Domineering Female State Advisor



3"Also, if you don't tell me what I want to know, I will have someone torture you. This is a foreign world, and no police can protect you. Here, sister is the law!"    


"There's no need to be so heartless, right? Didn't I tell you that your organization is looking for you? You've also taken away the data source, what else do you not know?"    


"If you let me out, I promise I won't do anything illegal. Can we sleep together?"    


"Tell me your plan."    


"Then tell me, are you able to obtain the Intelligent Brain?"    


"Why do you ask?"    


"If you didn't have the Intelligent Brain, you would have died long ago, but you were living well in this world. This matter gave the experts a headache, you know, after you turn into a vegetable, the medical equipment and some medicine in the warehouse will automatically disappear.    


It should not be hard to explain that point. You are a smart person and I believe you have already thought of it. Do you still want to know what kind of person would be willing to let me go? "    


Dongfang Ning thought for a moment. Although she had guessed it before, she couldn't be sure. It seemed that she had to choose from another planet to use her medical equipment in the future.    


"Xu Zhi, just who are you? I don't believe that you're a thief or a hacker anymore."    


"You won't kill me to silence me, right? Dongfang Ning, don't forget your surname is Dongfang, your life is national, everything that you have is given to you by the country!"    


Hearing this, Dongfang Ning's expression changed. This person was indeed not simple. Every time the organization sent her out to capture him, was she peeping at her stats?    


"I don't think we need to communicate anymore. You can just die here. Let me tell you, what I will do is not only procedures. I will do it far more than you can imagine!"    


She had to thoroughly investigate this person's identity, and a strong sense of crisis arose in her heart.    


Modern technology is so advanced. If the organization really finds this era …    


"No, I have to speed up the construction of the city and research the secret weapons!"    


Soon, a series of plans appeared in her mind, and she immediately went back to write them down. It would be best to leave this matter to Qing Yun and Dongfang Haotian.    


Qing Yun and Dongfang Haotian were both staying at the Imperial Advisor Palace. When Dongfang Ning arrived, Nameless was treating them.    


Master, why are you here? Teacher, look at Qing Yun's injury, I tried changing the medicine for him a few times, but the wound just didn't heal. Do you think there's anything else in the wound?    


There are many reasons why wounds will not heal. If you are in a bad mood, you will not be able to heal or heal slowly. You will be malnourished. All the factors that lead to this result.    


This is also one of the main causes of death in ancient wounds.    


"Let me see!"    


"The Intelligent Brain has started!"    


"There's an unknown organism in the wound. Professor, you're in big trouble. This thing will mutate once it grows."    


"Can you clear it?"    


"The blood vessels cannot be cleared, the Intelligent Brain is working hard to find the relevant information. If there is no historical data, the Intelligent Brain will automatically produce a new report and deal with it."    


"So it turns out you're this strong!"    


"That's right!"    


Dongfang Ning heaved a sigh of relief. It was good that they could still be saved. She casually made a show of checking their pulse before saying to Nameless,    


"It's fine, the weapon used by those people to deal with them contains a poisonous substance, it is a rare poisonous substance, this thing is mixed with blood, it can't be seen with the naked eye, and the poison can't be tested, so you can't find it.    


"They'll be fine once I think of a cure. Right now, I have something important to tell them to do. They've been lying in bed for long enough."    


"Master, why don't you teach me a little of your secret arts? Just a little is enough …"    


Nameless started to run around and pester her again. This girl was too amazing. After studying her medical skills for so many years, she didn't think much of it.    




Dongfang Ning could not hold it in any longer.    


"I've said it before, the things here cannot be used. There are many things that cannot be explained, and will only be available in the next few thousand years. Can you stop arguing?"    


At this time, the Intelligent Brain already had its answer, so Dongfang Ning quickly gave the medicine to Qing Yun and Dongfang Haotian. It had been two months since the two had gotten injured, and their bodies were injured in all aspects.    


After some thought, he decided to help them recover their energy at once.    


"Intelligent Brain, repair their injuries, I want a healthy person."    


"Professor, this is just a small problem, even if they only have one hair left, I can still recover …"    


So powerful?    


Dongfang Ning secretly rejoiced in her heart. This Intelligent Brain was so heaven-defying, no wonder those people had spent so much money and effort to find her. They hadn't even spared her corpse …    


"Looks like I'll have to spend some time to figure out what kind of abnormal things are produced by my research."    


Gene replication, this was certain to happen, and then gene generation anything that he wanted to produce?    


"Ning'er, is that you, Ning'er? Where am I?"    


Among the two patients at the side, Dongfang Haotian was the first to wake up. He immediately saw Dongfang Ning standing in a daze between the two beds.    


"This is the Imperial Advisor Palace, you're fine now, you don't have to tell me anything. I know everything, you and Qing Yun will enter the palace tonight, I have something important to tell you."    


On the 18th day, Yan Wuzhan offered sacrifices to the ancestral temple to announce the date of the grand wedding. The ceremony was very complicated.    


Early in the morning, the streets were filled with onlookers. Yan Wuzhan, dressed in a dragon robe, sat on the emperor's carriage, and in front of him were Si Zhu and all kinds of priests and monks. He was going to the ancestral temple to kneel before the heavens, worship the heavens, and burn incense.    


The series of worship required half a day's worth of time, but Yan Wuzhan was very happy today. After this matter was done, his wedding date would arrive ten days later, and Dongfang Ning would be rightfully known as his.    


Today, the Patriarch of Heaven's End City had arrived as well. All of these people had been arranged to live in the harem, and there were no women left in the harem now. Other than Yan Wuzhan and his family, there was only Dongfang Ning.    


"Lucky, this is the palace, you better not run around!" Qin Siyu followed her son who loved to play the whole way. She couldn't be too worried, this was the palace. This was her first time entering the palace, what if she got into trouble?    


Lucky was already four years old, and its energy was far greater than its parents'. Qin Siyu was almost unable to catch up.    


This palace was arranged for the City Lord of Heaven's End City, so Ji Quan's family lived here.    


Ji Quan and his father were playing chess on the side, while the mother and son were running around the yard. This happy scene made Dongfang Ning, who stood outside the door, feel warm.    




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