Domineering Female State Advisor



0After she finished speaking, she turned to return to her room. Unexpectedly, she heard a voice say, "If you don't cooperate with me, then I'll tell the emperor about you poisoning Imperial Advisor!"    


"Both of you, go get me some water, I want to take a bath!"    


After separating from the servants, she looked back at the sea view. "What exactly do you want?"    


"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions!"    


I won't help you harm Imperial Advisor any longer. Now that you've given up on me, the Imperial Advisor and the Emperor definitely won't blame me. My father is the Grand Marshal, if you use this matter to threaten me, I'll tell the Emperor and let Big Brother Zhan punish you!    


"Miss Huangfu, please don't get too excited. I won't let you poison anyone. The people who asked you to poison them aren't my people either, do you understand?"    


Hai Jing stood up. His elegant posture puzzled Huangfu Yunrou for a moment. What was he going to do with his handsome life? Since the people Cen Shuang’er gave him had nothing to do with him, how did he know?    


"What are you trying to do?"    


"As long as you cooperate with me, I'll help you sit in the position of Empress. If you find the Imperial Advisor unpleasant, this prince can help you get rid of her. How about this condition?"    


"Why do you say that? What ability do you have to help me? Leave quickly, I don't want to talk to you!"    


Huangfu Yunrou did not believe that someone would help her for no reason at all. Even though she was moved, she was still afraid of Dongfang Ning.    


"Yan Qimeng will marry me then. This is my goal, as long as you help me marry Qi Meng, I will help you do these things. I am a prince of a country, it is easy to get rid of a Imperial Advisor.    


I know you are still suspecting whether I have the ability to do so. It's alright, I'm willing to wait. Don't tell anyone about what happened today.    


Looking at his retreating back, Huangfu Yunrou heaved a sigh of relief. She didn't dare to touch the Imperial Advisor anymore, as they had become enemies even now, for the sake of a Imperial Advisor …    


"Little sister, the day after tomorrow at night, I want to enter the palace as well."    


"What are you doing?"    


Dongfang Ning put down the booklet in her hand and looked curiously at Feng Liuyun, who had an unhappy expression. What's wrong with him now?    


"I don't care, I just want to go!" Feng Liuyun was even more unhappy as he glanced at Qi Ling’er, who stood at the side silently.    


"The day after tomorrow will be the emperor's banquet for the master of Xiang Cheng. If you want to go, then go. There's no need to tell me about this."    


"Little sister, you have to go too. You have to dress up beautifully!"    




"Even if the Imperial Advisor doesn't dress up, he's still an immortal." This man was really childish, he was far inferior to his master.    


"I'm not talking to you, you're talking to me! What are you doing here? Hurry up and pour me a cup of tea!"    


Feng Liuyun suddenly became angry and roared at Qi Ling’er … He didn't know why.    


"Big brother, if you want to drink tea, pour it yourself. If you have nothing to do, don't disturb me. I'm going to hurry up and finish making the things on my hands before going to the Heaven's End City. Busy!"    


"Little sister, you're still so young. Put down these things and we'll go out for a bit before coming back …"    




Dongfang Ning was speechless. How could such an elegant and refined young master turn out to be an unreasonable person?    


"Let's go. We'll be back soon ~"    


Feng Liuyun grabbed the booklet in her hand and was about to throw it on the table to pull her over, but Qi Ling’er, who was beside him, caught the latter part of the booklet and threw it outside.    


"You wicked woman! How dare you interfere when I'm talking to my sister! "    


"Imperial Advisor is in the office. Don't make any noise, if you make any more, I'll throw you out of the mansion."    




Feng Liuyun wanted to cry. After this Qi Ling’er came, basically no one could stay by Ning'er's side for an incense stick of time. As long as Ning'er showed even the slightest bit of impatience, she would throw them away …    


This rude woman!    


"You think I can't beat you?"    


Qi Ling’er crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows at him, implying: Come!    


She really did look down on Young Master Feng Family. Although a refined appearance meant that he was handsome and unparalleled in the world, so what?    


There was only one outcome for anyone who dared to approach their master: throw them as far away as possible!    


"Alright, come out and come to my courtyard. I'm afraid it'll disturb Ning'er …"    


That damnable woman. If he didn't teach her a lesson, she would never see him. Feng Liuyun didn't understand why he insisted on having him in other people's eyes. In short, what he hated the most was Qi Ling’er ignoring him.    


"Just go!"    


Qi Ling’er glanced at him scornfully again. Tall, her face was the same as master's, it would make people lose their minds if they looked too much … Without thinking anymore, she leaped and flew to Feng Liuyun's courtyard. She wanted to see if Feng Family Lord had the ability to challenge her.    


Feng Liuyun was the opposite of her. He seriously dusted off the non-existent dust on his body and then slowly walked back. Did this woman just want to fight all day? She was obviously weak and delicate, but she only liked to fight and kill.    


Half an incense stick of time later, the two of them were in the middle of the courtyard, separated by a small lotus pond.    


"I ask you again, why is it that you never give me any face?"    


"We can't fight, if we don't fight, then I'm going back!"    


This damned woman!    


"Come here!"    


"Come here!"    


"Squeak squeak squeak ~ Are you two going to fight or not? I'm waiting to report to my master."    


"Xiao Hong, stop arguing! Zhizhi, what are you doing? You're annoying me to death! Qi Ling’er, this young master will go right now, don't run! "    


Young Master Feng was furious. He took out his fan and opened it, then ran towards the pond while fanning his face.    


"You're just like a scholar. You don't have the strength to tie a chicken up and want to fight with me. On account of you being the master's brother, I'm not playing with you anymore!"    


When Qi Ling’er saw him like this, she flew back to the main courtyard. What's the use of men being good-looking? She didn't want to get entangled with people like him.    


"At least you ran fast!" Feng Liuyun smiled. This girl was really cute!    


No, cute?    


She clearly hated him!    


Today was a new round of argument in the imperial court. Yan Wuzhan had returned two days after his disappearance and called for an assembly. He didn't say anything but still said, "The new emperor is going to be reinstated."    


"Since ancient times, I've never seen a king thinking about setting up a new emperor …"    


Could it be that after so many years, the Emperor has never gotten close to a woman, and now …?    


"Your majesty, why don't we first choose a few hundred concubines to enter the palace, then discuss the matters behind it?"    


"We don't want anyone other than the Imperial Advisor! Whoever dares to say half a word of disapproval, don't blame us for being ruthless! "    


Their faces darkened, and the officials remained silent, not daring to make a single sound.    


"Your Majesty, it's not that we don't agree to set up the Imperial Advisor, it's just that …"    


"Is it so? "Wei Zheng, tell me."    


Yan Wuzhan interrupted the old man who fainted on the spot the day before yesterday, and directly asked about the emperor's insides. Yan Wuzhan interrupted the old man who fainted the day before yesterday, and directly asked the emperor's insides.    


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