Domineering Female State Advisor



3The reaction of the crowd was very intense. Ji Quan was a little worried at first. He originally wanted to interrogate in secret, but it was changed to a public interrogation instead. What he wanted was the voice of the people.    


At this moment, a man walked out from the crowd and said loudly, "There is also our factory. My master used the entire village's money to build a small cement factory, but he was able to take it away with a single sentence. My master argued a few more times, and then his son beat him to death on the spot …"    


Someone at the side immediately stopped this person who still wanted to continue:    


"Stop talking, didn't your uncle and the others also end up in this dog's group? You don't want your uncle to be better, do you? "    


"You're still talking about me? You're the one who bullied our village with these people. Lord Ji, they're all bad people!" "They …"    


Without waiting for him to finish, a few people started to punch and kick the man.    


Ji Quan was angry. Did these people take him to be a sick cat?    


"This is truly rampant, going against the heavens!" Someone beat him up for me! "    


The two guards flew over when they heard the noise, beating these people who wanted to create chaos until they couldn't get up.    


"The army is here. How can we allow you to be so rampant? Continue speaking, young man!"    


Seeing this situation, the commoners were no longer afraid. They ran out one after the other to make a report. In the end, they even brought out a piece of information about whose chicken had been robbed.    


Ji Quan spent most of the day listening to the people and the criminals for the rest of the night. He got a long list of people who had participated in the riots and ordered them to hunt him down during the night.    


The next morning, everyone was extremely tired. Some of the officials were lying motionless on the ground like dead pigs. They had been tortured to the point that they were completely exhausted. They did not want to come back for the rest of their lives.    


Looking at the rising sun in the east, Heaven's End City's weather today was pretty good …    


Ji Quan sat on the bench and took a sip of tea, then turned to the officials sitting on the floor and said, "The emperor is about to get married, and I want to give him a general amnesty. What else do you have to say for yourself, it's not too late to say it now, but all of you know that it's not enough to punish the nine generations for your crimes …"    


He said he was going to pardon the world, and that it wasn't even enough to exterminate the nine clans. What exactly did he want to do? Everyone looked at each other in dismay. Could it be that there was someone who had hidden something?    


"We, we... The explosives were placed on the City Lord's Mansion. "Think, think …"    


"No need for that. I know that I'm the first person to play with explosives. Have you really considered it? Have you not added anything? I'll give you guys some time to think about it. Come, light the incense!"    


The explosives in City Lord's Mansion had long been cleared away by Dongfang Ning. Furthermore, the power of those explosives were not very strong. She had already written this down in her letter. Dongfang Haotian and Qing were also secretly taken away by her.    


The officials tried hard to remember what they had not told him. It was a general amnesty for the world, they might not even have to die if they wanted to.    


"Did you secretly do something that you didn't tell us?"    


There was an old man who turned to Yeye. He had committed the greatest sin here, so if he wanted to die, he should just kill him.    


"Wuu …" I really don't have any left, I just... "I've already told you the truth to a seven year old girl, what else can I hide?"    


"You are an animal! If you want to die, then do it alone, don't implicate us, you hid so many things from us, we were harmed by you! "    


"Stop wasting time, hurry up and think about it. What else is there to say? I was too anxious so much that I died. That's why my wife gave me a son. Wuu …" "It's all my fault that I went the wrong way."    


"You think about it yourself. You have the face to scold me. Serves you right for not having any descendants!"    




"I remember now, I remember now. There's one more thing, but I don't know if it's useful or not, that day your son stole the crafting documents, and I heard that they were given to Ye Family's daughter …"    


"How is that possible, my son doesn't even recognize any treasures! You're talking nonsense and want to pull him into the water!?" "You are in charge of those things, and you will bear the burden of the troubles. Why was it my son who stole it? It wasn't your son …"    


No one's son was important anymore. The most important thing was that their Heaven's End City had lost a life-threatening thing: the method to make the explosives.    


Ji Quan was satisfied at the side: "Very good, since you all have the intention to change, then I will give you all a chance. Except for everyone in the Ye Family, the family property will be confiscated and the compensation will be given to the victims.    


"The perpetrators will all be imprisoned for ten years, and your families will be assigned to various places to atone for your sins. Whoever performs well will be given a commutation of their sentence."    


"The father and son of the Ye family have made a decision, their family property is confiscated, and their family members have been slaves for ten years. Execute them immediately!"    


"The rest of the criminals shall be locked in the prison and punished according to the seriousness of their crimes!"    


At this point, Ji Quan stood up and cupped his hands towards the sky, "My Emperor is merciful and loves my people like children. If you do not know how to change your ways, don't blame me for being ruthless!"    


When the verdict was out, everyone began to cry. Finally, they no longer had to kill their entire families. Most of them were still alive, so they could not help but express their gratitude.    


"Wuu …" "Thank you, Lord Ji. Thank you, Your Majesty. May the Emperor live for tens of thousands of years ~!"    


In the Phoenix Perching Palace, Yan Wuzhan looked at the result and said: "Killing Yeyun for one night would be letting him off too easily, Ji Quan is still too merciful."    


"But he earned you nearly ten thousand free labor. You just misjudged Yeye, why be so angry when she used the wrong person?"    


The two of them laid on the bed and watched the progress of the Heaven's End City for the whole night. Yan Wuzhan said with a pained heart, "Ning'er, sleep for a while. Since you said you don't need to hurry and treat Qingyun's injury, just hand it over to the Grand Hospital."    


"You sent the two of them to treat them, thinking that I didn't know anything?"    


"I'm afraid I'll tire you. Within a day, we actually went and returned to the Heaven's End City. The things in the future are really too magical!"    


"Although the future is very advanced, there are still many violations of the law that occur. Countries are also eyeing each other like tigers eyeing their prey … "It's rare for people to have a peaceful life, let's see how many years you can sustain peace this time."    


"Go to sleep. I will go to the imperial court, and there will be three more days until the results of the Imperial Examinations are out. By then, appointing a high-ranking official to the imperial court will have to trouble you to make your move. I …" "I'm scared!"    


Heaven's End City was the most important part of one's Da Ann Nation. This time, Ji Quan was going to spend more manpower to recover all of his properties, all of the large and small forces that were in cahoots with outsiders.    


This was also the undesirable outcome of a public interrogation. However, in order to let the Heaven's End City recover as quickly as possible, the remaining work would be difficult, so if he worked hard for another two or three years, he wouldn't have to worry about progress in science and technology.    


Yan Wuzhan did not want their daughters, and had even sent them far away. Right now, there were several families that had come knocking to propose for their son-in-law, and this matter had troubled them. They had worked hard to raise their daughters up so that they could use them as bargaining chips to get rich, but in the end, it had cost them their entire lives of happiness.    




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