looking for trouble. You've really got guts!"    


"Esteemed Empress Dowager, calm down. Consort Zhong's mood isn't good today, so she can't speak without thinking. There's too many people here! We don't want to cause trouble for the emperor!"    


"You ~"    


Huangfu Feixue glared at him and was about to continue arguing, but luckily, Yan Wuzhan came.    


"The emperor has arrived!"    


"Greetings, Your Majesty. Your Majesty, long live the Emperor, long live the Emperor ~"    


Everyone immediately knelt down to welcome the Emperor. Dongfang Ning had never said that they couldn't refuse the Emperor's presence. He was the most respected man in the world, so it was normal for him to receive such treatment.    


Yan Wuzhan was followed by Feng Liuyun and Wei Lingyun. Behind them was a group of officials and Xiang Canghai. Behind them were the imperial guards and eunuchs, a long line of people walking in a grandiose manner.    


Yan Wuzhan, who was at the front, had attracted everyone's attention. His handsome face was clearly outlined like a knife. His pair of deep eyes flashed with wisdom that could see through everything, and his unforgivable might sent chills down everyone's spines.    


A royal robe of bright royal color wrapped around his slender body. No matter which angle one looked at from, he was the most eye-catching star among everyone here.    


Xiang Yinrong, who was secretly looking at him, felt her heart pounding. Was this the husband her father had chosen for her?    


"What a dragon among men!"    


She was determined on this man. No matter how powerful the Imperial Advisor was, it didn't have the slightest bit of femininity!    


Yan Wuzhan walked over to his seat and sat down.    


"Everyone, get up, today is a feast, so there's no need to be so polite." After speaking, he no longer looked at anyone. Feng Liuyun and Wei Lingyun also found their seats, and Xiang Canghai was invited to sit beside Huangfu Feixue.    


When all the important people had gathered, Huangfu Feixue announced to everyone the show for the evening:    


"Alright, today we're here to receive the wind for Xiang Cheng Master, everyone go and play as much as you want, for this reason, I have organized a talent competition, you guys should bring out your skills, those who get a place will get rewards!"    


After she finished speaking, the eunuchs and maids who were already prepared immediately moved the prepared carpet to be spread out in the middle of the empty space. Soon, a large stage appeared.    


The female singers that she invited first went on stage to dance for a while, before finally it was the turn for each of them to display their talents.    


"I wonder who will obtain the first reward from the Ann Nation. Qing Xian, it must be you …"    


"Look at what I'm wearing. What's suitable for the performance? I don't want the Emperor's reward. I want Ning'er's. Ning'er, what are you going to perform for?"    


"This Seat is here to watch the show, why would I go up and perform?"    


"The empress dowager said that anyone who isn't married will have to perform on stage. Those who don't can write a poem, or else they won't give face to the imperial family and will …"    


"There's such a thing?" The royal family was tyrannical. If they didn't comply to their orders, they would be forced to follow the unwritten rules.    


"Since ancient times, only those in power have the final say, just like you, Ning'er. Now that you've spread the word, which official would dare disobey you, including the emperor?"    


"What about you guys? What are you planning to do?"    


"I'll just casually write a poem. Qing’er might not even know how to dance. I don't know what she prepared." The two of them looked at Zuo Qingqing.    


"I'm playing. Where's Ning'er?"    


"I'm not interested, just sit and watch."    


"Imperial Advisor is great! "But I heard that someone wants to compete with you in talent."    


"Who is it? I don't have much talent, I'm better than killing people!"    


"..." "Ning'er, you can't be so unsightly. Your identity is different now. You want to be the empress, you can't leave anything for people to gossip about …"    


"That's right, my father even specifically told me to tell you this. A woman's every word and action must be learned from Imperial Advisor, and Imperial Advisor is naive and naive, afraid that Imperial Advisor is too … "You're unreasonable! You might lose the hearts of the world, but the empress needs to act like a mother to the world. As the model of the world, you can't speak carelessly today!"    


"..." "Easy. I only said one word and you've already said so much. Are you tired? Come and have a cup of water!"    




Hearing her words, Zuo Qingqing and Wei Qingxian looked at each other, completely speechless. What to do? She didn't care about etiquette at all. If she wasn't the empress, it would be fine. She really was the empress …    


"Others will say what happened to the empress?"    


"Well, I'll try to be more classical."    


"I used to fear that you wouldn't be able to get married in the past, but now … Now you're marrying the Emperor, hurting so many women's hearts. Ning'er, I think there's a lot of people who've come today, so you should be careful!"    


At this time, the opening performance had ended and many aristocratic ladies started performing on the stage. Yan Wuzhan didn't even glance at them as he just stared at Dongfang Ning. What was she talking about with the two girls?    


In the distance, Wei Lingyun was also looking at the three of them. He was looking forward to Dongfang Ning's performance on stage. Hateful little sister, he had thought that she would help him, but who knew that he would be scolded by her instead?    


If they didn't fight for it, Ning'er would belong to someone else!    


Tonight would be very interesting. The emperor wanted to marry Ning'er, the officials would not say anything, but the people would say something. Ning'er would definitely not be able to bear it.    


There were already a few young ladies performing on the stage. Due to Yan Wuzhan being there, everyone performed very well. Even Dongfang Ning was secretly impressed with the way the ancient people compared themselves to the people with higher statuses. Clearly, they had taught them how to discipline from a young age.    


No wonder when they had entered the capital, Madam Wang had patiently asked everyone to learn the rules. It could be seen from the crowd that rules were very important.    


There was no list, no order, but the performers automatically lined up. Some people lined up according to their father's rank, so that the entire scene would not be disorganized without an organization.    


For example, Zuo Qingqing and Wei Qingxian had already been called aside by the eunuchs, waiting for the next match.    


"Qing Xian, it's your turn!"    


"Next, let's invite Miss Wei Xiang, the young miss of the Wei Xiang family, onto the stage to perform for everyone. Miss Wei Family is the number one female prodigy in the capital, there's no need for me to introduce her, Miss Wei, please ~"    


"Isn't this the Prime Minister's daughter, a good friend of the Imperial Advisor? Why are her clothes so shabby? I'm afraid that she knows that she cannot compare up to others and deliberately came to attend the palace banquet like this, right?"    


Suddenly, an ear-piercing sound rang out.    


"What did you say? So what if you're wearing casual clothes? Why are you being so rude!" Zuo Qingqing immediately replied. These days, she had been working outside, and her courage and insight had increased. Naturally, she was no longer afraid.    


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