Domineering Female State Advisor



2"There is no need to be cautious. If you have anything to say, just say it. I will not pursue what happened that year."    


After a quarter of an hour, Dongfang Ning finally understood what this person wanted.    


"You're saying that among the people Yan Wuyou Hui captured, there was a group of people who were involved in the preparation of the poison. One of them, Xiao Zhijie, is the direct disciple of your master. You want Yan Wuhui to give him a way out?"    




Dongfang Ning pondered for a moment. Prisoners learned poison. How could someone like that be allowed off? Yan Wuhui might have already been killed in bulk.    


"Intelligent Brain, sweep his brain!"    


Brain waves show that the person he was trying to save killed his master and then blamed him, causing him to be expelled from the school. A few years ago, you promised him justice, and he wanted to marry the professor's servant, Mei Er. But Mei Er liked a high-ranking official in the West Ridge who rejected his offer of love.    


The Intelligent Brain's answer was almost immediately. After Dongfang Ning slowly got to know Wu Yi, she said:    


"There's no need to let him go. Tomorrow, I will make him write a confession letter and tell me how he framed your master that year. How he framed you. Oh right, Mei Er is in Anning Mountain, where are the other servants? "    


"Ah ~ Mistress, you know all about it?"    


"Mn, I understand. Go and handle your matters. How are your brothers back then? Give my regards to them. I will go over to Anning Mountain at night to treat Mei Er's injuries."    


"Great, master, I will go now!" This time Wu Yi ran faster than a wolfdog and disappeared in a flash.    


Thinking about Mei Er, Dongfang Ning directly returned to the City Lord's Mansion. Yan Wuzhan took the two children out to play, while his brothers still sat inside the City Lord's Mansion.    


In a large courtyard in Heaven's End City, a few men were gathered around a meeting.    


"Chief, do you think Dongfang Ning will come? I still don't feel good about capturing her child …"    


"Yeah, we've checked her entire body, we can't find any Intelligent Brain chip at all, the smallest chip we've studied is at least as big as a grain of rice, at the very bottom, it can be seen with the naked eye, she's only a soul that came to this world, we can't find her, so let's go back."    


Although there was water and electricity in the Heaven's End City, it was not something that could be used by "commoners" like them. Those were all things that belonged to the officials, and they wanted to carry the water themselves, or use it to wash clothes and cook from the well … Everything is so hard.    


"If we can go back, do I need to keep giving orders to you? We can't go back, do we?"    


This group of people only found out that Dongfang Ning was the Queen after arriving in this world for more than a year. Their own lives were worse than the commoners', but the people here had no information on this place, and they only found out that they were headed in the wrong direction after searching for another year in Heaven's End City. Dongfang Ning was not in Heaven's End City, and furthermore, her journey here was smooth.    


"It's all her fault for dragging this group of us down. Do you really not believe that she brought Intelligent Brain here to enjoy life? Look, look at her identity. Empress, does the Queen know?"    


The person in the lead was very excited as he let out a series of roars.    


"How do you think the medicine in the hospital will disappear if she doesn't bring a Intelligent Brain? Tell me, tell me! And serum... After she died, some strange things happened again and again. Can't you still explain that the Intelligent Brain was still with her? "    


"But we know Dongfang Ning's capabilities. Can we snatch what she doesn't want?"    


"Then we'll share the river and mountain with her. Haven't you had enough?"    


"Chief, so that's what you mean. We can live the life of nobility as well."    


The few of them became more interested. This world did not have that many worries. The air was good, and people were simple … It would have been even better if they had the money, but unfortunately these men only knew how to do research and assassinate, and nothing else. Not starving to death was already considered a miracle.    


"We'll talk about it when she comes. We have no ill intentions, so she definitely won't act against us …"    


"Come on, you caught her child and said you didn't have any malicious intentions, but I think you got hooked on someone who looks like Dongfang Ning. Don't tell me you were secretly with her …" So what is it? "    


When Xiang Yinrong was mentioned, that "head" became even angrier. At that time, he thought that Xiang Yinrong was Dongfang Ning, making them prepare in secret for a long time before they finally dared to capture her.    


"How can you all think like this about your heads? We are the people's umbrella!"    


"But in the past two days, I've discovered something. The defenses of our Heaven's End City have suddenly increased, could it be that she has already failed and Dongfang Ning is going to make a move against us?"    


"That's right, let's hide first. Heaven's End City strengthen our defenses all of a sudden, if we don't increase it sooner, we won't increase it later. Only after her children go missing will we strengthen our defenses …" "With the sense of smell of the people in our line of work, it's impossible that we wouldn't be able to sense something like that."    


"What are you guys talking about?"    


The "head" stood up. "We haven't sent out the threat letter yet. Could it be that she has given birth to the Sky Eye and knows that we have captured her child? What does Heaven's End City strengthening and defense have to do with us? "    


"Do you really have some imagination? Do you really think that she is like what the people say, a deity?"    


"What's more, it would take at least ten days to reach the Heaven's End City from the capital. This is ancient, ancient era!"    


They were all orphans. Since they were young, they had been raised to be the guardians of the country with all sorts of abilities. They had integrity and a resolute soul in their bones, so even though they had the ability to be kings in this era, no one dared to go against the law.    


"That's not necessarily true. In the modern era, she already had a super power and could retrieve things through the air. Everyone in our group knows about this, so tell me …"    


"Let's just write her a letter and tell her that we need her help. We don't have any malicious intentions."    


I'm worried about the people up there not letting us go. Have you guys counted, Dongfang Ning went missing for seven months, but according to what the people here said, she has been here for nine years, which means that the month in the modern era is one year here. We've been here for more than a year, and it's only for more than a month.    


"We'll talk about it when the time comes. There are only four of us left in this group, and five of her.    


"I'm going to sleep. She reconnected my legs, so she definitely won't kill me!"    


"It's all your fault, why are you capturing children!" Another left.    


"Ai ~ I'm going to bed too!"    






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