Domineering Female State Advisor



3Dongfang Ning thought, if the person who caused Qing Xian's death wasn't Imperial Consort Cen, then who else could it be? There must be a problem.    


"Nothing happened... "It is Royal Father who has a new concubine. Royal Father has been staying with that woman all day and has also ordered for no one to get close to the Purple Mist Palace. Not even my mother!"    


"It's alright, you can go now!"    


So it was like that. This Zi Fei must have been set up by the fourth prince … Yan Wuhui really hid his strength well. If she didn't set the cloth shop on fire today, how would she have discovered the secret?    


"The next step is, what does he want to do? He wouldn't capture 10,000 people to claim credit for his actions, right? Logically speaking, as long as these 10,000 people haven't been exposed, he should be reluctant to sell them out, then who would he take for credit. Without great credit, it would be very difficult for him to show his face in front of the emperor and make the emperor think highly of him …"    


Today, Dongfang Ning and that West Ridge Nation man had a secret conversation inside the palanquin. Not only did they know who their leader was, the two of them had even made a plan. He hoped that he and his ten thousand people would survive until then.    


She was well aware that her own Old Prince and Yan Wuzhan were both not in a good position to personally take action. They could only observe silently, Yan Wuzhan cared a lot about her … … She knew that, but he was also a very rational person, so he shouldn't rush over to save her.    


If Old Prince came to plead for leniency, then he would be tricked by someone else. That old fox wouldn't be easily controlled by others. Although he had committed a huge offense, the emperor wouldn't dare to kill her.    


His family must be worried to death. Madam Wang didn't know how long she would cry for … Her mind was in a mess, and she couldn't calm down at all.    


It was all because of her inability to enter a meditative state. If she were to be disturbed while cultivating in the Heavenly Prison, her cultivation would go berserk and she would be done for.    


Liu Family    


Her daughter had grown up, so it wasn't that she couldn't stop her from doing whatever she wanted to do. The only reason she had such a day like today was because of Princess Anning. Now that the princess was in trouble, what reason did she have to make her daughter ignore her?    


This was a quiet room of the Liu Family. It was a memorial service for her father and ancestors. There was incense burning on the incense burner, and then she was burned and replaced with another. She knelt there quietly.    


Six hours later, she opened her mouth and said to the tablet:    


"Dad, do you know Princess Anning? If it wasn't for her help, my mom and I would have been sleeping on the streets a long time ago …"    


Father, nothing must happen to Princess Anning. Your daughter has already found out that you suffered greatly in prison all those years ago, and now that Princess Anning has also entered the prison, I will use my own way to find an explanation for her. Father, your spirit in heaven will bless your daughter's smooth journey!    


After saying this, she respectfully kowtowed three times before leaving, returning to her own room. After changing into a first-class green robe of high quality material for a year, this was a set of men's clothes. It actually fit well on her body, and her hair had been combed into a man's hairstyle.    


It was the clothes of the person closest to her. He had worn it a few years ago, but now he didn't know where he was.    


Outside Madame Bai's door, she knelt and spoke to the door. "Mother, your daughter is unfilial. If she doesn't come back after this time, you must take good care of yourself …"    


"Daughter, be bold and do it. Mother will cook porridge for you when you return!"    


She was afraid that her daughter would worry about her after being distracted. Her daughter had the determination, so she was comparable to the heroes on the battlefield.    


Recently, Princess Anning's name was too big. She knew that this wasn't a good thing, but she didn't know that disaster would befall so soon. She hoped that she would be safe and sound.    


Liu Sisi got up and walked to the most bustling street. Everyone had just eaten dinner and was going out for a walk. Especially on a summer day like this, the street was filled with people.    


Let Princess Anning go, let Imperial Advisor go! Princess Anningzuo and Imperial Advisor are innocent! "    


Along the way, Liu Sisi kept shouting like this. She wanted to stir up the citizens to reason for Dongfang Ning. Perhaps she might be captured by the government and become like her father, but she did not regret it at all.    


Her small body was dressed in men's clothes, and she was shouting that the heavens were unfair, her soft voice recounting Dongfang Ning's deeds. Very quickly, her actions roused everyone's conscience, and after hearing her call, they all started discussing Dongfang Ning's deeds, and the matter of her being imprisoned for no reason.    


"Fellow villagers, there's no need to mention how many people Princess Anning has saved. Everyone knows that she has resolved the crisis, retired from the ranks of the strong, and that the Emperor did not reward her with gratitude. It's fine if the Imperial Advisor has not been bestowed with a reward, but now, she has been imprisoned for a matter that I don't know if it's true or not.    


"What did she do wrong? Did she set fire to the cloth village? Did anyone see her set the fire …"    


"That's right, I saw such a big fire today. I also ran over there. Usually, there's no one on that street. The princess is so kind-hearted, so why would she set the cloth shop on fire? I don't think she would even dare to kill a chicken, not to mention she's so small …"    


"It must be those princes and descendants who planned to frame her!"    


"Mm, it must be so …"    


"The Peace Imperial Advisor has no one to rely on in the capital. Old Prince is old again, no one would stand up for him even if he was bullied?"    


"What that little brother said is right, we'll go to the Emperor to beg for help!"    


"Yes!" Asking the Emperor for a person! "    


"Princess Anning is ours, and she's also a commoner. We have to stand up for her!"    


"She must have done a great job. Even if she did something wrong, she shouldn't be locked in the Sky Prison!"    




More and more people were discussing this matter. The teahouse and the tavern were discussing this matter everywhere. Many young people joined Liu Sisi's procession and followed her into the streets as they shouted, "Let Princess Anning go!"    


This team was like a snowball as the number of people increased …    


It was already late in the night and the imperial palace had fallen into darkness. Early in the morning, the day was bright and bright. The palace gates were already filled with civilians, all of them shouting loudly, "Let Princess Anning go, let Imperial Advisor go! Princess Anningzuo and Imperial Advisor are innocent! " Such a slogan.    


This brought about an unprecedented panic to the soldiers guarding the gates. With so many people, there should at least be tens of thousands of people, could there be people with West Ridge Nation inside?    


Last night, only Faang Tianzheng and his brother were wandering around outside the palace gates. After a while, they came again, and later, there were even some commoners who followed them outside the gates, calling for Princess Anning to be released.    


At first, there weren't many people around, but the guards acted as if it was nothing and ignored them. Who knew that this morning, not even an hour had passed before the citizens from all directions arrived and increased in numbers?    


However, there were no officials to care about these civilians. Their superiors all told them not to care about these civilians. They just had to guard their own doors and let the commoners cause trouble …    


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