Domineering Female State Advisor



0The next day was New Year's Eve, and the commoners could celebrate for 15 days with free food. The whole country's officials were all happy, and the streets were covered with red lanterns. The grand wedding was not only in the capital, but everyone could feel its splendor.    


The most eye-catching thing was that every restaurant in the whole country had a big "Happy" sign posted on them, and they provided free food and drinks to all the guests for ten days. No one in the whole world knew what was going on, why Dongfang Ning’er got married, and how she could eat free food wherever she went.    


It would have been fine if it was an ordinary place, but Duwei Restaurant was a brand that was even more grand than other places.    


"How much money is needed for such a banquet? The emperor definitely doesn't have that much money. Look at the military recruitment going on in the last month! The royal treasury has not been taxed for three years. Where did the emperor get the money to set up such a marriage?"    


"I've lived for seventy years, but I've never heard of an emperor spending so much money just to celebrate a wedding!"    


"Don't talk about it anymore. You haven't seen some wealthy businessmen pay for their own banquets, right? They even treat each other in ten days. Your family treating you to my house for a day is just to celebrate the emperor's marriage. Sigh, he's deeply in the hearts of the people."    


Yes, this wedding was as if the whole world was involved in their own wedding. Every family was elated, the rich invited each other in their own home, and the whole country was happy with each other. This was something Dongfang Ning and Yan Wuzhan didn't expect.    


"So you're actually so popular?"    


"It's you. Those girls are all happy when they get married. If others don't celebrate their return gift to you, they will at least bless us. Ning'er, you have paid a lot for them. You can always see others' good points, but you forgot how good you are to others."    


"Am I that good?"    


"It seems that Ning'er does not have the time to look at the tyrannical legendary Imperial Advisor. Let me explain it to you …"    


Hugging his own wife, they chatted as they walked. Today was already the fourth day of their wedding, and on the third day of the new year, there wasn't even any snow on the Dongfang City. The weather here was much warmer than in Shancheng.    


The sun gently shone on the Phoenix Perching Palace. Yan Wuzhan walked in the garden with Dongfang Ning in his arms. After getting married, everything felt more beautiful than before.    


"Happiness is actually very simple. As long as you can be together with the person you love, you'll be as beautiful as heaven wherever you go."    


"Yan Wuzhan, you've been talking more and more sweetly lately. Be careful that my son learns this too. I want to teach you pregnancy now. Whatever we do now, the child will learn."    


Yan Wuzhan suddenly pressed her down against the pillar of the pavilion. "Then I'll teach him how to make his beloved woman happy right now!"    


A strong kiss fell over...    


"Yan Wuzhan, are you done yet?"    


"I've endured for six years!"    


"You're already pregnant, and you still say you'll endure? Are you that shameless? "    


"In front of Ning'er, I've never had the slightest bit of face. How can my face compare to Ning'er's is more important …" "Ning'er, if you move again … I'm going to kill you!"    


The people who came to offer gifts outside queued for three days before the ceremony ended. From this, it could be seen how grand the wedding ceremony was and how famous it was worldwide.    


On the ancient road, a carriage was slowly moving towards the Dongfang City, on it, an extremely beautiful woman looked at the man unhappily. What the hell, where did he actually come from?    


"Hey, do you really think the emperor wants only one Dongfang Ning’er instead of the harem's three thousand beauties?"    


"Hey, can you answer me? This county lord is really depressed ~"    




Yan Wuchen had been sleeping in the car for the past few days. Once he woke up, he would drink. He didn't care where the car was, so what happened to him?    


"Since you're my savior, I'll let you sleep in peace …"    


The Hay stepped out of the carriage and sat on the shaft. "Hey, what time is it now? Where are we?"    


"This is the Azure Sun Ancient Road, we will reach the Dongfang City after walking for another seven or eight days. Young miss, it's cold outside, you should go in and take a seat."    


"Then... Is the Emperor married? "    


"When we passed Six-Pointed Town the day before yesterday, didn't we already drink our Emperor's wedding wine? Do you even need to ask?"    


That's right, she was robbed by a bunch of people on the way, all the people who followed had died, and it was this person in the car who saved her. But this person was too cold, it seemed that he was someone who liked to talk …    


Later on, after he made King Chen, he would only read the imperial reports all day long. Later on, when Dongfang Ning came back, he would only feel depressed all day long, but now, after Dongfang Ning got married, he would only get drunk all day, it was very logical, there was nothing wrong with that …    


Only, some mischievous person would not let him sleep all the way to the Dongfang City ~    


First day, second day, third day … Drinking and sleeping day after day, the man from Hailey was unhappy. Since he was here to pick him up, why should he only care about his own happiness and how good-looking he was … What was bothering him?    


Yan Wuchen, who was in deep sleep, didn't know that he had been observed by others for countless days. Yan Wuchen, who was in deep sleep, didn't know that he had been observed by others for countless days.    


"Stop the carriage. All of you should go rest as well. You've all been tired after hurrying for a few days. Besides, it's already past the emperor's wedding day. Let's rest for the night …" "Hey, who exactly is your master?"    


He did not answer her, but listened to her words and stopped the car, setting it on fire to rest.    


"A bunch of weirdos!"    


The Hey went back to the car and looked at Yan Wuchen, who was covered by a thick blanket … Having known each other for so many days, this man's face had already been imprinted into her mind. They had been travelling together for so long …    


"If you like it, then go and fight! I am the daughter of the Ocean King! "    


In the end, she finally took off her leather clothes, took off her heavy clothes, and got into Yan Wuchen's blanket that was on the floor …    


As if sleeping like this is more comfortable...    


Yan Wuchen had been drunk all day and had just woken up. He moved his neck a little and leaned his head against it.    


Haiyi was really pretty, but she wasn't the person in his heart. Yan Wuchen reached out to push her, but she was sleeping soundly, so he hugged one of his arms and didn't let go.    


"Get up, who told you to sleep here!"    


Sisi's woman entered his nose mercilessly. The naked body that covered his body was unbearable to him, but this woman was still so ignorant, not knowing if she was dead or alive, with her eyes closed.    


"Don't move, I really want to sleep ~"    


An indistinct protest escaped from the man's mouth. His little hands were still wrapped around his waist, and his body even climbed up …    


Yan Wuchen closed his eyes again. Could this woman be more obedient and not play with fire? Did she think he was dead?    


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